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;Developmental Action Without Borders



October 2005 - October 2006



Acknowledg ment 2
Naba'a Development 2005 - 2006 3
Our Location 4
Child Rights Program 5
Community Development Program 10
Inclusive Education Program 12
Advocacy Program 14
Training and Capacity Building Program 15
Emergency Program 17
Summer Activities 20
Naba'a Beneficiaries 21
Naba'a published materials in 2005-2006 21
Financial Highlights 22
Special Thank 23
Our Core Values 24
Naba'a Management Team 25
Production Notes 25 1


As we celebrate 6 years of service in Lebanon, I thank you all of your partnership.

I thank God for his Protection, strength and grace over all these years. Much has

been done and there is much more to do.

Here we put in your hands a new look of our published annual report, The idea

come with consultation of community and children who are partners to Naba'a.

Naba'a team consists of over 60 staff, works with more than 200 volunteers, in 4

refugee camps, over 42 Lebanese villages and 16 gatherings distributed

throughout the country.

We always seek for supporting and helping children to practice their rights and

duties. So that, we are on "the ground" with children, parents, mothers, fathers,

teachers, Refugees and marginalized people. Each time we have creative ways to

serve and support each of these groups.

Finally great thanks for children, staff, volunteers, community and all those who

support Naba'a programs.

Qassem Saad Director


Naba'a DEVelopment 2005 - 2006

After 5 years of work, Naba'a reviewed its overall strategy with the objective of assessing how well Naba'a projects address the community needs. All of Naba'a programs are based on community needs assessments conducted in partnership with the local children and parents.

Naba'a spent about 6 months in building its own strategy for the five coming years 2005-

2010, since we aim to reach all the stakeholders in the community (Palestinian and Lebanese).

Who we are?

Naba'a is a Lebanese organization that works with Palestinian communities in the camps and gatherings in Lebanon, and with Lebanese communities. We work in an integrated way, involving a wide range of individuals and organizations within the community to build a shared approach to achieving our vision, mission and our aims.

What is our vision?

Our vision is one those communities have the capacity to be able to take more control of the decisions affecting their lives in a way that is inclusive of all people's needs.

What is our mission?

Our mission is to empower those communities so they uphold the rights of children, and so enable children and young people to playa healthy and active role in their communities.

We achieve our programs in order to reach our four strategic aims:

I. We aim to support young children who are most at risk of violence and neglect in the communities to provide them with opportunities to develop their confidence and to grow up in a safer, more inclusive environment.

II. We aim to support children and youth who are at risk of dropping out from school and living in particularly hard circumstances, and to help them realize their potential.

III. We aim to work with local communities, to build the capacity of those communities to take a more co-ordinated and inclusive approach to participatory decisionmaking and service provision.

IV. We aim to influence the decisions of key policy makers and service providers who are responsible towards the Palestinian communities living in Lebanon to uphold the rights of Palestinian children, and to be accountable for providing appropriate services.


Our Locations

Naba'a is operating in Lebanon from North to South with both communities (Lebanese and Palestinians)

TRIPOU: Nahr Elbared Camp - Beddawi Camp - Bebnin - Mhammara.

SAIDA : Old Saida - Ein Elhelweh Camp.

TYRE: EI-buss Camp - Rashidyeh Camp - Borj AI-Shamali Camp.

Villages: Siddikin - Zebkin - Maarakeh - Maaroub - Wadi Jilo - Gowaya - Toura - Teir debba - Shahabiah - Barish - Bafliyeh - Majadel - Debaal - Albayad - Tair harfa - Yarine - Majdalzoon - Dhaira - Hanaweh - Almansouri - Dair Kanoun alnaher - Alsamaayeh - Nakoura.

Gatherings: Adloun - Albaysaria - Alboroghlyeh - Itanyeh - Jal elbahar - Jimjim - Kfar badda - Almaashouq - Alqasmyeh - Aishabriha - Alwasta - Almasaken.

NABATIEH: Nabatieh city.

Villages: Kfar roumman - Zaoutar - Kfartebnit - Arnoun - Yohmor - Kfour - Kfarsir - Insar - Douwair - Harouf - Jibchit - Zebdin - Nmairiyeh - Maifadoun - Aadchit - Ech Chqif - Braikih.


