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Transnational migration- Dinah Hannaford 1. Definitions a.

Globalization- rapid and intensified circulation of capital, commodities, bodies, symbols, and images b. Transnationalism- the human experience that follows of globalization c. Transnational migration- process of building social relations through national boundries 2. Assimilation vs. Transnationalism a. Assimilation- Integration into one society after immigration b. Transnationalism- maintaining involvement in ones home country and the country one migrates to 3. Transnational Villagers a. Those who live in a transnational place are inherently transnational regardless of whether they leave their area or not. b. Non-migrants depend on the interaction between their area and another 4. Is it really new? a. Nah, but its at a different scale now b. Also travel and stuff, like technology or whatever helps internet cheap long distance calling comms air travel aifodafi 5. But why??? 6. Globalization of Production a. Producing goods overseas b. Sometimes bad, maquinadoras c. Changes in labor, allowing for more transnationalism

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