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Team Name: _____________________

Group Presentation Rubric

The teacher will use this rubric to evaluate each groups presentation. Students can look at this rubric so they may understand what they are being graded on. The Group Presentation Rubric will be combine with the Teammate Participation Rubric to determine your final grade for the project. Trait Criteria Points

Presentation had Presentation had Content Presentation had a an exceptional Presentation moments where amount of Did the good amount of contained little to valuable material presentation material and valuable material no valuable was present but as have valuable benefited the and was extremely material. a whole content material? class. beneficial to the was lacking. class. Collaboration The teammates The teammates The teammates Did everyone The teammates worked from always worked sometimes worked contribute to others ideas most from others ideas. never worked from others ideas. the from others ideas. of the time. And It was evident that However it seems presentation? It seems as though it seems like every all of the group as though certain Did everyone only a few people did some work, members people did not do seem well worked on the but some people contributed as much work as versed in the are carrying the equally to the presentation. others. material? presentation. presentation. Organization The presentation The presentation The presentation Was the There were had organizing lacked was well minimal signs of ideas but could presentation organization and organized, well well organized organization or have been much had little evidence prepared and easy preparation. and easy to stronger with of preparation. to follow. follow? better preparation. Presentation Did the Presenters were Presenters were presenters Presenters were all not consistent with occasionally Speak clearly? Presenters were very confident in the level of confident with unconfident and Did the delivery and they confidence/ their presentation engage the demonstrated little did an excellent preparedness they however the evidence of audience? job of engaging showed the presentation was Was it planning prior to the class. classroom but had not as engaging as presentation. obvious the Preparation is very some strong it could have been material had evident. moments. for the class. been rehearsed?





Team Name: _____________________

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