Naba'a programs are based on six main integrated pillars.

Child Rights Program

The child rights program crosscuts all of Naba'a Programs and projects which are related to its strategic aims. This program is a central theme to the organization's methodology and concepts. The program is achieved in all Naba'a centers and projects as followings:

o A child rights network was established in the three areas "Saida, Tyre, and North Lebanon". The CRN purpose is to promote common concept among 30 Lebanese and

Palestinian NGOs, and to empower them to uphold child rights programming in advocating for the children rights through:

- Networking with the Local NGOS,

- Monitoring the violated rights of children,

- Creating advocacy campaigns and conferences

o In addition, since Naba'a believes that all the stakeholders in the community are responsible of providing protection and safe environment for children. Naba'a created a child protection policy in which all Naba'a team should sign on it the time they join Naba'a programs and activities.

o According to the child rights program Naba'a implemented various non formal activities inside schools in the four camps ( Rashydieh , Ein EI Helweh, EI Buss and Naher EI Barid), some of these activities are (Child To Child, Home Economics, Handicrafts, Drawings, Child rights and violation rights , music, drama, life skills and folklore, educational games, health awareness, sport and computer training). In addition to group discussion related to the most important issues concerning children such as (discrimination, conflict resolution, importance of education, risks of dropping out of school, active participation, and team work). These activities have a great impact on both school teachers and children, as the followings:

• The non - formal activities have became a part of the schools and children life, the number of children who joined these activities has increased from time to time and reached to about 6500 children.

• The school grades have become better and children results increased bout 80%.

• Children who are enrolled in these activities encouraging others to participate.

• Children have became more aware about their rights, such how to communicate with each other, in addition to their duties and responsibilities and how to respect others.

• Children self confidence has increased and was reflected in their participation in decision making, planning of activities, , and by creating committees.


o Different open days were achieved in the camps and neighborhood areas, discussing the most important issues concerning children inside poor and deprived areas who suffer violence and discrimination. These activities aim to reach the wider community and help children to express themselves positively and effectively. The number of children who participated in these activities estimated to be 10000 aged from (3-18 years).

o Naba'a centers in the four camps provide different non-formal activities and day to day programs for a large number of children (Inside and outside school), as followings:

• Supporting school children in their study and computer skills.

• Children with disability are also taking part in Naba'a programs such as computer training, arts and songs.

• As Naba'a mission is to enable children to be healthy, active and educated its programs addressed to marginalized ones and focused on their neighborhood. Naba'a conducted workshops and implemented the following activities:

- Creating parents committees, who played a positive role. Regular meetings were held where parents helping, preparing and implementing the project action plan and activities.

- Empowering about 4000 parents and active members in the community to participate in project implementation, and raising awareness them on a very important issues such as, how to communicate with the children, discrimination, quality of education, importance of playing and self - cleanliness, women's right, children rights. Knowing that 75% of these parents participated positively with these activities and workshops through their schools regular visits, playing with their children and helping them in their studying.

- About 200 school teachers inside four Naba'a centers in "Ein EI Helweh, EI Buss, Naher EI Barid and Rashydieh" are participated in different raising awareness workshop during this year. Such as, "Educational toys, difficulties and obstacles of education, communicating with children, learning through play, discrimination, children participation and inclusion".


- Five children committees were formed in (Rashydieh, Ein EI Helweh, EI Buss and Naher EI barid camps). These committees are child rights committee, culture committee, Health committee, Sport committee and Traditional culture committee. Each committee consists offour members (2 males and 2 Females).

o Illiteracy programs focused on about 190 dropout children. This program followed dropout children on daily base visit and extended help in reading and writing skills (Arabic and English languages) who are dropped out of schools, these programs are achieved daily aiming to reach for the children who are out of schools in order to empower them in reading and writing through focusing on the main subjects (English, Arabic and Math), besides various activities were achieved with those children, such as computer, painting, handicrafts, theater, folk, etc ... Knowing that, these children are emerged with other school children in Friday activities, through participating in awareness workshops discussing issues related to them such as health, social behaviors, education and bad habits of children.

o Children under tension and stress, were given special attention. A counselor used to visit them on weekly base.

