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This article explains about the wrongful termination of employees by the higher hierarchy. In this article, writer explained this issue with the help of three cases. All these case explain the impact of wrongful termination of employees by the employer. In the first case, women who got terminated from job The Companys higher authority called her and told her that either she has to resign from the job or they will terminate her. She got puzzled with that and chooses to resign from the job. One day she meets with the lawyer and told the entire story. The lawyer told her that no one can terminate her from the job according to the employees laws. She regretted on her decision of resign. In the second scenario, another person got wrongful terminated from the job in same style. He was the head of department and was wrongful terminated. Writer explains another scenario in which employees got terminated after one year. He got excellent grade in the evaluation by the HR department. It was the third case of article In all the case mention in the articles explain the effect of wrongful termination of employees. According to the writer, this gives job insecurity to those employees who are still working in the job. Government has made rules and regulation about the rights of employees but they are not strongly implemented. The Government should take some step in order to prevent these wrongful terminations of employees.

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