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Administrative Designee

Region 10 Projects Training for districts on responsibilities of the Administrative Designee August 2013

Representative of the Public Agency

This person must be:
Qualified Knowledgeable about the curriculum Knowledgeable about the resources

Qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of , specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities;

Principal Assistant Principal Special Education Coordinator/Supervisor Director of Special Education

knowledgeable about general education curriculum; and

Principal Assistant Principal Special Education Coordinator/Supervisor Director of Special Education

knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the public agency.

Principal Assistant Principal Special Education Coordinator/Supervisor Director of Special Education

Other staff serving in the Administrative Designee role

Social Worker School Psychologist Counselor

Factors to consider when choosing a designee

Serving as an administrative designee must be based on mutual agreement no involuntary assignments The administrative designee should only chair routine IEPs no high profile cases The administrative designee would not be held responsible if problems arise during IEP meetings;

Factors to consider when choosing a designee

Some resources committed at the IEP meeting chaired by an administrative designee may be charged to the school site if district procedures are not followed (e.g., additional aide support, etc.); The administrative designee must have knowledge about the general curriculum; and, The administrative designee must be trained by the Special Education or Student Services Department. When a regional provider intends to offer additional services, the district of residence administrator or designee shall be contacted in advance of the IEP meeting.

The IEP Process

The Team Determines

Accomplishments Educational goals Supports needed for learning Plans for the future Related service needs
Austin Public Schools

Conducting and Efficient IEP Team Meeting IEP Administrator/Administrative Designee

Before the IEP Team Meeting

Know the history and current situation of the student for whom the meeting is being held. Have researched the options available for the student, if it seems like the IEP Team may recommend additional staff, other placements and/or other service options. Come prepared to share information about each of the options.

Conducting and Efficient IEP Team Meeting IEP Administrator/Administrative Designee

At the IEP Team Meeting

Attend the IEP Team meeting. Announce to the IEP Team that you will serve as the District Representative. As the IEP Team reviews the document, make sure that all areas of the IEP have been adequately addressed. Alert the IEP Service Coordinator/Case Manager if there are areas of the IEP that are blank or that need to be addressed.

Conducting and Efficient IEP Team Meeting IEP Administrator/Administrative Designee

After the IEP Team Meeting

Give feedback to IEP Team Members, if necessary. Obtain copies of the IEP and the IEP Team meeting notes so that you will have them available for your reference should the parent call you with questions.

Financial Considerations
Budgetary Implications for IEP Team Decisions
One to One Paraprofessional
~$17,000 annually for salary and benefits ~$4250 (25% of salary + benefits) for recruitment (covers costs associated with advertising, interviewing time, training, etc)

Transportation Extended School Year (not summer school) Assistive Technology Specialized Curriculum Other

Homebound Instruction
Team must determine it is necessaryprefer a doctors note. Arent dropped from attendance. IEP needs to reflect the change in service. To deliver special education services, staff must be appropriately licensed. If student is in school for part of the school day, it is a shortened school day and student would not receive homebound services.

Home Schooling
Special education services are typically delivered at the school where the student would be attending were they not being home schooled.

Transportation is a related service and must be documented in the adaptation section of the IEP. Special transportation needs to be arranged with the Special Services Office. 3 school days are needed to arrange transportation for students.

Important to update as special education funding is derived from this.

Additional Training
Review the Region 10 Training Information at:
Assistive Technology and PLAAFP Statements ESY and Progress Monitoring Goals and Objectives Least Restrictive Environment Required Team Members Transition, Transfers and modification of Assessment

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