o In 2006, in particular after July war in Lebanon, Naba'a started implementing psychosocial program to children in about 42 villages and locations in south Lebanon (Tyre and Nabatiyeh Areas). The target groups were 7000 children aged (6-12) and 1500 children aged (13-18). Through these programs and activities Naba'a aims to protect children and providing safe environment for post-traumatized one where they can practice their rights and cope well with their stress condition. So that, children return to their normal lives, where their social, physical and mental attributes were developed. Besides, these programs are achieved outside and inside Lebanese official schools in coordination with ministry of education, municipalities and active members of the community. The activities include the followings:


• Running different activities inside and outside official schools such as "drawing, painting, songs, theater, role plays, Folklore".

• Mobile cinemas, to present films dealing with issues interested for different ages of children.

• Exhibition of children work were displayed reflecting their roles and participation in various activities such as sketches about children participation, protection and land mines.

• Raising awareness workshops with children about land mines and cluster bombs.

• Sport activities.

• Handicrafts - arts activities.

• Child To Child.

• Capacity building for parents, volunteers and teachers about communicating with

children, stress control, children rights and protection.

• Recreation tools for school children and basic social centers.

• Rehabilitation for basic social centers.

• Publication of children Magazine.

• Referring children with psycho-social problems to special psychological services.

These Psycho-social activities with children have a great impact, since:

.70% of participant children became able to express themselves .

• 80% of animators declare that, these activities are full of life , effective and interesting .

• 65% of post trauma children became able to communicate with others and express themselves.


o Through child protection program, Naba'a notices that most of the children living in the camps and poor areas, are suffering from psycho-social problems and live under stressed conditions, they are getting orders wherever they go, and they never got the chance to choose their needs or express themselves freely, these children always obey orders without participating in giving suggestions that are suitable for their needs. Since, Naba'a programs and activities depend on children's needs and participation. Naba'a aims both to allow the children to participate and to change the negative view of the local community towards children participation. Many out reach activities and festivals with the children inside the camps and villages were achieved, for example:

Each year, about 5500 children waiting for Naba'a AI Farah festival in Naher EI Barid Camp- North Lebanon. Two festivals were achieved this year during the two Eids (AI Fitr and AI Adha Eids). These festivals are considered as a way of allowing the children to participate and express themselves and opinions effectively. Naba'a AI Farah is targeting about 5500 children who live in the camp and suffering from social and economical problems such as "Poverty, neglecting, disability, etc,." knowing that most of the festivals are created and produced by the children's ideas, suggestions and productions.

o In addition, four other different festivals achieved in September and December 2006 in about 30 villages in south Lebanon. These festivals aimed to support children who are suffering from trauma and psychological problems due to July aggression on Lebanon.

The four festivals include clown shows, drawings on wall, free expression draws, games, handicrafts, awareness raising about cluster bombs, distributing gifts and toys. As many parents, children, teachers and members in the local community said "these activities help children to overcome their stress and problems and returning them for the peaceful feeling and normal life. Moreover, about 4500 children participated in these festivals.


Community DEVelopment Program

The community development program seeks to mobilize all the available resources of the local community and empower its members and groups to participate in the decision - making which impacts positively their lives and children lives, about 6500 parents, 350 Palestinian teachers, 250 Lebanese teachers, 35 NGOs and 200 volunteers participated in Naba'a community development program, as followings:

o Mobilizing and empowering the local community "Lebanese and Palestinian" on children rights, for example:

• Naba'a working in Old Saida is an example on raising awareness of the local community (Palestinian and Lebanese) on how to protect their chi I d r e nan d adolescents from being at risk and neglect. Since, Naba'a is working as a holistic integrated approach and believing that in order to have a great impact and a positive change for the children life, we have to work not only with children but also with the local community and neighborhood around them. So that, our programs and activities are targeting, "Schools, parents, children, youth, Local NGOs and the community around the children".

o To mobilize and empower the community, in general, and parents, in particular, by raising awareness their about children's rights, education and social matters, monthly mobile activities in the neighborhood were performed in ten locations in the four camps (Naher EI barid, Ein EI Helweh, EI buss and Rashydieh). These activities are targeting different categories of the

local community such as (Parents, teachers, volunteers, NGOs) talking about important issues related to their life and their children lives.

