Russiagovernment Summary Sheet

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Government Fact Sheet

________________________________ REVIEW SHEET Federal/Unitary Number of subunits Vla imir #utin Description of arrangement (for
example, e!olution, etc"

Presidential, Parliamentary, or Mixed?

Dmitr$ %e !e e!

State a&ar s, omestic polic$, nominations' six $ear terms Head of State/Head of Government +alle for b$ ,e eration +ouncil' nation !otes' nominate b$ State Duma' six $ear terms ,e eral -ssembl$ (lo&er (ouse is State Duma, (ig(er (ouse is ,e eration +ouncil", /0/ seats' fi!e $ear terms' eci ing issue of confi ence in 1o!ernment, consent to appointment of t(e +(airman of t(e 1o!ernment, impeac(ing t(e #resi ent 5u ges are appointe b$ t(e ,e eration +ouncil an ser!e for life %an$ of t(e *e$ positions in t(e go!ernment, except t(e #resi ent, are appointments rat(er t(an electe Elites are recruite as people &(o (a!e large amounts of mone$ an &ant some *in of c(ange in t(e go!ernment

Determines operating priorities of t(e go!ernment an organi)es it &or* in accor ance &it( t(e +onstitution -ppointe b$ #resi ent of Russia, sub.ect to consent of State Duma T(res(ol for eligibilit$ to &in seats is 23, t(e people !ote for a part$, &it( t(e part$ lea er an t(e 40 in part$ list liste

Name of Legislative Branc !"dentify #ot o$ses if a%%lica#le&

Name of '$dicial Branc


T(ere exists a .ur$ at most le!els, but t(e .u ge (as final ruling on interpreting an appl$ing t(e la& of Russia Russian +ouncil of %inisters, contains o!er /6 state committees' similar titles to cabinet in -merica T(e Russian people can !ote for t(e presi ent' t(e$ (a!e (ig(er !oter turnout t(an in t(e 7nite States

Political )ecr$itment/Partici%ation *t er im%ortant instit$tions !com%lete only if a%%lica#le to t e co$ntry& Media


T(ree tele!ision c(annels &it( a nation&i e outreac(, ne&spapers are t(e secon most popular c(oice' some of t(e most popular me ia c(oices are o&ne b$ t(e state (o&e!er, lea ing to some less confi ent feelings t(at t(ere isn8t corruption 9egitimac$ &as more of a concern for t(e earlier go!ernment of Russia, at t(is point most people feel t(e go!ernment is legitimate, if not a little corrupt: %ost people belie!e in t(e go!ernment an &(at it is tr$ing to o: 0

Feat$res of t e (onstit$tion

Historical +vol$tion of Political ,raditions -ey Political Leaders and t eir Policies +t nic (leavages

Political Parties !"dentify/descri#e %latforms of .& +lectoral Systems

#resi ent (ol s primar$ po&er' ,e eral +ouncil (ol s po&er to re!ise or re.ect legislation passe b$ t(e Duma' t(ree courts at t(e apex 1lasnost > le to more mo ern economic i eas later a opte b$ Russia' ?oris @eltsin calling tan*s to Russian W(ite House > le to istrust of Russian go!ernment' (ig( oil prices > le to muc( state mone$ an allo&e Russia to execute policies t(e$ &ante Vla imir #utin, Dmitr$ %e !e e! > bot( members of 7nite Russia, a rig(t &ing part$ &(ose goal is Aunite responsible political forces of t(e countr$B' Serge$ 9a!ro! > %inister of ,oreign -ffairs, also a member of 7nite Russia Russian, Tatar, 7*rainian, ?as(*ir, -s Russians are C03 of t(e +(u!as( population, most of t(e time if t(e$ can &or* toget(er, t(e$ can get an$t(ing one t(e$ please 7nite Russia > rig(t &ing, supports current presi ential a ministration, Apart$ of real ee sB' +ommunist #art$ of t(e Russian ,e eration > prett$ self explanator$' - 5ust Russia > center left, social emocratic, main !alues are fairness, free om, an soli arit$ #resi ent an legislators are electe , most ot(ers are appointe ' term lengt(s are foun in earlier spots on t(is table In Russia, t(ose &it( t(e most mone$ can o &(ate!er t(e$ &ant' t(e oil mone$ people for instance (-lis(er 7smano!, %i*(ail ,ri man, 9eoni %i*(elson" %ost people recogni)e t(e go!ernment is impro!ing, albeit slo&l$ St: #etersburg economists' St: #etersburg la&$ers, silo!i*i' @eltsin ,amil$ %ost in ustries are pri!ati)e , ue to t(e largeDscale pri!ati)ation of state o&ne assests t(at too* place imme iatel$ after t(e collapse of t(e So!iet 7nion' capitalist (*in of" Russia is a e!elope nation Voting in presi ential elections

- opte ; Dec 0< 066=, abolis(ing t(e So!iet s$stem of go!ernment' constitutional referen um too* place to pass t(e constitution

)ole of Political +lites


"nterest Gro$% System !identify %l$ralist or cor%oratist& +conomic System !identify ca%italist, socialist, etc01 identify ma2or economic %olicies government as ado%ted& First 3orld/, ird 3orld

+ommitte to mar*et e!elopment, pri!ati)ation, an continue re uction of state8s role in socioeconomic life %a.or Russian in ustries, suc( as in ustrial, energ$, an financial sectors, &ere pri!ati)e imme iatel$ after t(e So!iet 7nion8s emise +onsistent economic gro&t(' E< trillion 1D#' E0F,<F2 1D# per capita' 003 belo& po!ert$ line' G:F3 unemplo$ment Earl$ on, Russia &as seen as an a !ersar$ to t(e Western &orl , but (as recentl$ began cooperating &it( ot(er po&ers in Juest for

S$%ranational *rgani/ations

7nite Nations Securit$ +ouncil' 1C' 1<H' +ouncil of Europe' WTI' IS+E <

&orl peace

P$#lic Policy

-cross t(e boar bu get cuts' in!a ing +rimea' (osting a poor Jualit$ Il$mpics

+rimea crisis' ric(Kpoor gap' &esterni)ation

*t er

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