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Career Objective

To build a long-term career in your profession with opportunities for career growth

Personal Particulars

Name Address Tele(ho#e No) /obile No) 2mail A$e Date o6 Birth Natio#alit5 8e#der /arital 9tat&s IC No)

: Nabilah Bt Alivi : D-1-5, Blo ! D, "ela#$i %tama Co#domi#i&m, Ba#dar %tama,"' : *+-+,-5--5*+. : +1..+-.001 : #abilah3alivi45ahoo) om : 1* 5ears : 17 De 1-0, : /ala5sia : Female : 9i#$le : 0,1117-+1-5.00

Educational Qualification Awards and Achievements Highest Qualification

School/College /ara %#iversit5 O6 Te h#olo$5 :%iT/, 9hah Alam;



-Ba helor I# C&stomer 9ervi e /a#$eme#t :Ho#s; -1#d Class %((er -/a<or: C&stomer 9ervi e /i#or: H&ma# =eso&r e -Di(loma I# O66i e /a#a$eme#t a#d Te h#olo$5 -1#d Class %((er -/%2T: Ba#d 7 -9"/

/ara %#iversit5 O6 Te h#olo$5 :%iT/, "era!;


9e! /e# >eb 9&lta# Ibrahim >&lai


Years 1+++ 1++1-1++1 1++. 1++.-1++7


Awards/ Achievements -1 Li#! Brid$e =&# :'ohor-9(ore; -Hari Cabara# /ala5sia -9 hool "re6e t -First "la e I# 2 o#om5 ?&i@:9tate; -Committee /ember I# 9 hool Liberia# Asso iatio# -Vi e-9e retar5 o6 /ala5 La#$&a$e Asso iatio# -I#volve I# O#e "l&s O#e "ro$ram :Tea hi#$ Bahasa /ala5sia to Chi#ese s hool st&de#ts;

1++5-1++* 1++,

-I#volved i# /ar hi#$ 6or >esatria -Committee member o6 s(e ial tas! b&rea& i# or$a#i@i#$ eve#t: AThe Battle o6 the /arshall ArtB b5 Co&th 8&sto $ro&() -Committee member o6 (romotio# b&rea& i# or$a#i@i#$ trai#i#$: A9#at h ThievesB b5 9avior $ro&( -Vol&#teered i# or$a#i@i#$ eve#t A 'om 8em(aDB :Fa &lt5 6amil5 da5;



-Committee member o6 lo$isti b&rea& i# or$a#i@i#$ eve#t: 9emi#ar o# &stomer servi e: =hetori vs =ealit5 b5 =a6sa#a $ro&( -Com(leted a resear h Ehi h the title is AComm&#i atio# s!ills that lead to &stomer satis6a tio#B Des ri(tio#: To 6i#d o&t Ehether verbal s!ills, #o#-verbal s!ills, (roblem solvi#$ s!ills, a#d #e$otiatio# s!ills a# lead to &stomer satis6a tio#)


-Certi6i ate i# Co&#$ 8rad&ate Core Trai#i#$ "ro$ram :Or$a#i@ed b5 Is!a#dar /ala5sia a#d %T/;

-I#volved i# Debate Com(etitio# 1+11-1+11 -Comm&#it5 i# de(artme#t Fi!iGs $ro&(, All Ha#ds A tivit5, a#d (ro$ram (rovided b5 IB/ -I#volved i# Thaila#d A o&#t A&dit i# IB/ -I#volved i# 9tar AEards Cam(ai$# i# IB/ -Committee member 6or A" I9C Leaders /eeti#$, IB/

S ills and Strengths

8ood omm&#i atio# s!ills, (roblem solvi#$ s!ills a#d #e$otiatio# s!ills 8ood i# omm&#i ati#$, s(ea!i#$ a#d Eriti#$ 6or 2#$lish a#d /ala5 La#$&a$e Basi i# /a#dri# a#d Tamil >e5 boardi#$ s!ills-7+ E(m 8ood i# om(&ter s!ills a#d eH(lori#$ #eE so6tEare-/i roso6t O66i e, 9(ss,Adobe Have basi i# ma!i#$ Eebsite a#d o#li#e database s5stem /otivatio#: have eH(erie# ed tea hi#$ Chi#ese s hool st&de#ts to im(rove their Bahasa /ala5sia 6rom 5ear 1++.-1++7 i# the (ro$ram o6 AO#e (l&s O#eB =a!a# "embimbi#$ 8ood i# &si#$ Lot&s #ote a#d bla ! s ree# s5stem) "&# t&alit5 Ver5 $ood i# ha#dli#$ stress 8ood health AlEa5s Ea#ted to lear# #eE !#oEled$e

!or ing E"#erience

'a#-/a5 1++0:

For!ed at A o&#t a#d Admi#istratio# De(artme#t, NeE 9traits Times :"ress;

'a#-A(ril 1+1+:

For!ed at C&stomer a#d A$e#t =elatio# De(artme#t, "ermodala# Nasio#al Berhad :"NB;

/a5-9e(t: 9e(t-De ember:

C&stomer 9ervi e O66i er at /1:TTDI; Co&#$ 8rad&ate Trai#i#$ "ro$ramme :C8=ACT; :V9 I#d&str5: "&r hasi#$ De(artme#t;

A(ril-NoE: =e eivable ;

Advisor5 C&stomer F&l6illme#t "ro6essio#al :A o&#t

$oluntar% !or

Hel( lea#i#$ a#d ma!e over at =&mah Bara!at 'ohor :Or(ha#a$e 9 hool a#d Hostel; Vol&#teered i# or$a#i@i#$ A'om 8em(aDB eve#t : 6a &lt5Gs eve#t;

2I"2CT2D 9ALA=C: =/ .5++ :#e$otiable;


Name "ho#e) No Address

: : :

/ohd Halim /ahmod +1,-,++5*.* Is!a#dar /ala5sia =esear h Ce#ter :I/=2C; Blo! *-.5, Da#$a Ba5, 'ala# 9!&dai, 0+1++, 'ohor Bahr&, 'ohor

Name "ho#e Address

: : :

"&a# 9ari(aha#om Bt Abd) 9amad +,-5--11+1 Lot "LO 1, >aEasa# "eri#d&stria# 9e#ai, A o&#t De(artme#t NeE 9traits Time :"ress;, 017++, 9e#ai, 'ohor

Name "ho#e Address

: : :

/s 9o6ia Ha#&m Hamda# +11-.555,70 IB/ /ala5sia, 9ela#$or

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