o Since, we considered that in order to improve the children lives we have to work with children as well as with their parents, many raising awareness workshops were achieved with the children parents talking about violence against children, children rights, importance of playing, educational games and producing toys and how to communicate with their children.

o Regular home visits and home stations were achieved with children parents at least (20 visits per month in each camp" Naher EI Barid, EI buss, Rashydieh and Ein EI Helweh"). The purpose was to discuss the problems of their children and how to solve it. These activities are considered as a chance and a main step of the parents to communicate and deal with their children in a positive and effective way and solving their problems. We noticed most of the mothers became more aware and flexible in dealing with their children through playing and talking with them and discussing issues concerning their lives.


o Different workshops were held in Naba'a centers in the four camps "Ein EI Helweh, Naher EI Barid, EI buss and Rashydieh camps" in participation with mothers about producing toys, educational games and how to communicate with their children in a friendly way. About 350 mothers participated in it.

o Marginalized girls took an important part in Naba'a activities and programs, as following:

• Different raising awareness workshops were held in which, 275 marginalized girls participated. These workshops talking about life skills, health awareness, self confidence. The activities help these females to be more aware of the most sensitive and important matters related to their lives such as health protection, self confidence and effective communication, besides helping them to acquire and practice different skills namely "computer, leadership, handicrafts, etc .. "

o Naba'a believes that the adolescent period is a critical phase in human development as patterns of interpersonal, social and civic behavior are shaped and solidified. Youth are playing a very important role in Naba'a programs and activities, such activities and programs are achieved as the followings:

• A human right program was held in south gatherings such as "Jal EI Bahar, AI Shabriha and AI Boroghlia" aiming to build the trust among the youth, about 120 males and females participated, and working as a group, a professional artistic committee was created in the three regions ( Jal el-bahar, al-shabriha and alboroglia). This committee is responsible of:

- Producing and directing 5 short films.

- Preparing 4 comedy theater acts.

- Creating and writing short stories, articles and poetry.

- Drawing 30 paints to be exhibited in museum corner on the festival day,

knowing that each winner will be awarded during the festival.

- Composing and recording 3 new songs written and sang by a group of youth

(Males and Females).


Inclusive Education Program

Inclusive education program focuses on improving the quality of education by including attractive and motivational tools for the children. Naba'a is achieving this program in the four camps (Naher EI Barid, Rashydieh, and EI buss camps). Through this program, Naba'a produced a training manual in inclusive education talking about Naba'a experiences and lessons learned in achieving this program inside schools, knowing that this manual will be used as a module or reference by other Local and International NGOs. The inclusive education program aims to reduce the violation of children rights aged 6-12 years in addition it developed and prepared a program for children aged 4-5 years in the same four camps.

o Different supporting lessons were achieved with children of (6th, 7th, 8th and 9th intermediate grade) , (Males and Females), in the four camps "Ein EI Helweh, Naher EI Barid, EI Buss and Rashydieh" aiming to provide equality learning for all children. Most of the children who participated in these programs are at risk of

dropping out, living in a very bad situation and suffering from discrimination. Moreover, those children were provided with friendly environment where they fairly developed and improved their education and social skills, and have great on their school attendance.

o Naba'a extended help and support to children aged (4-5) years in order to prepare them for the elementary stage where the great emphasis focused on learning "English, Arabic, Science and Math". Naba'a is working through its learning and playing program and active tools.

In addition, different activities are achieved with these children, such as "Handicraft, painting and educational games". It is worth saying that Naba'a paid a great attention to children physical and mental health. Children received regular treatment at Naba'a centers in coordination with health clinics.

o Fridays at Naba'a centers attract group of children who enjoy folklore, computer, games, handicrafts, trips, ... etc" Such activities not only promoted children communications and personal development, but also increase their attendance that was up to 80%. Beside, children enroll in Naba'a programs has increased as they become aware of:

• Their rights and duties.

• Self protection.

• Health care.

• Friendship.

• Cooperation through Child To Child Methodology.

• Self confidence through participating in activities planning and implementing.

• Self expression.


