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The Congress of Vienna

This image shows one of the meetings at the congress of Vienna. This meeting was impactful in this era because it restored monarchy to the territories Napoleon once ruled, and regained a balance of power in the congressional system. Unifying Through War

This image depicts the Franco-Prussian war which had a profound impact on this section. The Franco-Prussian war resulted both in the unification of Germany and Italy but more importantly, lead to the first World War after Germany gaine Alsace-Lorraine. The Book Of Communism

This image shows The Communist Manifesto which was written by Karl Marx. This was a very influential book during this era and predicted what communism would become in the nearing years.

Gross Miscarriage of Justice

This picture depicts the Dreyus Affair. The Dreyus affair was a political scandal that divided France. Captain Alfred Dreyus was accused of trading French military secrets to the Germans and in return, was sentenced to life in prison. Dreyus was sentenced to prison for life because of his jewish heritage. This event is the epitome of miscarriage of justice. The Great Liberator

This image depicts Tsar Alexander II as a great figure and one who leads in the favor of his people. Alexander II was definitely known for this which earned him the nickname, The Liberator. Tsar Alexander abolished serfdom among many other reforms. He was seen as the best leader of Russia since Peter the Great. The War to Start All Wars

This image depicts the battles within the Franco-Prussian war. This battle was by far the most monumental in this era. The purpose of this war was to unify Germany by seizing the French authority. This battle ended with the Prussians success and with it, a unified Germany, and Alsace-Lorraine. The loss of Alsace-Lorraine really ticked the French off and for forty years they held a grudge on Germany until they finally waged war.This instigated the first world war.

A Revolution of Revolutions

This image depicts the July Revolutions in France. The significance of this war was that it abdicated Charles X and replaced him with Louis phillipe, otherwise known as the, Citizen King. This revolution could be seen as a revolution to the previous and more famous French Revolution. The people of France were unhappy with the government that they had set up so they decided to revolt again.

The Pride of a Nation

This painting depicts the July revolution, done by Eugene Delacroix. This painting is an example of Romanticism. This form of art was very influential in this era because it displayed strong nationalism in a time of numerous revolts.

This image refers to the quadruple alliance that was formed by Italy, Germany, Austria, and England. The main goals of the alliance was to defeat Napoleon and prevent democratic revolutions. The quadruple alliance is significant because they were among few who successfully defeated Napoleon.

The Boot Fits

This image depicts the unification of Italy by fitting the foot of Victor Emmanuel II with the help of one of his best soldiers, Giuseppe Garibaldi. With the reform efforts of Emmanuel and the great leadership of Garibaldi, Italy at last achieved unification and became an independent state.

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