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Student Plans 2nd Hour- AP As you can see, Im not here today!

Before the end of todays class period you need to do: o Finish The Crucible Anticipation Guide. Fill it out and email it to me as an attachment or a GoogleDoc. o Get into your assigned groups below and complete the assignment that follows. You will present these at the beginning of next class period. If a group member is not here you are still responsible for the presentation- you will receive extra credit. o Make sure that you have a new AP SSR book. I will check next class period to make sure! o You also have a vocab quiz next class period.

Group Assignments Group 1: The Puritans Braxton, Nick P, For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 1. Define Puritans/Puritanism 2. What were some of the basic puritan beliefs? 3. What is predestination? 4. How would Puritans view those of other faiths/religions? 5. Where did Puritans come from and why did they come to the New World? Group 2: Daily Life in SalemTyler B, Bailey, Tristen For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 6. Describe the Puritan society, clothing, family life, religious beliefs, jobs, etc. 7. How did their clothing support their religious views? 8. Describe the types of homes that probably existed in Salem. Explain what a palisade is and why it was necessary. 9. Describe the family life of Puritans. 10. What was the hierarchy of the Salem family and town? Group 3: Witch Trials of 1692 in Salem Autumn, Justice, Mallory, Aubrey

For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 1. What/When were the Salem Witch trials? 2. Explain how the Puritans thought of witches. 3. Which type of person was most likely to be considered a witch? 4. Who were these people and what happened to them in 1692? Giles Corey Martha Corey John Proctor Sarah Osbourne 5. Who were Betty Parris, Abigail Williams, and Tituba? 6. Who was the first person officially executed? How did her station in society (tavern owner) influence her fate? 7. Describe some of the tests for a witch.

Group 4: McCarthy/The Cold War Dallas, Chase, Brena For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 1. What was the cold war? 2. Describe life in the US at the time and the views of Russia. 3. What is communism? 4. Why was the US afraid of Communism? 5. Who was Joseph McCarthy and what did he investigate? Why were Americans concerned about Communism during the 1950s? Group 5: The Cold War and McCarthy RiAnne, Tyler M, Liam For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 6. What was the HUAC? What happened to people brought before the HUAC? 7. What happened when the McCarthy hearings were televised and he began to accuse Army officers of being Communists? 8. How was McCarthyism a witch-hunt? How might the events in the 1692 witch-hunts be compared to those of the McCarthy era in the 1950s?

9. How did the issues with communism change the entertainment industry? 10. What was blacklisting and who was affected by the entertainment industry blacklists? 11. What were the consequences surrounding this/these events?

Group 6: Biography of Arthur Miller Christian, Breanna P, Kanon For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 1. Who is he? 2. Where did he grow up? 3. What was his education like? 4. Family life? Kids? Wives? 5. What is he famous for writing? Group 7: Arthur Miller Contd Demie, Thomas For this project you and your group are to create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. that addresses the questions below. You must also include visual aids (pictures) in order to help your classmates better understand the topic you have been assigned. You will be tested over ALL the information soon, so you need to make sure tat your group is doing a thorough job. You will present these to your classmates. You need to become the expert. Make it interesting and relevant. 6. What were his major achievements and awards? 7. Describe Miller's appearance before the House Un-American Activities Committee. 8. Describe the effects of the investigation on Miller's writing of The Crucible. 9. How did Miller's social conscience affect his work? 10. What common theme or themes appear in his works?

Have a great day!!!

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