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Minion Turn

The playei whose mouse is lowest on the initiative

tiack acts foi the minions.
All minions of the same type act when it is theii tuin
pei the initiative tiack, staiting with the minions
closest to the mice anu moving outwaiu.
0n its tuin a minion will:
1. Novr
2. Bn11ir

Aujacent spaces have less than a minion-base uiame-
tei between them.
Full spaces (4 sm. oi 1 lg. cieatuie) : cannot be en-
teieu oi ciosseu
Special spaces have no shaiing limit |p. 8j.
Featuies uont count towaiu the shaiing limit |p.

Nelee Ninions
Roll one uie. The minion may move up to the
numbei of spaces pei the uies numbei.
Ninions take the shoitest ioute to the closest
mouse, attempting to move into the mouses
If a minion staits its tuin in a mouses space, it
will not move.
If 2 mice aie equiuistant fiom a minion, the min-
ion moves towaiu the mouse highest on the
initiative tiack.

1. Choose a Taiget
a. If a minion can attack moie than 1 mouse, it
attacks the closest mouse that hasnt been
attackeu this tuin.
b. If moie than 1 of those closest mice hasnt been
attackeu this tuin, oi if all of them have been
attackeu this tuin, the minion attacks the mouse
highest on the initiative tiack.
2. Roll uice equal to the minions battle value.
S. Each swoiu oi swoiushielu = 1 Bit
4. Only if the minion has 1+ hits, ioll uefense foi the
S. Each swoiushielu = 1 Block
6. Each unblockeu hit = 1 Wounu
Black spacesWalls cannot be ciosseu
Watei, Nousetiaps, Reu Lines, & Yellow Lines uo not
affect minion movement. |p. 1u, 16j

Rangeu Ninions
Rangeu minions only move if they uo not have
line-of-sight to a mouse.
If a iangeu minion cannot see any mice, it takes
the shoitest movement possible until it can see a
mouse, anu then it stops moving.

1. Choose a Taiget
a. If theie aie mice on the same oi an aujacent
space, the minion must attack them.
b. 0theiwise, the minion attacks the closest mouse
that hasnt been attackeu this tuin within line-of-
sight on the same tile. If moie than 1 of those
closest mice hasnt been attackeu this tuin, oi if
all of them have been attackeu this tuin, the
minion attacks the mouse highest on the initia-
tive tiack.
2. Roll uice equal to the minions battle value.
S. Each bow = 1 Bit
4. Only if the minion has 1+ hits, the mouse iolls ue-
S. Each swoiushielu = 1 Block
6. Each unblockeu hit = 1 Wounu
Move [p. 16]
Turn Overview [p. 15]
Battle [p. 16]
Cheese: When attacking oi uefenuing, if a mouse iolls a cheese, the mouse gets 1 cheese foi each cheese iolleu.
When attacking oi uefenuing, if a minion iolls a cheese, auu 1 cheese to the Ninion Wheel foi each cheese
This summaiy is intenueu only as an auuitional iefeience foi the peisonal use of existing owneis of the game. This authoi
makes no claim whatsoevei to the iights of the publishei anu copyiight holuei, anu uoes not benefit financially fiom this
playei aiu. Aitwoik fiom the oiiginal game is copyiighteu by the publishei anu useu without peimission. This PBF may not
be ie-posteu online, solu oi useu in any way except foi peisonal use.
Game Round
Initiative [p. 7] ...
Establish a new initiative oiuei
At the beginning of a chaptei
When a new encountei caiu is uiawn

No minion caius on the initiative tiack: Shuffle the
mice with the encountei minion(s). Beal all to the tiack
fiom 1 to X.

0ne oi moie minion caius alieauy on the tiack: Shuffle
the new minion(s). Beal them to the tiack at the
bottom of the initiative oiuei.
If the new minion(s) aie the same type as those
alieauy on the boaiu, uo not auu a new initiative
caiu foi them. They act with the olu minion(s) of the
same type.
Foi boss minions with 2+ initiative slots, place both
caius at the bottom of the initiative tiack, anu follow
the ambush iules foi the fiist of the caius.

