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Page 21
Move the discussion from pages 23-24 here as follows. After baseball:
(1) Strike first sentence of paragraph "Responsiblity is for everybody." and move the
remainder to the top of page 22, after sentence "But governmeJ:!t can so
.. (2)]Insert transhion.:difFespotisiblity and.rights:: naiioh ruiruways . . .....
responsiblity. from But it has als6 been a hav.en for those who ask .. -c- __ .. __
": ....
niore:ilia.n the freedoln to express or the opportuiiity toseek a better
(3)' Go to immigration paragraphs on 23.:24. Strike "My prinCiple is End with
" ... hate must not govern." . .
Back to .. 2 abortion paragraphs.
Strike ''Don't have sex." Begala and I both object to it, not only because of how it
sounds but also because of how our opponents could use it. Let's try "Stay in school.
Practice abstinence." .
Flip the two paragraphs "Nowwe agree with some of you here ... " and "Letthis ..
year ... /'
In "Now we agree ... " strike the first sentence.
If we want to go right at Newt, in the same paragraph, after "Some of you want to leave
children, homeless, hungry and on their own." insert modified sentence from Begala
inserts: "But! will not allow any politician to use the people
desire for welfare reform as a vehicle to tear babies away from their mothers and force
them into orphanages."
fDR quote -- as reduced -- now goes at the end of the paragraph that ends "abandons
those with AIDS, or locks out people with disabilities."
POTUS will make his call on ending with Jack Lucas. As you know, I think including it
here puts too much at the end. I would rather see a statement that goes back to what we --
i.e. President/Congress -- are here to do. Sanctuary of democracy; up to us to protect it,
nurture it as we approach the new era. Then end with the paragraphs "Now we must
accept the responsiblity ..

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