Advocacy Program

The advocacy program seeks to raise community awareness of children's rights and youth issues through rights networks and committees. This program aims to develop the life skills of the community members and groups and empower them to influence decision-makers and service providers in adopting the child rights and provide them with quality services.

Naba'a advocates children rights of (Protection, Participation, quality and equality of education) through the following strategy and steps:

Holding campaigns talking about women's right and child right in their identity

• and education.

Leading different workshops with 33 NGOs in the Four camps (Naher EI barid, EI

• Buss, Rashydieh and Ein EI Helweh) discussing the child right of participation and non discrimination.

Directing workshops for women to improve their abilities and create new

• committees.

Inviting local and international organizations to participate in these workshops.

Furthermore, Naba'a speaks in favor of inclusive education in side Palestinian and

Lebanese schools, through child rights convention. Naba'a believes that the four areas to work at are:

Creating inclusive concept inside schools, local organizations and children

• parents.

Encouraging the educational system to invest the local community resources in

• improving the life of this system.

Setting inclusive policies that can be adopted by Lebanese ministry of education

• Developing and publishing its case studies and Naba'a practices and

• experiences, which will be the tool of persuading the educational systems (Palestinian Lebanese) in applying the inclusive education inside schools.

Naba'a is always seeking to motivate the educational department and the local community in adopting the child right convention concerning right of education, protection, participation and quality of education. Its strategy is to create networking, relationships and coordination among the local NGOs in order to reach the wider community in advocating the child rights.



Training & Capacity Building Program

This program cuts across all of the programs of Naba'a and consists of a highly - qualified and experienced team, who works at the local, national and regional level. Naba'a works in a holistic integrated approach, all the categories of the community are targeted in capacity building program, as it is considered as a linkage of all Naba'a programs. During this year Naba'a has achieved a set of capacity building workshops:

Capacity Building for Children

o In order to improve the children skills to be able in stimulating their rights among their peers and communities and to monitor their violated rights, about 350 children (11-13) participated in different workshops focusing on Child to Child, children rights and child rights violations.

Capacity Building for Parents & Teachers

o More than 270 teachers and 465 parents participated in different workshops talking about learning through play, inclusive education and child rights. These workshops were held in the four camps (Naher Albarid, Ein Elhilwi, AI Rashydieh, and Elbuss).

o Other workshops are also done with them focusing on child rights, children participation and protection, communication, importance of education, reasons for dropout and physical punishment.

Capacity Building for Loval & International Organizations

o Naba'a always aims to empower the local organizations and to improve their skills and capacities. Hence, 9 specialists from Norwegian people aid participated in Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop for five days at Naba'a office. These trainings have improved the specialists skills to reflect their experience to their colleagues.

o About 26 Local NGOs (North, Saida and Tyre) participated in 3 days workshops talking about Child Rights Programming.


o In coordination with Welfare association in Lebanon, 8 local NGOs were trained on how to establish parents committees and how to increase their participation in day to day activities and in management levels. 50 that, Naba'a trainers conducted 3 days training in addition to 8 follow up days in the field, in order to support the supervisors who carry out this process, during the establishment of their KGs parents committees.

o Different workshops were conducted with about 30 local NGOs in the four camps, to discuss issues of managerial skills, communicating with children, working with children through CRC, and computer training. About 55 participants from the NGOs attended these workshops.

Capacity Building for youth & Active Members

o 250 animators were trained on how to react with children and implement psychosocial and non formal activities in 20 governmental schools. The training topics were child rights, conflict resolution and communication with children in difficult circumstances.

o 100 active members inside the local community participated in training about management skills, child right programming, local fund raising and advocacy. By the end of training 10 local committees were formed to follow and manage children activities which are taking place in the schools and their communities.

o Around 120 youth (16-22) have been trained in southern camps and gatherings on how to do need assessments in their local communities. As an outcome of these training and needs assessments, 6 youth committees were formed, these committees having a very important role in identifying the priorities of their local communities and suggesting the suitable interventions and solutions.

o Before achieving summer activities, Naba'a hold a capacity building work shop for 75 animators and volunteers , preparing them on how to react with children and communicate with them during the summer activities.

o About 15 animators were trained on doing research about adolescents' health in Old city of 5aida.


