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Rational Emotive Therapy Scenarios For Each Scenario Identify the ACTIVATING EVENT, The BELIEF And the

CONSEQUENCES in terms of ndesira!"e !eha#io r$ 1. ". $. &. ,. A successful student is considering leaving his Sixth Form because the girl he likes on!t go out ith him. A talented musician is thinking of leaving his band because only 1# people attended the last gig. %ary on!t stay in a room if she thinks there is a spider there. 'anine is nearly six feet tall( diet because she is *too fat+ eighs ) stone and is on a

-onald spends all his money from his .ob on eed and is orried about being thro n out of college because he is behind on ork. Trevor ants a .ob in %edia( but is terrified of telling his parents because his dad suggested orking in a bank several years ago.


I%ENTIF& the SELF'%EFEATING tho (hts ' ho) they can !e chan(ed*

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