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Accreditation of Co-Partner

ACTIVITY 1.Identification of potential partners 2.Selection of potential partners 3.Conduct of Program Orientation to potential ACPs 4.Pre-evaluation of su mitted documents for accreditation !" sets of documents# 1 $ ACP 1-%O 3$ &SS' ".Conduct of ocular visit( ).If potential ACP is not *ualified for accreditation+ draft communication to inform potential ACP of details of dis*ualification ,.Su mission-for.arding of complete documents to /O 0.1valuation of accreditation FO TSSD BOTH x x x

x x

x x

documents 2.Preparation and issuance of accreditation certificate 13. %or.ard signed certificate of accreditation to %O !" copies# Original cop4 $ ACP 5erox cop4 $ %O 3 5erox copies $ &SS'
(%orm for ocular visit-inspection to e prepared 4 &SS'-6/6S-1P77 Process cycle time

!" days upon receipt of complete documents #y t$e FO

Application for %i&eli$ood Assistance

ACTIVITY 1.Pre-evaluation of su mitted proposal and attac8ments 2.Site-9eneficiar4 validation 3.Prepare appraisal report 4.%or.ard proposal .it8 complete attac8ments to &SS' "./evie. of Appraisal /eport ).1ndorsement of proposal for approval of /' FO x x x x x x TSSD BOTH

ACTIVITY ,.Preparation and signing of :OA 0.Preparation of o ligation re*uest-c8ec; 2.Inform %O t8at c8ec; 8as een signed %O - ACP 13. /eproduce signed :OA+ pro<ect appraisal+ approved pro<ect proposal+ c8ec; 11. A.ard c8ec; to ACP
Total Process cycle time



x x x

' days (FO from ! to )* ) days (until appro&al*

Su#+ect to a&aila#ility of funds

Pro+ect Implementation
ACTIVITY 1.6aunc8ing-:eetingOrientation .it8 eneficiaries 2.Pro<ect Implementation FO TSSD BOTH x

%i,uidation procedures
ACTIVITY 1.Pre-evaluation of li*uidation report 2.Preparation of /eport of 'is ursements and 6i*uidation =ouc8er ! 4 ACP# 3.1ndorse complete documents to &SS' 4.1valuate-/evie. li*uidation report su mitted ".%or.ard li*uidation report to Accounting >nit FO x x x x x TSS D BOT H

-onitorin. and /&aluation ACTIVITY 1.Conduct regular monitoring of ACPs- eneficiaries 2.Prepare-su mit monitoring report 3.Assess-1valuate monitoring reports FO TSS D BOT H

ACTIVITY 4.Conduct validation report ".Prepare-su mit consolidated monitoring report to Program :anagers




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