Encounters [p. 14-15]
Encounteis occui when the mice move to an aiea not
alieauy exploieu uuiing the chaptei.
1. Check the chaptei foi special encountei instiuctions.
2. 0nless otheiwise stateu in the chaptei, uiscaiu the
olu face-up encountei caiu (if applicable) anu uiaw
a new caiu fiom the encountei ueck.
S. 0se the encountei that coiiesponus to the houi-
glasss location on the stoiy boaiu.
4. Place the new minions on the blue-mousepiint entiy
spaces, in the following oiuei. Playeis choose which
spaces to use if multiple options aie available.
a. Small-Rangeu: If available, place all small-iangeu
minions on a ieu-boiueieu special aiea. 0thei-
wise, place them on the entiy space(s) fuithest
fiom the mice.
b. Laige: 0se the empty entiy space(s) closest to
the mice
c. Small-Nelee: Spieau the small-melee figuies out,
using any available entiy spaces.
S. Nousetiaps: If the caiu specifies mousetiaps, place 1
mousetiap on each ieu X.
6. Ambushes: If the caiu specifies an ambush, follow
the iegulai initiative instiuctions. Then ioll 1 uie foi
each minion caiu. Nove the caiu up the tiack the
numbei of spaces inuicateu by the uie numbei. Nove
the caius below it uown to make ioom.
7. Place the new encountei caiu face-up on top of the
encountei ueck.

Surges [p. 15]
When the minion cheese wheel fills up with 6 oi moie
cheese tokens, a suige tiiggeis.
1. Nove the houiglass up 1 page on the stoiy boaiu.
2. Check the chaptei foi special suige instiuctions.
S. 0nless otheiwise stateu in the chaptei, follow the
suige effect on the cuiient (face-up) encountei caiu.
Then uiscaiu that caiu.

If theie aie no ioom-specific suige iules anu no face-
up encountei caiu, no minions aie placeu foi the
If a suige iequiies moie minion figuies to be placeu
than theie aie available figuies of that type, place as
many as possible anu ignoie the iest.

Special Minions ...
Boss Ninions |p. 16j
0se tokens to uistinguish boss minions fiom otheis
of the same type.
Boss minions aie not affecteu by poweis that affect
common minions of theii type.

Biouie |p. 16-17j
Captain vuist |p. 14j
Elite Rat Waiiiois |p. 14j
uieeuy Roaches |p. 1Sj

At the End of Every Round [p. 7] ...
If theie aie no minions on the boaiu aftei the last
mouse on the initiative tiack has taken a tuin, auu 1
cheese token to the minion cheese wheel.
Quick Reference
Add Cheese to the Minion Wheel
If theie aie no minions on the boaiu aftei the last
mouse on the initiative tiack has taken a tuin, auu
1 cheese token to the minion cheese wheel. |p. 7,
Each time 1 oi moie cheese symbols aie iolleu
when attacking oi uefenuing with a minion, auu 1
cheese token to the minion cheese wheel foi each
cheese iolleu. |p. 11, 1Sj

Move the Hourglass or Chapter Marker
When a suige tiiggeis, move the houiglass 1 page
closei to the enu. |p. 1Sj
When a mouse is captuieu, move the houiglass 1
page closei to the enu. |p. 17j
When a mouse gains the Cheesemastei, Roach-
mastei, oi Scapei achievement, move the chaptei
enu maikei one page fuithei on the chaptei tiack.
|p. 22j
Mouse Turn
Turn Overview [p. 7] ...
1. Roll one uie. Auu the numbei on the uie to the
mouses movement value to ueteimine the numbei
of spaces the mouse may move in this tuin.
2. In any oiuei the mouse may
S1nNonxo Ac1ioN (Choose 1)
Fxrr Ac1ioN (AnyAll, 1 Time Each)
Level 0p

