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Skill Competency Checklist | Jamie L.

! Competent

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! PHYSICAL ASSESMENT o Collecting a clean-catch midstream urine specimen o Performing a skin puncture o Collecting a urine specimen from an indwelling catheter

Competent but needs practice

Obtaining Vitals Measuring I/O Measuring blood glucose Testing urine for specific gravity, ketones, glucose, and occult blood

SAFETY & INFECTION CONTROL ! Proper body mechanics, safe lifting & transferring ! Assisting with ambulation and safe falling ! Hand hygiene ! Applying/removing sterile gloves ! Effective Communication Process ! Applying cold treatment/heat therapy ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! o Removing contaminated items o Emergent airway management o Applying restraints

CLIENT CARE & COMFORT o Therapeutic massage

BASIC CARE Changing linens in unoccupied/occupied bed Turning/positioning client in bed Assisting with urinal or bedpan Oral care Perineal and genital care Hair and scalp care Changing gown in clients with IVs Assisting from bed to stretcher, commode, wheelchair, or chair MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION

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Medication administration with the 5 rights Administering oral, sublingual, buccal meds Administering nasal meds Administering eye & ear meds Administering rectal meds Administering subcutaneous injections Administering intramuscular injections Administering skin/topical meds Withdrawing medication from a vial Withdrawing medication from an ampule Administering medications via IV Bolus or IV Push Preparing an IV solution Administering IV medications via a secondary set (IVPB)

Last updated: 3/14/14

NURTRITION & ELIMINATION ! Maintaining GI suction devices o Inserting indwelling catheter! Removing indwelling catheter- male & female male & female ! Performing a bladder scan o Obtaining a urine specimen from an indwelling catheter o Oral/NG-tube/G-tube feedings o Assessing placement of small/large bore feeding tube o Irrigating and cleaning a stoma o Changing a bowel diversion ostomy appliance (pouching a stoma OXYGENATION ! Administering 02 therapy ! Assisting client with incentive spirometer ! Assisting client with controlled coughing & deep breathing ! Administering pulse oximetry CIRCULATORY ! Preparing an IV bag and tubing ! Setting the IV flow rate ! Changing the IV solution ! Assessing and maintaining IV insertion site ! Flushing a CVC ! Inserting a butterfly needle o Measuring output from chest drainage system

o Starting an IV o Drawing blood from a CVC o Administering blood transfusion o Assessing and responding to transfusion reactions o Infusing TPN and fat emulsion through CVC o Assisting with removal of CVC o Discontinuing the IV/ Changing to a saline or heparin lock

SKIN INTEGRITY & WOUND CARE ! Preventing/assessing the pressure ulcer o Cleaning and dressing a ! Applying a transparent dressing wound with an open drain ! Applying a dry dressing o Maintaining a closed wound drainage system o Care of Jackson-Pratt Drain Site o Applying a Wet to Damp Dressing

Last updated: 3/14/14

IMMOBILIZATION & SUPPORT ! ! ! ! ! Applying pneumatic compression device Applying antiembolic stockings External fixation pin care Assisting with crutches, cane or walker Assisting with Continuous Passive Motion device o Cast care and comfort

MATERNITY / OB / PEDATRICS ! ! ! ! Urine dipstick for glucose and protein Measuring fundal height Infant wrapping procedure Diapering o Application of external monitor strips o Assistance with epidural administration o Newborn assessment o Postpartum assessment o Vitamin K injection

Last updated: 3/14/14

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