School Lunches

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SCHOOL LUNCHES-ASSIGNMENT Date Given: 13/2/2013 24/2/2013 Date Due:

Task: Design a leaflet/flyer to promote healthy lunches at school and make it look as interesting and colorful as possible !ou can either "ord process it or do it by hand Requirements: #hoose your partner to "ork "ith Gather your data: #onduct surveys/ research through the internet/ intervie" the chefs $nclude dra"ings/ real photos/ images from the net %enu suggestion for school lunch $nfo about &amie 'liver and his campaign for healthier school lunches ()plain "hy school lunches need to be healthy* include vie"s from other teachers+ students+ and admin $nclude some basic facts about the healthiest foods+ the least healthiest foods and ho" healthy foods help the body ,ecord the entire process on a separate document -ho" you got your info/ challenges /reflection/learning.s / 0ubmit

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