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ASSESSMENT SUBJECTIVE: Masakit ang kamay ko As verbalized by the pt.

t. Pain scale2/10 Objective (+) swelling (+) facial grimace Restless

DIAGNOSIS Acute pain r/t swelling Secondary to fall

PLANNING To alleviate pain by rendering independent and dependent nursing care within a whole shift. Continious monitoring of pts. Level of pain.

INTERVENTION Applied warm compress to affected arm. R: to dilate b. Vessels, to promote circular than and to decerease swelling. Applied bandage instructed pt. To limit strenous act Involving affected arm. R: to immobalize the the affected arm Encouraged to DBE when in pain. R: to help pt. relax Adm. Pain reliever. R: to relieve pain

EVALUATION Goal met: Pt. verbalized nawala na yung pananakit niya

A Subjective : nahihirapan akong igalaw ang kamay ko kasi sumasakit As verbalized by the pt. Objective : Slowed movement Limited range of motion of motion an affected extremities Postural instability

P To help pt. maintain position of function and sustain strength of the affected extremity, by demonstrating techniques that enable resumption of act

I Assessed degree of pain and rendered nursing measures by applying warm compress to decrease pain R: to rule out worsening of underlying condition/ development of complications Encouraged active and passive range motion exercise to increase stamina and endurance of affected extremity R: To athropy and contractures, and to enhance patients sense of control

Assisted pt in moving and repositioning R: to promote nonpharmacological pain management Applied support to knee by using pillow R: to lessen pain at the injured part. Provide safety measures R: to keep patient safe Adm. Pain reliever R: to alleviate pain.

Impaired physical mobility r/t pain

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