Clinton Speech Draft

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don't want my daughter's generation to be the first to do worse

than its parents. And through it all, your government seems to

be more of a burden than a
\.!othing brought all of this home to me bette3than a letter I
received recently from a mother of two in Hammond, Indiana. She
has been doing per best for years to hold down a decent job, make
meet and raise her two sons right way.
She's not a Democrat or a Republican, and I'm sorry to say she
didn't even vote for me. She just thinks this country can do
better for hardworking people like her. "I'm tired," she says,
"of the citizens of this country ending up with les.s than we
deserve. .. I'm proud to be. an American. All I want is the
opportunity to work, to live in a community where crime, gangs
and drug traffickinq is the exception notthe rule, to know that
if I need medical assistance, it's available to me." She ends:
"I am willinq to do my part. Is Conqress willinq? Are you?"
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why I ran for President, and why I believe you
elected me.
expand opportun
make excuses
part, not
all of th , I have work d to do
< uJ .

times .
And at
right for

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