Emergency Program

Naba'a considers emergency program as an important component of its strategy and work. Through it, Naba'a notices all the circumstances around the children and society to insure that its


interference plans fit with the actual situation of the


The war of 12th July 2006 was an example of how Naba'a can interfere to support the IDPS and the people who suffered from the war and its negative impacts. During July-August 2006, Israel practiced a terrific and horrible shelling inside Lebanon. Naba'a was one of the first initiative organizations that extended help and support to the displaced people. The war has its negative psycho-social effect upon the people, especially on children who suffered from trauma, nervousness and bad

witting. Naba'a extended all possible help and support for the displaced people in particular to ~----------------~--------, their children. First, Naba'a worked hard to provide the displaced people with their basic needs such as :

• Food kits (Mortadela, check beans, jam cans, Tuna cans, Sardine can, Rice, Tea, Soap, Children soap, Diapers, Smeds cheese, Halawa, Powder milk, Maakarouna, Health towels, green beans, tomato paste).

• Children kits (Tooth paste, teeth brush, T-shirts,

under wear, caps, diapers, biscuits, shower L..- ----'

tools, children soap, shoes, toys, drawing book,

colored pens, toys and under wears).

• Enfant formula.



The following table shows the services provided by Naba'a for the displaced people during and after the war period, supported by a number of international organizations.



European Union





Save the



Save the




Oxfam Qubac in coordination with Lana Almoustakbal and Naba'a

Terre des


Hommes - Italy and ECHO





Kind of Services & Contents

Food kits (beans, jam, Tuna cans, tea,

oil, sardine cans, milk, sugar, salt,

sugar, martadila, cheese, Halawi,

tissue papers, children soap, shampo,

soap, kotex for women, toilet papers).

Educational activities with the

children and the mothers ( group games, painting and drawing, handicrafts activities, warning discussions, reading and telling stories, sportive days, sportive

activities, producing educational toys, clowns show, mobile cinema).

Food kits (Martadila, beans, sugar, rice, sardine cans, tuna cans, tea, soap, diapers, children soap, kotex for women, cheese, halawi, milk, makarona, bazila, tomato paste).

Kits especially for children

- Teeth paste, t-shirt, underwear, hats, diapers, children soap, shoes, games, color pens.

- Milk for the children under one year and Nido milk above 1 year.

- Psychosocial activities and creative activities with the children and the mothers.

- Milk for children under 1 year

- diapers for children and covers.

Kits especially for the children aimed 4030 displaced children and 803 children form Zibkin- Sidikin after stopping the war (underwear, towel, shoes, teeth brush, teeth paste, t-shlrt, cream, carton, paste, healthy water, sirilak, kotex for women, oil painting).

Psychosocial activities with children and women.

Diapers for children in different sizes.

Bejamas for children.


No. of Beneficiaries

- 12244 kits benefit from it 22500 displaced ( some of them benefit twice or triple times) during and after the war in 26 centers and 14 regions in Saida, Aljiyi, Alrmaili, Daraya, Alghaziyi, Nabatieh and the surroundings, Alkharayeb, Erzi, Zrariyi, Insariyi, Baysariyi, Nijariyi, Merwaniyi, Alaakbiyi, Dayaat Alarab.

- 13115 children aged 4-14 years

distributed as follows:

- 1350 displaced children were in centers in Saida.

- 1050 children in Nabatieh and the surroundings (after ending the war).

- 10715 children from Tyre, Elbuss, ALrashidiyi, Jal Albaher, Borj Alshamali, Sidikine, Zebkine, Qana, Shakra, Rishknany, Ramadiya, (after ending the war).

-154 displaced mothers.

- 486 kits benefit 2500 displaced from it.

- 256 families benefits from Nido milk, 424 milk cans for the children under one year bendfit 212 children, diapers for 454 children, 500 sleeping covers.

- 4030 displaced children benefits from the kits for the children.

- 803 children from Zibkin and Sidikine after the war.

- Psychosocial and creative activities done for 1050 children and 470 mothers from the displaced.

- 300 children and 100 mothers after the war period in Zibkine and Sidikine countries.

- 40644 diapers were distributed in Tyre, Nabatieh, Aaba, Albayad, Zibdine, Alkfour, Teir Harfa.

