Chocolate Souffle

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1/3 cup sugar, plus more to coat the souffl dishes 6 ounces semisweet chocolate Pinch salt 1 tablespoon

instant coffee or espresso granules 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 3 large egg yolks 6 large egg whites Powdered sugar, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream or vanilla ice cream, for serving Preheat oven to 375 F. Generously butter six 8-ounce ramekins and sprinkle them with su ar. Place the dishes on a bakin sheet.

!hop the chocolate and melt it in a double boiler set over a pan o" simmerin water. #hen the chocolate is melted$ whisk in the e yolks$ instant co""ee$ vanilla$ and salt. % &'()*'+, #hat to read be"ore workin with chocolate #hile the chocolate is meltin $ whip the e whites in a stand mixer until "oamy.

#ith the mixer runnin $ slowly stream in the su ar and beat until sti"" peaks "orm. -tir ./3 o" the e whites into the chocolate mixture to li hten. *hen ently "old in the rest o" the e whites 0 a "ew streaks are okay.

1eatly divide the mixture between the prepared ramekins. 2" any sou""l3 batter ets on the rims o" the dishes$ wipe it away with your "in er.

4ake until the tops are set and be innin to brown$ but the centers 5i 67 minutes. &esist the ur e to open the oven8

le sli htly$ .5 to

+ust your sou""l3s with powdered su ar and serve immediately with chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

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