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Grade 10 English - World Literature

Miss (Megan) Boyle, Room 208 {} Class Description Welcome to 10th grade English! Throughout the year we will be reading books, stories, and poems that help us try to figure out our place in our world. Our readings will come from all over the globe, exploring various cultures and points of view. Here, in no particular order, are some of the books/units we will be exploring: > Short stories/elements of a plot > The Girl With the White Flag - Memoir of a girl in war-torn Japan, 1945 > Night - Memoir of a teen who survived Nazi death camp > Things Fall Apart - A strong man in Nigeria tries to preserve his culture when missionaries threaten to destroy it > Poetry/Poetry Out Loud > The House on Mango Street - Told through vignettes, a young Latina girl tells readers about growing up in Chicago > Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence - A true story about three mixed-race girls who were taken from their families in Australia, early 1900s > Hamlet - Shakespeares play about the Prince of Denmark, dealing with murder, madness, and indecision (To be or not to be?) >Research Papers, more info on this later (hopefully in winter) Class Requirements You will be expected to: 1. Come to class on time and PREPARED. 2. RESPECT what your classmates have to say. 3. READ all assigned texts. 4. Be prepared to SHARE ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE, THOUGHTS, OR IDEAS. Sharing will also occur daily. 5. Complete all HOMEWORK on time. This includes rough drafts. For final drafts of homework or projects, every day the paper/project is late, 10 points will be deducted from your grade. I will not accept late homework (except in the case of an absence). It is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments. 6. PARTICIPATE in free writes. Make sure you bring your journal every day for these.

7. PARTICIPATE in group work and draft workshops. 8. TAKE NOTES! Jot down things people say that make you think, information that I give you about an author, vocab words, or writing techniques that you may find helpful down the road. Classroom Rules 1. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, you will be marked tardy (as per the NHS handbook). If forgetfulness becomes a habit, we will have to talk about a tardy policy. 2. NO. CHEATING. We will discuss academic honesty, plagiarism and misrepresentation. You will receive a ZERO on any work that you are found to have stolen from another classmate, Sparknotes, or any other source without giving credit where credit is due. 3. NO CELL PHONES. No texting, calling, snapchatting, etc. 4. Always show RESPECT to me and your classmates. Please dont talk over one another or while Im speaking. Also: disagreeing is fine, but criticizing or attacking will not be tolerated. Grading The grading in this class will be based on points rather than percentages (ie: Exams are worth 30% of your grade). For example: a major writing assignment may be worth 300 points, while a vocab quiz will be worth 60. Each assignment will be worth its weight in points, which you will see on the actual assignment, as well as the portal. NOTE: If you do not have access to the portal, see Mr. Pavlidis to get the information you need to make that happen. Emailing assignments is okay, but be aware of this: I always grade the hard copies first, and if there are internet problems (which you may or may not know happens often), I will still mark it as late. Heres the kind of assignments youll see this year: Major writing assignments [usually 2 per quarter, includes essay exams] Class participation [includes class discussions, in-class group work, free writes] Exams or Final Projects [one per quarter] Homework [includes grammar and vocab exercises] Vocab and Grammar Quizzes Reading Quizzes *Vocabulary works on a three-day cycle here. On Day 1, I will assign the vocab unit and your homework will include creating sentences for each of the words. On Day 2, you will show up with your sentences and we will do some sort of activity involving the words. On Day 3, you will have your vocab quiz. Each quiz will be on 10 words.

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