Established Learning Theories Nicolette

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ICT integration project (planning) Point 6: A statement indicating how your project is underpinned by established learning theory eg:

multiple intelligences, social constructivism and cognitive theory) Our project underpins many learning theories; one in particular would be Gardeners Multiple Intelligences. All four lessons include aspects for different learning capabilities; they cater for diversity and allow for higher order thinking. The areas that can be seen from the multiple intelligences are: Kinaesthetic Interpersonal Special awareness Linguistic Naturalist

Social constructivism is heavily used within the first lesson, students are collaborating together when using the Spider Scribe website. The teacher has no say in what they are doing, it is a completely open ended task and students have taken full responsibility for what they are learning. Blooms taxonomy is used throughout the lessons with regards to the questioning we have posed within the lessons. The range of questions we ask throughout the lesson (shown in the Forward Planning Document) are structured to follow his higher order thinking theory as shown below.

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