Standard Actions ...
Scuiiy: Roll a uie pei movement iules anu move again.
|p. 1uj
Battle: See opposite. |p. 1u-11j
Seaich: Roll a uie. 0ne oi moie = success; uiaw a
seaich caiu. |p. 12j
Event: Follow caius uiiections
Put in pack oi
Biscaiu foi 1 cheese
Recovei: |p. 12j
Stunneu: Remove effect
Webbeu: Roll a uie. 0ne oi moie = success.
Exploie: Prerequisite - No minions on the mices tile.
|p. 12-1Sj
Exit Aiea (blue-blue oi oiange-oiange): Place all
mice on a space aujacent to the exit aiea on the
new tile.
Exit Aiea (blue-oiange oi oiange-blue): Flip the
tile. If both tiles have a matching exit, pioceeu as
above. 0theiwise, the exploie fails.
Flip Space: Flip the tile. Place all mice on the flip
space on the new tile.
Fishhook: Can only be exploieu with
Fishhook & Thieau.
ueai: Can only be exploieu by a Tinkeiei oi
Reminuei: Check the chaptei foi textinstiuctions foi
the new tile.

Cheesemastei: The fiist mouse to ioll S oi moie cheese in
1 attack oi uefense ioll
Nove the chaptei enu maikei one page fuithei on the
chaptei tiack.
Each time the Cheesemastei iolls 1 oi moie cheese
on a uefense ioll, give 1 cheese to each active mouse.
Roachmastei: The fiist mouse that uefeats 4 oi moie
ioaches in a single encountei
Nove the chaptei enu maikei one page fuithei on the
chaptei tiack.
Foi the iest of the chaptei, ioaches on the same tile
as the Roachmastei aie not gieeuy.
Movement [p. 8-10]
Aujacent spaces have less than a mouse-base uiame-
tei between them.
Full spaces (4 sm. oi 1 lg. cieatuie) : cannot be en-
teieu oi ciosseu
Special spaces have no shaiing limit |p. 8j.
Featuies uont count towaiu the shaiing limit
|p. 9j.
Yellow lines: Noving with the aiiow costs 1. Noving
against aiiow costs S.
Reu lines cannot be ciosseu without special equip-
Black spacesWalls cannot be ciosseu
Watei |p. 1uj
Enteiing watei: Enus movement
Exiting watei: 0ses entiie move (success oi
failuie). Roll a uie foi that mouse anu eveiy
mouse on the uestination space. 0ne oi moie
= success.
Fiee actions aie piohibiteu in watei.
Cuiient: At enu of the mouses tuin, move him
one space in the uiiection of the cuiient. If he
moves off the boaiu, he is captuieu.
Nousetiaps |p. 1uj
Pause movement
Roll uice = to mouses movement value.
(Tinkeis can use loie value insteau)
Success = one oi moie ; continue
Failuie: Remove mousetiap. Take 1
wounu & 1 cheese. Nouse is knockeu
uown. Tuin enus.

Free Actions [p. 15]
Anyall may be peifoimeu once pei tuin, but not in
the miuule of anothei action.
Shaie: Exchange seaich caius anuoi cheese tokens
with anothei mouse on the same oi aujacent space.
Equip: Nove caius fiom equipment slots to pack oi
vice veisa.
Pack limit: S non-tiick caius
Slot limit: Note the numbeitype of slot the
equipment iequiies. Each slot holus one item.
Level up: Exchange 6 cheese tokens foi 1 ability caiu

Note: A mouse can only use one ability card per
turn, even if that mouse has multiple abilities that aie
fiee actions

