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My Tribute to Einstein on His Birthday [March 14]

[By John Paily]

I am not a physicist or mathematician. I dont understand any of the complex mathematics that scientist use to understand Nature. But like all, I am curious of Nature and did try to visualize the conceptual thinking of minds behind many great leaps in modern science. I believe that all great ideas have its root in nature. It is said Newton saw an apple fall to invent his gravitational theory. When Newtonian mechanics was challenged by electromagnetism, Einstein observed a spider moving on a globe and blew the globe in his vision to develop his theory of gravity. Newton perceived forces acting in straight line instantaneously and built his theory on basal minimum speed. Einstein visualized force moving in curvature and built his theory on speed of light as maximum speed possible. This is understandable because however much you blow a balloon, the curvature remains. Another argument is that as the speed of an object increases the mass increases exponentially and beyond a point you cannot increase the speed. Everything was fine till Heisenberg introduced Uncertainty and quantum mechanics and statistical language took over. Einstein opposed this Theory. During last 40 years or so of his life Einstein struggled to find sensible explanation to nature. He tried to introduce a new force anti-gravity, cosmological constant and wrote in his biography that constants of physical equations are not constants and that they should be replaced by a ratio and so on. When proof came that universe is accelerating, he retracted from his thinking. These thought have eventually led to concepts like singularity and universe that is running away, with no simple answers to the universe its origin and existence. Thinking on these developments, I felt that science has failed to fix the picture of matter and light and understand the quantity called mass. E=mc2 itself suggests that what we call matter is the product of two photons and they out to have cancelled if they are equal. This means what we call mass becomes the measure of non-equilibrium. [Just today I saw paper where scientists have fused two photons to create matter].

This also means that there should be minimum of two parallel worlds from which these photons come and they are driven by instinct to seekequilibrium towards the center. Since equilibrium is death. The only other way out is to look at universe from the point of ratio. Einstein thoughts were in right direction. Universe is stable and it is controlled by certain vibration in the center that unfolds energy and light and enfolds it thus controlling the system from collapsing or running way. The origin of this control can only be traced to life. We cannot understand universe by separating life and ourselves from it. Had Newton observed the apple tree and the seed in the apple sprouting Einstein instead of blowing the globe had blown the spider, science would have been different. All life by instinct is anti-gravitational. They hold an inner space where gravity gets transformed into anti-gravity. They also have the capacity to conquer time and perpetuates in time cycle. The only way to understand the universe is to visualize it as living being as the ancient east understood it. The origin now can be traced to single being, single cell, single atom or soul, a single Light Particle that has maximum energy for further details explore

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