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Mai-Thy Nguyen th Stephens 8

Chemistry Chapter 8 Section Review Section 8.1 1. Describe the differences between word equations, formula equations and chemical eq uations. Chemical equation is a balanced formula equation. 2. Write the word and formula equation for the reaction in which aqueous solutions of s ulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide react to form aqueous sodium sulfate and water. Sulfuric Acid+Sodium Hydroxide->Sodium Sulfate+Water H2SO +NAOH->NA4SO +H2O 3. Translate the following chemical equations into sentences: a) 2K(s)+2H2O(l)->2KOH(aq)+H2(g) Solid Potassium and Water yields Aquaeous Potassium Hydroxide and Hydrogen b) 2Fe(s)+3Cl (g)->2FeCl3(s) Solid Iron and chlorine gas yields solid iron(iii).chloride 4. Write the word, formula and equation for the reaction between hydrogen sulfide gas a nd oxygen gas that produces sulfur dioxide gas and water vapor: Hydrogen sulfide gas and oxygen yields sulfur dioxide gas and water vaper 2H2S(g)+3O ->2SO2(g)+2H2O(g) 5. Write the chemical equation for each of the following reaction: a) ammonium chloride + calcium hydroxide->calcium chloride+ammonia+water 2NH4Cl+Ca(OH) ->CaCl2+2NH +2H2O b) hexane+oxygen->carbon dioxide+water 2H2S(g)+3O2->2SO2(g)+2H2O(g) Section 8.2 1. List 5 types of chemical reactions. synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement and combustion 2. Classify each of the following reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single replacem ent, double replacement, or combustion: a) N2(g)+3H2(g)->NH3(g):Synthesis b) c) d) e) f) g) 3. For each of the following reactions, identify the missing reactants or products and the n balance the resulting equation. Note that each empty slot may require one or more sub stances. a) b)

Mai-Thy Nguyen th Stephens 8

c) d) e) 4. For each of the following reactions, write the missing product and then balance the re sulting equation. Identify each reaction. a) b) c) Section 8.3 1. How is the activity series useful in predicting chemical behavior? If you were to know the activity series then you can somewhat know how it will react in a chemical reaction. 2. Based on the activity series, predict whether each of the following possible reactions l isted will occur. a) b) c) d) e) 3. For each of the reactions in idem 2 that will occur, write the products and balance the equation.

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