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F) Images

1793-1794- Robespierres Reign of Terror. This image shows the guillotine in the center of Paris which was used during the Reign of Terror to execute anyone against the revolution or revolutionary ideas. King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette themselves were executed by the guillotine.

January 22, 1905- Bloody Sunday. Unarmed, peaceful demonstrators are fired on in St.Petersburg at the Winter Palace, resulting in many casualties.

1832Cover of the Sadler Report. This reported findings of horrible conditions in factories, mostly in textile mills for women and children.

1789- Tricolor flag of the French Revolution. The tricolor was a symbol of the French Revolution and later became Frances official flag.

October 5, 1789- March on Versailles. This image depicts the Womens March on Versailles in France. This forced Louis XVI and his family to move to Paris and was an important event in the French Revolution.

February 1917- February Revolution. Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Russia and this revolution led to the abdication of the tsar and the fall of the imperial government as a whole.

1944- Auschwitz concentration camp. People sent to the right were destined to slave labor for now and to the left, the gas chambers.

1986- The Berlin Wall. The wall divided East and West Berlin. That area in the middle was called The Death Strip.

1948 Berlin Airlift. A U.S. plane flies into Berlin to deliver supplies to the people who are being cut off and starved out by the Soviet Union.

August 1789Declaration on the Rights of Man. This document stated that the rights of all men across all the estates is universal.

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