Structural Analysis of Composite Wind Ansys

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Structural analysis of composite wind turbine based on SANDIA Report

Nicolas Alday and Nicolas Tripp, IMPSA Wind Andrs Liberatto, ESSS Argentina


Geometry, materials, load cases, constraints, types of analysis, etc.


ANSYS Design Modeler Geometry creation

Cross-section (airfoil)


Cross-sections were created using splines and starting from coordinates specified in the document NREL/ SR-500-36334 as shown in the image. The root section was created using an ellipse. Then, span wise splines were created to define surfaces. Some dimensions are missing in the SANDIA Report and in these cases assumptions were made.

Geometry: lines and surfaces

ANSYS Mechanical Mesh and Groups definitions

Mesh Groups

Independently of the type of analysis it is necessary to generate a mesh and create groups of elements according to the material distribution.

The groups are created, in ANSYS Mechanical, defining Named Selections and, in ACP, either element by element or by using rules. In any case the first option is preferred.
In this case the groups were created according to Figure 3(a) of the SANDIA Report.

ANSYS Workbench Analysis type

Modal Analysis The analysis type is defined in ANSYS Workbench independent of ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP). In this particular case the analysis made are one modal, two static (lineal and nonlineal) and a linear buckling. Static Analysis (lineal or non-lineal)

Stability Analysis (linear buckling)

ANSYS Mechanical Load case

The Extreme Wind Speeds load case was used as it is the only one the SANDIA Report presents results for. The load consists of a 0.62 [psi] pressure resulting from a 4200 [lb] force applied in a bilinear distribution along the chord.

ANSYS Mechanical - Load case and support constraints

A fix support was applied to the nodes lying in the root section of the blade.

P = 0.62 psi = 4274 Pa

For simplicity of this demonstration a constant pressure of 4274 [Pa] was applied to the high pressure face.

ANSYS Composite PrePost (ACP) model import

ACP Graphical Users Interface

2 1

Imported mesh Material properties loaded in ANSYS Mechanical are ignored by ACP.

startACP.bat Wb_model_SYS.dat Wb_model_SYS.acp Wb_model_SYS_R0.acp

ACPrePost Elements Groups Visualization

ANSYS Mechanical Tree

The named selections defined in ANSYS Mechanical, are imported as groups of elements in ACP (Element Sets).

ACP Tree

ACPrePost Elastic material properties


Unit system must be consistent with the one defined in ANSYS Mechanical.

ACPrePost Strain and Stress limits

In the same Material Properties windows, the user can define strain and stress limits that will be used in the post-process once defined a failure criteria.

No especificado

ACPrePost Fabrics and Cores


ACPrePost Laminates

ACPrePost Thickness Visualization


Figura 3 (b) It is possible to visualize the thickness in every zone of the blade

= 0.0134 m

Differences between present model and SANDIA Report

1. Geometry: non-specified dimensions were arbitrary assigned. 2. Load: the blade was loaded with a pressure distribution instead of a bilinear force distribution. 3. Materials: A) the value of Sxy (Strain Limit) is not specified, so it was assumed. B) spar cap laminate was used in the transition zone.

? 3 2

ACPrePost Modal analysis results

Natural frequencies (Hz)

Case: stopped rotor with 18 lb. tip brake. 1 mode 2 mode 3 mode

4 mode

5 mode

ACPrePost Static analysis results


Strain and displacement of the tip.

ACPrePost Linear buckling analysis

1 mode

2 mode

3 mode

4 mode

5 mode


ACPrePost Non-linear buckling analysis

No defects

Thanks very much!

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