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3907 Southern Grove, San Antonio, TX, 78222, Phone: 210-394-4821, Email: Am er!



Objective To a%&uire a %hallen'in' (o)ition *ith o((ortunitie) +or a,van%ement$ Experience 10-2011- Pre)ent
.PT /a oratorie) San Antonio, TX Quality Control Associate Scientist/ Quality Assurance Reviewer Set u( an, %on,u%t %hemi%al e0(eriment), te)t), an, anal1)e)$ 2on,u%t routine an, non-routine anal1)e) o+ ra* material) an, )ta ilit1 )am(le)$ 3onitor te)tin' (ro%e,ure) to en)ure that all te)t) are (er+orme, a%%or,in' to e)ta li)he, item )(e%i+i%ation), )tan,ar, te)t metho,), or (roto%ol)$ 4nter(ret te)t re)ult), %om(are them to e)ta li)he, )(e%i+i%ation) an, %ontrol limit), an, ma5e re%ommen,ation) on a((ro(riatene)) o+ ,ata +or relea)e$ 6-2011- 9-2011 Food Server 2ommuni%ate) e++e%tivel1$ 3aintain +ull 5no*le,'e o+ all +oo, an, evera'e o++erin') an, )(e%ial)$ Pre(are an, ,eliver 'ue)t:) +oo, an, evera'e or,er en)urin' &ualit1 an, a%%ura%1$ Atten, to 'ue)t) ,urin' their entire ,inin' e0(erien%e$ 9-2009- 10-2011 ;arlan,ale 4S. San Antonio, TX 7im8) 9e)taurant San Antonio, TX

Substitute Teacher/ A.V.I.D. Tutor Provi,e (rivate in)tru%tion to in,ivi,ual or )mall 'rou() o+ )tu,ent) to im(rove a%a,emi% (er+orman%e$ Tea%h )tu,ent) )tu,1 )5ill), note-ta5in' )5ill) an, te)t-ta5in' )trate'ie)$ Provi,e +ee, a%5 to )tu,ent) u)in' (o)itive rein+or%ement te%hni&ue) to en%oura'e, motivate, an, uil, %on+i,en%e in )tu,ent)$ 9evie* %la)) material *ith )tu,ent) 1 ,i)%u))in' te0t, *or5in' )olution) to (ro lem), or revie*in' *or5)heet) or other a))i'nment)$ 8-2009- 6-2010 Tutor Tea%h )tu,ent) )tu,1 )5ill), note-ta5in' )5ill), an, te)t-ta5in' )trate'ie)$ A))e)) )tu,ent8) (ro're)) throu'hout tutorin' )e))ion)$ 2olla orate *ith )tu,ent), (arent), tea%her), )%hool a,mini)trator), or %oun)elor) to ,etermine )tu,ent nee,), ,evelo( tutorin' (lan), or a))e)) )tu,ent (ro're))$ 3aintain re%or,) o+ )tu,ent): a))e))ment re)ult), (ro're)), +ee, a%5, or )%hool (er+orman%e, en)urin' %on+i,entialit1 o+ all re%or,)$ <ne on <ne /earnin' San Antonio, TX

3907 Southern Grove, San Antonio, TX, 78222, Phone: 210-394-4821, Email: Am er!Gutierre"32#att$net


<r'ani"e tutorin' environment to (romote (ro,u%tivit1 an, learnin'$

Education 2006-2009
BS in Biolo y 3inor in 2hemi)tr1

=a1lor >niver)it1

?a%o, TX

2on%entration in Pre-3e, 2004-2006 Palo Alto 2olle'e A))o%iate) in =iolo'1 San Antonio, TX

References 9e+eren%e) are availa le on re&ue)t$

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