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Public Service Announcements Always a Bridesmaid at The Bell Tower Theater

Thank you for your support of the Bell Tower Theater and all of our programs. We would appreciate any opportunity you have to notify your audience of our upcoming events. If you have any questions, please contact Miki Ro inson, Marketing and !perations Manager, at "#$%"&&%$$'' or mro inson(

!n the night of their )enior *rom four friends swore that they would e in each others matter what. +ittle did they know that $, years later they would still e keeping that promise- .orsaking all others, in sickness and in health, they repeatedly struggle to stage the perfect wedding in spite of one hilarious catastrophe after another. /on0t miss the Iowa premiere of the new comedy Always a Bridesmaid, running March 1& to 2pril 3$. *erformances are Thursdays at '4$, pm, .ridays and )aturdays at & pm and )undays at $ pm. Tickets are 5ust 637. 8all the Bell Tower Theater at "&&%$$'' or visit www.

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