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Candy Crazy

by Vanessa Fuentes


Archer Santiago A tough, independent detective.

Walter Roche A devoted and trustworthy policeman, who is Archers childhood friend.

Charlotte Espinoza The beautiful and mysterious ex-girlfriend of Archer. She disappeared a couple of years ago.

Charlie Eager paperboy trying to earn his living on the streets. He is good friends with Archer and sees him as a father figure.



Archer Santiago
Private Investigator

BZZZZZZZ the door bell rings Enter Walter Rocha

Archer: Come in! Walter: Archer, I have something for you, old friend. Archer: Not now, Rocha, its been a long day. I just came back from the case of the missing Torta. Walter: Darn it Archer! This is important, a Piatas been smashed! Archer: Piatas are smashed everyday Walt Walter: This caseis different. This is the third piata in the span of two weeks. Its been the same thing. A new candy shop opens; they have a few days of business; and BAM! The owner is found smashed in half. Archer: First a missing Torta, now thissighs. Im going out.

Enter Charlie, eager paperboy trying to earn his living on the streets. Charlie: Hey Archie! Got a box of lollipops for you! Archer: How does a little kid get a box of lollipops? Lollipops are for big Piatas, not for little ones. Charlie: Everyone wants to trade Archie, a paper for lollipops, lollipop for a buck. How bout it Charlie, four bucks for the lollipops. Archer: tsk! Kids these days aint got no respect. Here kid, dont spend it all on confetti. Gotta go kid. Need to find a missing Torta still. Charlie: Okiedokie Archie, bye bye. A few minutes pass and Charlie hears someone yelling. Piata: aaaaaahhhhhhh!



Charlie gets closer to the noise. He sees a Piata in trouble! Its Don Smasher smashing a new candy storeowner! Charlie: gasp! Don Smasher notices Charlie. Charlie runs but Don Smasher catches him.

Archer gets a call from the hospital. The doctors tell him about Charlie.

Charlie is taped up and resting in bed. Archer: You okay kiddo? Charlie: I...think so. Archer: Do you remember what happened? Charlie: Im....not sure? Archer: How can you not remember? Charlie: Archie please dont scream, my head hurts... I remember... Mr. Jose! He was screaming! Someone was smashing him! Archer: Jose is a new candy store owner right? Charlie: Yeah! By the salon on Cesar Chavez. Archer: Candy stores...smashings...Walter! Charlie: Huh? Archer: Gotta run kid! I will tell you later!

Archer calls Walter to meet up with him. Walter goes to the alley Arher told him to go. When he arrives he sees Archer leaning against a wall.

Walter: You needed me? Archer: Im in. Walter: smirks... So the great Archer has finally decided to work with the police in an investigation? Archer: Are you going to play around or are you going to accept my help? Walter: Lighten up old man. Archer: Why should I when that piata has hurt Charlie! Walter: Charlie is hurt?! Archer: nods... Walter: Lets talk about the smashing somewhere more private.


Walter hands the case file folder to Archer. Archer: ... Only Cesar Chavez? Walter: Yeah. A lot of new candy stores are popping up there. As they pop up the culprit smashes the owners in two. Archer: Thats a shame. Walter: We havent been able to find the perp. Archer: Any leads? Walter: ...No thats all I have.Were guessing that it has something to do with money...the new stores might be hurting the crooks business. chuckles But isnt that always the case. Archer: tsk! Sure is. Well lets start investigating. Archer and Walter leave the office.



Archer and Walter go into the alley.

Archer: This where they smashed Jose? Walter: In two. Archer: Hows the guy doing? Walter: Hes resting in the hospital. Archer: Well somebody didnt do a good job cleaning the place. Theres still some of his candy here. Whats that? Archer picks up a bat. Archer: The perp wasnt good at cleaning up the crime scene either. Walter: Let me see. Piata paper?! Archer: Its orange! Walter: What does that have to do with anything? Archer: I dont like orange... Wallter: glares at Archer Focus Archer. Im going to send this to the lab so they can find out which pinata this paper came from. Ill see you later.



Archer: Come in! Piata comes in. Charlotte: Hello Archie. Archer: gasp Charlotte. What are you doing here? Charlotte: Well thats not the right way to greet an old friendIts been a long time, hasnt it. Archer: You just disappeared. No call, no letter nothing. CharlotteI liked you and you just left. Charlotte: Im sorry about that. Im here now, so lets catch up.



