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Congrats! Kerala JTO LICE results published.

As per the directions of Hon'ble CAT, Ernakulam(in an MA filed by Kerala comrades) on !" #"# $! to declare the %T& '(CE results before $!" #"# $! , mana)ement has finally declared the results* (t+s been a lon) le)al battle by a )roup of TTAs under the leadership of ,hri" -a.esh ,ekhar since the year # /" 0urin) this period 1e successfully defended cases a)ainst 2 year ser3ice condition in Kerala CAT and then in Hi)h court" To e3eryone's surprise, 1e succeeded in )ettin) retrospecti3e effect for 2 year ser3ice condition throu)h Hon'ble Hi)h court" 4e could defeat all the attempts to stay the '(CE" Then 1e 3acated the stay on results" 5inally 1e )ot a direction from Hon'ble CAT to publish the results" 4e e6press our sincere )ratitude to1ards Com" (slam of 75TE for his earlier efforts to declare the results and resol3in) Electronics 8roduction Technolo)y, CHM and M,c Electronics issues" 4e e6press our sincere thanks to1ards ,7EA for their efforts to )et the results at the earliest" 4e also e6press our sincere )ratitude to1ards the post # 1ere 3ery helpful in handlin) these cases" 2 TTAs 1ho

4e salute to the memories of our belo3ed ad3ocate 'ate ,hri K-9 Kaimal 1ho fou)ht for us till his last breath" 4e are 3ery thankful to1ards the 0-TTAs 1ho cooperated fully or partially 1ith the cases and con)ratulates all other '(CE passed 'cle3er' 0-TTAs" &ur )oal is not completed until the M,c Electronics and E,M cases settled"

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