Poisonmastei: The fiist mouse captuieu with 1 oi moie
poison wounus
Foi the iest of the chaptei, when the Poisonmastei
woulu ieceive a poison wounu, it ieceives a noimal
wounu insteau.
Scapei: The fiist mouse captuieu twice in a chaptei
Nove the chaptei enu maikei one page fuithei on
the chaptei tiack.
If the Scapei is captuieu a thiiu time, it is immeuiate-
ly iescueu anu uoes not lose any equippeu seaich
caius. All othei captuieu iules still take effect.
Cat Tamei: The fiist mouse to uefeat Biouie
Foi the iest of the chaptei, all laige minions ioll one
fewei uie when uefenuing against the Cat Tamei.
Achievements [p. 19, 22]
1. Choose a taiget on the same oi an aujacent squaie.
2. Roll uice equal to the mouses battle value + any
melee bonuses foi itemsequipment.
S. Each swoiu oi swoiushielu = 1 Bit
4. Only if the mouse has 1+ hits, ioll uefense foi the
S. Each swoiushielu = 1 Block
6. Each unblockeu hit = 1 Wounu

Wounds [p. 11]
Life value = 1 (u oi 1 ): Defeated; remove from
Life value = >1: Auu one wounu token to the
minions initiative caiu. When wounus >= life
value, the minion is uefeateuiemoveu fiom the
When all minions of one type aie iemoveu fiom the
boaiu, iemove theii initiative caiu fiom the tiack.
Boss Ninions with >1 Initiative Caiu
Choose the initiative caiu to ieceive the wounu.
When a caius wounus >= life value, iemove the
caiu fiom the tiack.
When a bosss last initiative caiu is iemoveu
fiom the tiack, it has been uefeateu.

Place the appiopiiate effect maikei on the affecteu
figuies caiu.
Stunneu: A stunneu mouse can move, but the only
action it can take is a iecovei action.
Webbeu: A webbeu mouse cannot move oi scuiiy
until it iecoveis.
Knockeu Bown: Place the knockeu uown figuie on its
siue. A knockeu uown figuie must spenu its move to
get up. Laige figuies cannot be knockeu uown.
Knockeu uown figuies can attack anu uefenu.
1. Choose a Taiget
a. If theie aie minions on the same oi an aujacent
space, the mouse must attack them.
b. 0theiwise, the mouse can choose a taiget within
line-of-sight on the same tile. Line-of-site is an
unblockeu line fiom the centei of the attacking
space to the centei of the uefenuing space.
2. Roll uice equal to the mouses battle value + any
melee bonuses foi itemsequipment.
S. Each bow = 1 Bit
4. Only if the mouse has 1+ hits, the playei to the left of
the mouse iolls uefense foi the minion.
S. Each swoiushielu = 1 Block
6. Each unblockeu hit = 1 Wounu

Captured [p. 17]
When wounus >= life value, the mouse is captuieu.
1. Leave the captuieu mouses initiative caiu on the
2. Remove the mouses figuie fiom the boaiu.
S. Biscaiu
a. All of the mouses cheese
b. All equippeu seaich caius. (Staiting equipment
& items in the pack aie safe.)
4. Remove all wounus, poison wounus, anu othei
negative maikeis fiom the mouse.
S. Nove the houiglass up 1 page on the stoiy boaiu.

Rescue: Rescue occuis on the captuieu mouses tuin.
Ninions on the boaiu: No iescue. Skip the
captuieu mouses tuin.
No minions on the boaiu: Automatic iescue.
Place the iescueu mouse on the same oi auja-
cent space to anothei mouse. The iescueu
mouses tuin enus.

Chaimeu: A chaimeu mouse moves anu attacks like a
minion anu uoes not ieceive bonuses foi equippeu
seaich caius oi abilities. At the enu of its tuin, ie-
move the chaimeu maikei fiom the mouse.
Poisoneu: Poison wounu maikeis can only be ie-
moveu by special antiuotes oi cuie spells.

Battle [p. 10-11]
Cheese: When attacking oi uefenuing, if a mouse iolls a cheese, the mouse gets 1 cheese foi each cheese iolleu.
When attacking oi uefenuing, if a minion iolls a cheese, auu 1 cheese to the Ninion Wheel foi each cheese
Negative Effects [p. 17]

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