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Works Cited "Astronomy Picture of the Day." APOD: 2005 October 2. APOD NA A. !" #ar. 20!" $htt%:&&a%od.nasa.'o(&a%od&a%05!002.htm)*.

+he Ca)dera Of #t +ambora On umba,a -s)and. -ndon.Photo'ra%hy. Encyclopdia Britannica ImageQuest. Web. !0 #ar 20!".htt%:&&/'es&!021!2"02"5 "+he en(ironmenta) im%act of the !3!5 +ambora eru%tion in 20!5." 4ome. A5a 6esearch. !" #ar. 20!" $htt%:&&,,,.a5a7research.or'&%ro8ect&8essica7 kand)bauer*. " ea Water Coo)in' of 9a(a in -ce)and." :ahoo Contributor Net,ork. Cherry #a'asko. !" #ar. 20!" $htt%:&&(,ater7coo)in'7)a(a7ice)and7 2;2"2"0.htm)*. "+ambora +ectonic P)ates<" !" #ar. 20!" $htt%:&&,,,*. "=o)canoes > Wor)d On ?i)m." Wor)d On ?i)m. Nationa) @eo'ra%hics. !" #ar. 20!" $htt%:&&the,or)donfi)m.,'&(o)canoes&*. =o)canoes and Aarth/uakes. Britannica -))ustrated cience 9ibrary. Chica'o: Encyclopaedia Britannica. 20!!. @a)e =irtua) 6eference 9ibrary. !0 #ar. 20!". "What causes a (o)cano to eru%t and ho, do scientists %redict eru%tions<" cientific American @)oba) 6 . cientific American @)oba) 6 . !0 #ar. 20!"

$htt%:&&,,,,hat7causes7a7(o)cano7to&*. Wiki%edia contributors. "#ount +ambora." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wiki%edia. +he ?ree Ancyc)o%edia. 2 #ar. 20!". Web. !! #ar. 20!".$htt%:&&en.,iki%edia.or'&,&inde5.%h%<tit)eC#ount1+amboraDo)didC5;3"02;25*

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