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Penny’s letter written to Desmond placed in the book to be read when he believes his life
would end
2. Danielle Rousseau’s season 5 flashback music box
3. Virgin Mary statues from Yemi’s airplane smuggling heroin from Africa
4. Juliet’s Dharma rum bottle she drinks on the beach after watching the freighter blow up in
the ocean
5. Charlie’s “DS” Drive Shaft silver ring
6. Locke’s hero hunting knife & scabbard
7. Dharma Initiative food & beverages
8. Sawyer’s copy of Watership Down
9. Wine bottle with survivors’ messages taken aboard the raft
10. Benjamin Linus’ “Dean Moriarty” passports
11. Kate’s prized toy model airplane
12. Walt’s Spanish “Flash” comic book
13. Naomi Dorrit’s satellite phone used to communicate with the freighter team
14. Sayid’s photo of Nadia, his long-lost love
15. Desmond’s photograph of Penny and himself first seen in the hatch
16. Computer printout with Swan station “System Failure” from date of Oceanic crash
17. Sawyer’s reading glasses
18. Hurley’s winning lottery ticket with “The Numbers”
19. Sun’s “Paik” business card
20. Daniel Faraday’s Journal with Inscription from his Mother
21. Locke’s suicide note to Jack
22. “Apollo” candy bar
23. Sawyer’s letter of vengeance to the man who was responsible for his parents’ deaths
24. Hugo Reyes’s “Ajira Airways” Flight 316 ticket used to get back to the island
25. Roxana Castillo’s “Ajira Airways” Flight 316 ticket used to get back to the island
26. John Locke’s Oceanic Flight 815 Boarding Pass
27. Dharma Initiative 1977 new recruits group photograph

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