- 750 Bejamas were distributed for the children in Naher Albarid and Ein Alhilwi camps.

Second, many activities were achieved with the children and parents who stayed in schools for about one month. These activities aimed to support the displaced children and families who moved from south and Beirut to North area, looking for safer places, by offering them and their children with remedial activities to be able to cope with stress and adapt themselves with new locations.

The activities were held inside schools and Naba'a centers where displaced people are concentrated. It was the only way of allowing the children to forget or may be to eliminate the image of the war and dead people from their innocent minds. Such activities were:

Drawing, painting, songs, handicrafts, discussion circles, telling stories, sports, and clowns show.

Also, parents formed part of Naba'a interest during the war especially the mothers, since most of the displaced mothers showed their worrying and frightening from the horrible images. Different activities and workshops were achieved with the mothers, such as:

• Raising awareness workshops talking about how to deal with their children in these difficult circumstances.

• Producing toys.

• Handicrafts.

Further more, people who hosted the displaced families were also provided with these kits and activities in Old Saida and Ein EI Helweh camp.


Summer Activities

Children who Joined Naba'a programs and ....- _

participated in the activities carried out, look forward to enroll and participated in summer activities .

• The 2006 summer program started in the 1st of July twelve days before the Israeli aggression on ~~~~~~~~L...I'! Lebanon. Small Journalist was the main activity ....--------presented this summer. 200 Children were encouraged to talk and write on topics of their interests namely "protection, discrimination, child abuse and violence" The small journalist activity tries to help children acquire searching ~~~!:~~~~

skills through observation, interview techniques ....- ~-_____.

and taking snap shots .

• It is worth saying children camp visiting group was practiced. Some of Naher EI barid children visited their peers at Rashydieh. Others had a trip to AI Qasmieh river where they shared ideas and experiences and made good friends.

The most highlighted and important difficulty during this month was the offensive Israeli war towards Lebanon on 12th of July which lasted 34 days. This war was an obstacle that paralyzed all Naba'a running programs and activities in order to shift for the emergency work.


Naba'a Beneficiaries

Beneficia ries


Children 3-5 years

Parents in neighborhood community

1500 11500 6500 6000

350 250 400


Children 6-12 years

Children and adolescents 13- 18 years

Palestinian Teachers

Lebanese Teachers

Volunteers and adults

Local NGOs

Naba'a Published Materials in 2005 - 2006

• Naba'a Magazines.

• Naba'a website.

• Inclusive education Training Manual.

• Brochures (Naba'a, Child Abuse, Inclusive education, Child friendly Environment).

• Researches on (Health Adolescents, Violence against children in Old Saida), Violence against children in Ein EI Helweh camp.

• Monitoring of child rights violations.

• Posters.


Financial Highlights 2005 - 2006

Salaries & Wages 22.67%

Insurance 1.63%

Children Activities 71.56%

Expenditure Amount in USD Percentage
Children Activities 552.379.50 71.56
Electricity & Communication 16.595.51 2.15
Depreciation 1.530.00 0.20
Salaries & Wages 174.983.51 22.67
Stationary 10.740.00 1.39
Insurance 12.560.00 1.63
Rent 3.173.33 0.41
Total $ 771.961.85 100.00 * This budget is related to 2006 which include emergency program.




European Union - EU KRSF

Local Community MAP



Oxfam Quebec

Save The Children - Sweden Save The Children - UK


Terre Des Hommes - Italy UNICEF

~~~~RVVA __


Our Core Values

• Participation -Protection

• Cooperation

• Fidelity

• Transparency and accountability

• Neutrality

• Equity and equality

• Commitment


Naba'a Management Team

Qassem - Saad Director
Vasser Dawoud Program Coordinator
Hiba Hamzi Program Coordinator
Imad Abdel Raziq Program Coordinator
Alaa Hourani Financial Manager
Ali Salam Program Coordinator
Samir Sharari Program Coordinator
Alia EI Turkey Project Manager
Aida Qadoura Project Manager
Saliha Wannas Project Manager Production Notes

Text Edited by Photos

Hiba Hamzi

Mr. Mahmoud Asadi

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