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F) Images

1) Potsdam 1945. Stalin, Churchill and Truman at the Potsdam conference to discuss what to do with Europe after the war.

2) FDR and Kruschev arm wrestling. 1962. This represents the Cuban Missile Crisis and the tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

3) 1947 Truman Doctrine. The Doctrine stated that the U.S. would financially and militarily aid any country who is threatened by communism.

4) Berlin Blockade 1948. This map shows the traffic ways the Soviet Union blocked off going into Berlin in 1948 and how the U.S. France and Great Britain had to airlift supplies in.

5) Mikhail Gorbachev 1985. Gorbachev was the last leader of the Soviet Union.

6) 1948 Marshall Plan. The Marshall plan was to give billions of dollars towards rebuilding Europe after WWII.

7) NATO 1949. This military organization between Western Europe, U.S. and Canada ensure that is one if threatened, all are threatened.

8) 1946 Iron Curtain. This map shows the division that is the Iron Curtain Churchill talked about.

9)Berlin Airlift 1948. After the Berlin Blockade, the U.S., France and Great Britain airlifted supplies into West Berlin to sustain the people as the Soviets attempted to starve them out.

10) 1962 Berlin Wall. The wall

was a 27 year division between East and West Berlin, but more symbolically East and West Europe.

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