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Monday 3/17:
-SIT Mtg in Media Ctr 2:50-3:45

FLA S H !!!

Dillard Elementary School:

Tina Chestnut, Principal

Whats Going On at DE S Week of 3/17/14


Thursday 3/20:
-CASA K,2,4 -NO PARENT NT! PPD until April -Kindergarten Registration 5-7pm

Tuesday 3/18:
-Art Club -Drum Circle -Finance Mtg @ RCHS-Tina Gone (AM Only) -Backpack Celebration 4pm DMHS

Friday 3/21:

-FACE Training at CO 8:30-3:30 (Triche, Martin, & Dalton GONE)

Wednesday 3/19:
-CASA Mtgs: 1,3,5 -READY Regional Principals Mtg (Tina Gone All Day- Koury Ctr) -Finance Mtg @ RCHS Kelly Gone (AM Only)

Saturday 3/22

-Reading Festival Holmes Middle School 9AM-2PM Have a safe & restful weekend!

Upcoming Events: -3/24: Early Release -3/24: Dash Bash #3 -3/24: PD at Morehead Auditorium 2:30-3:45 -3/24: REPORT CARDS GO HOME -3/27: Spring Pictures

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