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Derive the expression for the Beer lamberts law and explain in detail 2.

Explain the working of IR spectroscopy with its application 3. Explain the 'working of UV spectroscopy with its application 4. Explain radiative and non-radiative pathways for electronic transition using Jablonski diagram 5. Explain the phase diagram of water system with neat sketch . 6. Explain about various heat treatment processes 7. Explain Lead- Silver ad Zn-M alloy system 8. Explain in detail in phase rule system 9. Write about nano particles. Discuss various methods of preparation of nanoparticles. 10. Discuss the hydrothermal and electro deposition techniques for synthesis of nanoparticles 11. What are the carbon Nanotubes and how carbon mono tubes synthesised? Explain their types, What are nano materials? Discuss the types of carbon nano tubes and applications 12. Discuss CVD and laser ablation techniques for the synthesis of randparticles 13. Explain the various Classification of the polymers with examples 14. Differentiate between thermosets and thermoplastics with suitable example 15. Explain condensation, addition polymerization with suitable example . 16. Explain the free radical mechanism, ionic mechanism (or) Cationic and Anionic of detail 17. Explain the bulk, emulsion and suspension polymerization in detail 18. Derive Gibb's Heimol equation and dIscussits applications. 19. Derive the Clausius - Clapeyron equation and discuss its applications 20. Derive Maxwell relations with necessary equations 21. Derive the clauslus-clapervron equation and discuss its application. 22. What is meant by Van't Hoff isotherm? Derive expression 23. Problems (1) Calculate & enthalpy, entrophy calculate the equilibrium constant r

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