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Environment Management

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What is ISO? Why it is needed? Environment Quality Management: ISO 14000 EMS Certification Objectives of ISO Benefits of ISO ISO certification process Environmental Policy


International Organization for Standardization: world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. Founded in Geneva (Switzerland) in 1947 ISO - non-governmental organization

ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries

ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environment) refers to a families of standards. They are "generic management system standards i.e. same standard can be applied to all organizations irrespective of product, size, service or sector. ISO 9000 is concerned with implementing a quality management system ISO 14000 is concerned with environmental management system

ISO 14000



The ISO 14000 environmental management standards exist to help organizations: Minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities, and to Achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance

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ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management. The very first two standards are: ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14004:2004 ISO 14004:2004 provides guidelines on elements of EMS and its implementation, and discusses principal issues involved. ISO 14001:2004 specifies requirements for an EMS as per the guidelines.

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The other standards and guidelines in the family address specific environmental aspects, including: Labeling(14022/23), Performance evaluation(14031/32), Life cycle analysis (14050), Communication and auditing(14010). ISO 14001: 2004 is implemented by some 2 Lac organizations in 155 countries.

Objectives of ISO 14001


Internal Objective: To provide assurance to management Assurance to employees



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External Objective: To provide assurance on environmental issues to external stakeholders To comply with environmental regulations To support the organization's claims and communication



Benefits Of ISO 14001



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Continuity of operation Clear objectives & targets Clear job procedures, responsibility & accountability Increased communication Ability to attract & maintain good quality work force Improves community goodwill & increases customer base

Steps for ISO certification:

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There are 2 phases in the process of ISO certification: creating an EMS & getting registered. Creating an EMS: Establish a project committee which will be responsible for learning ISO 14000 & managing creation of EMS Project committee prepares a brief for top mgmt to which top mgmt commits describing ISO 14000, EMS, registration, cost & benefits


Perform Gap analysis to know how well the organization meets the ISO requirement & what more is needed. 4. Present gap analysis results to mgmt for approval to continue with the process 5. Prepare a draft environmental policy with top mgmt participation 6. Identify environmental aspects & impacts of the operation 7. Among the most significant impacts, select a few for improvement. Example: Reduction in CO2 level, reduction in Methane emissions level etc.



Set objectives and targets for reducing the significant aspects. Present EMS to top mgmt for approval On approval, conduct internal audits to verify the achievement and also perform final gap analysis to determine organizations readiness for registration audit Organization applies for certification by outside auditors



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Registration process: Apply for registration a written application to the registration body Outside auditors perform full assessment Based on auditors findings, certification body grants registration Ongoing activities required to maintain registration monitoring & measuring EMS, implementing corrective actions, maintaining environmental records etc..

Environmental Policy:

The environmental policy is the driver for implementing and improving the organizations environmental management system so that it can maintain and improve its environmental performance.

The policy shall reflect the following:

1. Commitment of top management to comply with all applicable statutory / regulatory requirements. 2. Commitment to prevention of pollution 3. Commitment to continual improvement 4. The policy shall be clear and capable of being understood by internal / external interested parties.

5. The policy shall be periodically reviewed and revised to reflect the changing conditions. 6. The environmental policy must be relevant to the operation of the organization, providing a framework for setting and reviewing targets and objectives.

Environmental Policy- Sample

Jyoti (India) Metal Industries Pvt. Ltd., commits to design and manufacture excellent quality stainless steel sinks conforming to customer requirements. Our policy is: We shall remain customer focused and ensure Total Customer Satisfaction. We shall prevent and control pollution We shall conserve natural and other resources and minimize land, air and water pollution. We shall comply with legal and other requirements that are applicable to our activities. We shall continually improve our performances by effectively implementing Environmental Management System based on ISO:14001-2004 Date; 01-09-2007 Navin Gada Chairman

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