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Otten 2014


Finding our Walking Speed

Directions: We will work together in groups to find the walking speed of a classmate and use the rate we find to predict other answers from this information. Group job duties: The Recorder is __________________. My job is to a. Write collected data. b. Make sure everyone contributes The Reporter(s) is _________________ and ___________________. My job is to a. Monitor groups general discussion b. Report back to the class c. Be timed while walking The Timer is _________________. My job is to a. Time the walks b. Keep the group on schedule to finish this project on time Leader is _________________. My job is to a. Remind others of their duties when needed b. Keep our group on task

Checklist for this project _______ Assign group jobs (2 min.) _______ Time the reporter walking and record data in tables (6-10 min.) _______ Graph results from Trails 1 and 2 (1-2 min.) _______ Discuss what the tables and graph mean until everyone understands (2-8 min.) _______ Complete Follow up Questions as a group or individually (10-15 min.)

Otten 2014


Trial 1 Time (in seconds) Distance (in meters)

Trial 2 Time (in seconds) Distance (in meters)

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Distance 8 (in meters) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time (in seconds)

Otten 2014


Follow Up Questions (due for homework grade)

Directions: Use the data you collected to answer the following questions and show all your work. A. Use the data you collected to find the walking rate in meters per second of your reporter.

B. Assume you continue to walk at the walking rate you calculated in #1 above. 1. How long would it take you to walk 500 meters?

2. How far could you walk in 30 seconds?

3. How far could you walk in 10 minutes? (Hint: 1 min. = 60 sec.)

4. How far could you walk in 1 hour?

5. Mr. Ottens Challenge: Write an equation that represents the distance d in meters that you could walk in t seconds if you maintain this walking rate. (Hint: Helps if you discuss in words before trying to write an equation)

6. How many meters would you walk in 45 seconds. (one option: you could use the equation from your answer to #5)

Otten 2014


C. If Mr. Otten walks 10 meters in 3 seconds, what is his walking rate?

a. How long does it take him to walk 100 meters?

b. Write an equation that represents the distance d that Mr. Otten walks in t seconds.

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