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To design and deliver impactful experiences to players through both conventional and unconventional narrative.

Narrative and Character Design evel Design "riting ore Crafting Documentation *ame #nalysis Object-Oriented Scripting !ython #ctionScript $.% &ero 'ngine (nreal Development )it +!* ,a-er ./ #ce

Student Projects
Spooky Vault (August 2012November 2013) Narrative Designer
Flicker # 0D co-op pu11le adventure in the dar-. Scripted core functionalities in !ython2 including a dar-ness mechanic and camera pan. Designed the characters and the game3s visual aesthetic. Designed and implemented levels focused on cooperation and emotional resonance. 4elped oversee playtesting sessions2 as 5ell as cataloging and addressing bugs.


ors!"a!" (#anuary 2011April 2011)

$ame Designer

Atramentum # platformer 5herein the player adds and removes in- from objects. Designed the core concept2 including the premise and main character. Scripted the object interaction system in #ctionScript $.%. Designed and implemented a level that sho5cased the object interaction system.

Solo %ro&e!ts
Saviour (2013)# top-do5n +!* that plays on the concept of death in games. Left 4 Ever (2013)# 6D level that examines the repetitive nature of games li-e 6D. Remember (2012)# single-player narrative experience 5ith visual and aural pu11les. Give 'Em Hell (2012)# pen and paper +!* based on the Old "est. Go to Hell! (2012)# strategy game themed around the seven deadly sins. Do You Love? (2011)# 0D platformer about a robot and his companion.

!laced *old in the 0%76 *DC Narrative +evie5 5ith an essay about eague of egends. Completed a total of 78 student projects 5hile attending Digi!en.

Digi!en 9nstitute of Technology:;.#. 9n *ame Design2 'nglish ,inor <0%7%=#pril 0%76>

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