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Charles Ernest Owen Carter The astronomy of the Moon need not delay us long. We are all familiar with its appearance. We are told that flights to the Moon may soon be possible and gifted authors have already described what such experiences would be like and what would probably be found on the Moon. But with a good pair of binoculars one can get a good notion of the lunar landscape, and I believe that with a big telescope even an object of the size of an average suburban villa would be plainly visible. The mythology of the Moon: well, there is naturally any amount of this and those who wish to pursue this path cannot do better than read H. S. Bellamy's books, some of which are in the library. You can then form your own opinions as to the theory he expounds, that there have been two previous terrestrial satellites which broke up under gravitational stress and caused the floods and other calamities of which accounts survive in so many countries. These accounts are indeed often strikingly alike, and, according to Bellamy, are true to what would have happened if a satellite had disintegrated and showered down upon the earth in molten fragments. In the Arcane Tradition of the Chaldeans, our spiritual ancestors, we are told that "the One spake, and immediately the Three came forth: and these three are the Logoi which are the primary expression of Deity. There is a close analogy here with our three Quadruplicities, which show the principles of movement, station and oscillation, or the positive, the negative and the plusminus principle that links these two. Of these the three first Signs are the primary zodiacal representatives: AriesSun, the positive, Taurus-Moon the negative, and Gemini-Mercury the link of intercommunication without which the other two would stand apart in eternal separation.

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