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1 Where is he?
8 He is there / He stays there.
c 1 You are reading a book./You read a book.
I am going to school./I go to school.
c You eat fruit.
A student wrote the lesson.
7 1 This is our school.
We all are students.
H Both of us are going to school. / Both of us
go to school.
All of us read the lesson.
7 H You(all) also come to the same place.
11 1 1 H School is closed on Sunday.
? What is your name?
* My name is Krishna.

H=1 ? Where is your place of birth?
H=1 H= H H1 My birth-place is Bhagya nagar in
Andhra Pradesh.
? What is your age?
|sH My age is sixteen.
c 1 ? Which school are you studying in?
c 1 + ? Which class are you in?
7H+ I am in the eleventh class.
7 H| He was at home then.
c H H| ? Where were you yesterday?
H H I was at home yesterday.
1|1 H 1| I like to help people / I like social service.
= ? How many students are here?
| T= = They are in library now.
7 7 Once these (students) read the lesson
+ H * I will write the lesson tomorrow morning.
*? Where is he going today evening?
B = ? How many days are in a week?

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