A couple of days have passed. Walter and Archer meet up at Club Calentano. Walter: Hey Archer. Havent seen you in a while. Archer: Sorry Walt. I have been occupied. Walter: Occupied? Archer: chuckles Yeah. Guess what....Charlotte is back. Walter: Charlotte! Your ex-girlfriend...Hows she doing? Archer: She doing well. We started the dating thing again. smiles Walter: So shes the one who has been grabbing all your attention. Huh? Im happy for you, but you need to focus on the investigation. Archer: Sorry about that. Have the result come back? Walter: Yes. Apparently the piata paper belonged to someone named Don Smasher. This is his picture. Have you heard of him? Archer: No, but I might know someone who does. Archer leaves.


Later that day Archer meets up with Walter on a street.

Walter: So why are we here? Archer: The guy told me that his hide out was in one of these warehouses. Walter: Which one? Archer: I dont know, that was all I was able to get out of him...Wait! Someone is coming. Archer and Walter hide behind a bush. Walter: Its Don Smasher and his henchmen! Lets go get them. Archer: Walter dont be dumb. Theres two of us and nine of them. We are out numbered. Walter: Youre right. Lets come back tomorrow and bring some back up. Archer: Why not today? Walter: Because they are not in there anymore. They must of left while we were talking. Archer: Darn it! sigh...Ok Ill see you later Walt. Im going to meet up with Charlotte at my place.




Archer and Charlotte are at Archers apartment. They are reminiscing about their younger days. Archer: chuckles Yeah I remember that. Charlotte: laughs That was so embarrassing. Riiing Riiing the phone rings Charlotte: Arent you going to answer that? Archer: Ill call them back later. Oh! I almost forgot. Remeber the investigation I told you about. The one with the smashing? Charlotte: Umm...yes Archer: Well, we finally found out who is behind all of it. smiles Charlotte: What?! Archer: This dilemma can finally end. chuckles Do you want something to drink? Charlotte: Yeah...sure. nervously laughs Archer goes to the kitchen to get a drink. Charlotte gets a lamp and sneaks up behind him. She lifts up the lamp and...smashes him into two!...Archer faints. 23

Archer wakes up and sees Walter. Archer: ...Where am I? Walter: Hospital. I found you on your kitchen floor; broken in half. Archer: Was it Charlotte? Walter: sighs Yeah. This could have been avoided if you answered the phone. Archer: What does the phone have to do with Charlotte smashing me? Walter: It was me calling you. I found out that Charlotte was working for Don Smasher. He must have found out you were investigating and sent Charlotte to distract you. And to let you know she was gone when I arrived at your apartment. Where? I have no idea, she disappeared. Archer: Im so dumbCome on lets get him. Walter: Archer your hurt. You know that when a piata is smashed he is never the same after being are taped back up. Archer: We need to end this. Lets go.


Archer and Walter arrive at Don Smashers hideout. However, this time they brought backup.

Archer and the police men enter the warehouse and are able to defeat Don Smashers henchmen. They then turn to Don Smasher, but he starts running towards the back alley. Walter: Men you all go follow him in the police cars. Archer and I will try to catch up to him by foot. Archer: Lets go!


Don Smasher was trapped between the police cars and the two Piatas. He was finally caught and was put in the back of a cop car. Archer and Walter walk towards him. Archer: Sorry buddy but you cant run away anymore. Walter: Just tell us why you did it. Smasher: Why would I tell the likes of you. Archer: Well you are going to have to tell the police back at the station anyways. So we thought you could use some practice. Smasher: glares Those new candy stores were ruining my business. Everybody kept buying their new nasty candy. Nobody wanted to buy my candy. Archer: Maybe it was because everytime they go into your store you threaten them into buying more. Smasher: Well of course, old style candy is delicious. They should want more! That new candy is ruining the traditional candy making ways. Walter: sighs Take him away boys. Cop car drives away. 30

Walter: Thanks Archer. We wouldnt have been able to catch him without you. Archer: No problem Walt. Walter: Lets go to Club Calentano and get some sodas. Drinks are on me. Archer: chuckles Sorry Walt but Im going to decline your kind offer. Walter: Alright Arch. Well do this another day then. Archer: Ill see you later. Walter: Goodnight. Archer watches Walter turn the corner and starts walking the opposite direction.


Archer stops by a street lamp Archer: sighs I should be happy that we caught Don Smasher...But why did she have to go? Archers looks off into the distance with a broken heart.


The End

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