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Benchmark/Standard: District Curriculum Standards Construct tables, graphs, and equations to represent linear patterns of change.

Describe the information the variables and numbers in an equation represent. Behavioral/Ob ective: !he learner "ill discover a linear relationship from a source of media and create a table, graph and equation of their findings. #nticipator$ Set: Compare and Contrast the theoretical situations from the te%tbook and real "orld e%perimental e%amples. &hat ke$ differences should "e be a"are of' Do these differences matter substantiall$' Ob ective/(urpose: !he last fe" lessons "e have been looking at a lot of e%amples from the book and construct tables, graphs, and equations for these situations. !oda$, "e "ill be putting all of that to use but "ith much more challenging situations that ) have found in the ne"s. )nput #. !ask #nal$sis *. +emind students that "e have compared theoretical situations "ith e%perimental "hen "e discussed probabilit$. !hen lead quick discussion on differences "ith linear relationships. !his is the anticipator$ set. ,. -uickl$ discribe "hat the . ne"s/maga/ine articles, song, and video are about so that students understand the general topic of each article but not the specifics. .. 0ive students time to think about "hich of the four the$ "ill "ork "ith and then allo" them to choose. 1. Once groups are made and articles, songs, or videos disbursed. 0roups e%plore their material and "ork to create a table, graph, and equation of the data. 2ach group must also prepare a presentation of ho" the$ found their "ork. 3. !eacher circulates the room during group "ork and observes group "ork but assists as little as possible. 4. &ith ten minutes left in class, bring class together and have each group present "hat the$ found to be interesting in their topic and "hat linear relationship the$ found. . minutes each. 5. 2%it pass: &rite for ,6. minutes on reflecting about $our learning toda$ and the most interesting thing about $our media source. B. !hinking 7evels: Blooms #pplication: 8se "hat $ou have learned to a ne" real6"orld situation #nal$sis: Compare and Contrast theoretical situations "ith real situations

#nal$sis: #nal$/e $our article, song, or video to find "hat information $ou need to present. S$nthesis: Create representations such as tables and graphs from $our source of media. C. 7earning St$les and/or #ccommodations )ntrapersonal: &orking in 0roups to make a presentation 9usical, spatial, linguistic: 0et to choose bet"een. articles, a song, and a video to make a presentation on. Spatial, :inesthetic, 7inguistic, 7ogical, ;aturalist: (resentations can be done in an$ "a$ $ou "ant, so an$ of these learning st$les could be used. D. 9ethod and 9aterials 9ethod: 7ecture on m$ e%pectations, presentation from student groups. 9aterials: !"o #rticles. Song. <ideo. Document camera, and material to make visuals for presentations. #rticle about a dog on a scooter breaking a speed record.*,=,1=,3/book>/. #rticle about a college student collecting cans to pa$ for college. http://t""een45/shes6pa$ing6college6bottles6and6cans 9odeling ;one, in this lesson since the students have seen me model in previous lessons all the tasks the$ are e%pected to do. Checking for 8nderstanding &alk around room during group collaboration to gauge students understanding of ob ectives. (resentations at end of hour "ill sho" ho" much students understand the article and "h$ the$ chose to represent the data in a certain "a$. 2%it (ass: Students must reflect on their learning toda$ and the most interesting thing about their media source. 0uided (ractice ;one. !he students "ork in their groups "ith no help from teachers aside from clarification on directions for assignment. )ndependent (ractice Students "ork in groups "ith no support from adults, so this entire lesson is independent practice. Closure Once again have a class discussion about the differences and similarities of theoretical situations from our te%tbook and real "orld choices the groups have been "orking "ith.

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