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Elements Portfolio Rubric

Points Possible

Points Earned

Terms & ideas to include

Types of Design
Structural Design example picture #correct description relating picture to structural design #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly Decorati&e Design example pictures Naturalistic)*ealistic picture choice and correct description ,on&entional)Styli-ed picture choice and correct description .eometric picture choice and correct description /bstract picture choice and correct description 15 $ 5 % %' 2 2 2 2 %5 $ $ ' 15 $ 5 % 15 $ 5 % 15 $ 5 % 15 $ 5 % 15 5 < = 15 $ 5 % :a4e sure you specify which color is positi&e and which is negati&e Why is this picture a good example of structural design? How does the design of the ob ect fit its function? !se the definition of structural design" Why is this picture a good example of (Natural)*ealistic+ ,on&entional)Styli-ed+ .eometric+ or /bstract0? 1nclude parts of definitions and apply it to your picture examples"

3lac4 and White Design #all ' types of line used #all ' thic4nesses used #creati&e design 6ertical 7ine 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating line information #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly Hori-ontal 7ine 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating line information #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly ,ur&ed 7ine 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating line information #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly Diagonal 7ine 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating line information #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly 1nclude a title but a caption is not necessary"

What lines are found in the picture you selected? What feelings are created with the use of the lines? :a4e sure what you are saying fits the picture you selected"

9ositi&e and Negati&e Space #;ollowed instructions+ mounted neatly #,reati&ity #8xplanation caption Space example picture #correct description relating to space #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly

What is positi&e space and what is negati&e space in the room? How is space used in the room? What did they do to ma4e the room loo4 smaller or larger?

Elements Portfolio Rubric

Points Points Comments Possible Earned

Form/S ape
>eam Shape /ssignment #page is filled with repeating shapes #title for picture is pro&ided Shape ,reation #color is included #at least 55 shapes #creati&e design ;orm 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating shape notes #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly 15 $ % 15 % 2 % 15 $ 5 % 15 15 $ 5 % 1s your picture shape or form? 8xplain why?

>extured ,oloring >exture 8xample 9icture #,orrect description relating texture notes #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly What are the &isual and tactile textures in the picture? /re they formal or informal? Would the ob ects in the picture reflect or absorb light? What patterns are used in the room? /re they cohesi&e?

9attern 8xample 9icture #,orrect description explaining how pattern is used effecti&ely in a room #correct choice of picture -mounted neatly >otal 15 $ 5 % %%'

180/ 224 is needed to meet performance objective for state certification

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