The Great 50 Pattern Part 2-The Metonic Ratio Code-Expanded-Final

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The Great 50 Pattern Part 2: The Metonic Ratio Scripture Code

In the previous teaching on the number 50, we saw clear Scriptural proof that it represents a number for life dwelling on the earth. And because the number 50 was bound up in counting days for the omer count and years for the Jubilee (again for times that we dwell on the earth), other iterations of the omer/Jubilee process helped us predict future new and full 2 moons.

Specifically, we proved mathematically and scientifically that counting 50 month intervals will predict the Abib NM about a year in advance and counting 50 month intervals will predict the same NM 5 years in advance. Our 50 week count involved comparing the end of 12 months to the number of days that have elapsed since springcalled the Enoch rule because he lived 3 between 365 and 366 years.

If the number of days was fewer than 365, then the timing of that moon was not like Enoch and we needed to add a leap month. By contrast if the number of days was greater than 365, it was like Enoch, and the count was considered full, so no leap month was required. A similar process for a 50 month count was proven to always point to Abib NM 5 4 years from its starting point.

I mention these things only for brief reviewobviously Part 1 of this teaching has all the documentation needed to prove these assertionsat least I believe it does! But with this basic review completed, we can now proceed to the follow-up teaching on what I call the Metonic Code that is also in the Torah and other parts of the Scripture.

To begin with, the number 50 has another key calendar usage that we did not go over before. 50 is a kind of harvest year. It show the time when the barley is ripe for picking (50 days) and when the land has to revert to its original owner, servants are set free and so on (50th year/Jubilee). What this means, at least as far as priests and Levites are concerned, is 6 that 50 is the age they retire


'Take a census by clans and families of the Levites descended from Kohath: all the men between 30 and 50 years of age and eligible for military service, who will have their duties in the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 4:2-3 NJB)


'Take a census of the Gershonites by families and clans, too: all the men between 30 and 50 years of age, eligible for military service, who will have their duties in the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 4:22-23 NJB)


'You will take a census of the Merarites by clans and families. You will take a census of all the men between 30 and 50 years of age, eligible for military service, who will have their duties in the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 4:29-30 NJB)


The total number of Levites whom Moses, Aaron and the leaders of Israel counted in their clans and families, all the men between 30 and 50 years of age, eligible for religious duties and for those of transporting the Tent of Meeting came to 8,580. (Numbers 4:46-48 NJB)

From the age of 25 onwards, the Levite will exercise his ministry and do duty in the Tent of Meeting. After the age of 50, he is no longer bound to the ministry; he will have no further duties; but he will still help his brothers to assure the services in the Tent of Meeting, though he himself will no longer have any ministry. That is how you will act as regards the ministry of the Levites.' (Numbers 8:24-26 NJB) 11

So when a priest or a Levite reaches 50, they are harvested in the sense that they are taken out of their regular duties and natural environment and placed elsewhere. However, unlike the way people retire now, this is not meant to say all who are 50+ are weak or infirmed. Rather, they have earned their new status!

That same new status turns an anash (a man aged 20 years and up) into a zaken (old/elder man), so 50 is the definition of old in terms of when a man reaches his full maturity. This use of 50 will become important when we look at a particular event that happened when Solomon turned 50, but that is a topic for later.

For now however I need to give another brief review into the roots of the Rabbinic Calendar. While the Rabbinic Calendar and all its rules was not completed until the time of Rambam (12th century), its roots go back many centuries before this time. The oldest datable aspect of this calendar was something called the Metonic Cycle.

In 432 BCE, a Greek astronomer named Meton discovered that if you observe the moon over a 19 year period it will be in the exact same phase it was when you started. In other words a full moon on January 1, 2000 will be full again on January 1, 2019. Meton knew that the key was adding 7 lunar leap months over a 19 solar year 15 period to get the cycles to match.

Meton recorded this cycle in 432 BCE but other historians put this discovery no earlier than Metons predecessor Kidnu around 500 BCEthat was still about 900 years after Moshe lived and died. I therefore concluded that the 19 year cycle could not be part of the calendar Moshe knewbut now that needs clarification

As shown before in Part 1 of this teaching, the Jewish people had not figured out which years in the 19 year cycle needed an extra monththey were still arguing about it in the 2nd century CE. Meton himself had answered this question generally and later the Jews would agree and add leaps in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years, but exactly when to 17 insert the leaps was still debated.

It would fall to a later generation of rabbis to decide the best time to add a leap was between the end of winter and the start of spring, because their calendar ran spring to spring and this helped with calculating Passover. So my insistence that the Metonic Cycle was too far after Moshes death to have been part of his calendar was based on the calendar's final form 18

However, that didnt mean that a more primitive discovery about this same cycle did not go back to Moshe, or in fact, much earlier even than Abraham. I call this very early form the Metonic Ratio, because it does not involve the issue of adding leap months at all. Instead, it simply says that the time it takes to have 235 lunar months is 19 within 2 hours of 19 solar years.

But for me the clincher that told me I needed to look at this again came from watching a documentary on Stonehenge on a program called The Universe: Ancient Mysteries Solved which aired on the H-2 (a.k.a. History 2) cable channel. This program took a rather unique approach to studying the ancient monument from about 3000 BCE

They noted that less than half of the original design of Stonehenge was still standingthe rest had fallen into ruins. But both stones and wooden poles were inserted into sockets in the ground and those sockets were still there, so it became possible to rebuild the real Stonehenge in a computer. It had long been known that Stonehenge 21 tracked the solstices

but it was less well known that the missing stones and poles were in key locations that also tracked the moon! To simplify matters a bit, there were different series of rough circles that were dug into the ground, and each circle had a different number, such as 29, 30, 56 and 19. Those numbers seem trivial to most, but to calendar folks they 22 are huge!

29 and 30 hole-circles were meant to parallel each lunar month, which is either 29 or 30 solar days long. The average lunar month is 29.53 days. The number 56 was actually used to track cycles of lunar eclipses. Though these happen once every 18.62 years, the ancient Britons had only whole numbers to work with, and the nearest whole number to capture that cycle was 56.23

The remaining number then19could only refer to the 19 year Metonic Ratio we have been discussing! This gave me major pause, because I could not imagine ancient pagan Britons knowing this cycle in 3000 BCE while Moshe and Israel were ignorant of that same cycle millennia later! But if they knew, it must be in Tanakh!

Let me be clear: It wasnt the case that I had to find such a pattern... rather the discovery at Stonehenge simply meant I had the obligation to look for the same Metonic Ratio in Scripture. Fortunately, I didnt have to look far. I found evidence of this math in no fewer than four places3 in Tanakh and 1 in the 25 NT!

The ancient Hebrews never cared about the cycles of the moon before Moshe this being another fact demonstrated in the previous teaching. Therefore it is not surprising that the first two occurrences of the Metonic Ratio appear only during Moshes time, a third one is in Solomons time and the fourth and final pattern is in the Gospel of John. The proof begins next in part 2 26

Next in Part 2 The Pattern of Moshe!



Part 2: The Pattern of Moshe!


The Pattern of Moshe!

In the previous teaching, we found that the mechanics of calculating the lunar month were encoded in the Tabernacle curtains. We saw in Exodus 26 that the outer curtains were 30 cubits long by 4 cubits wide and the inner curtains were 28 cubits long by 4 cubits wide. In essence this code is a cubit = a day in the lunar month (for the length)

The Pattern of Moshe!

The 28 cubit/day inner curtain represents the visible lunar month which is typically from the earliest sliver or waxing crescent to the last sliver at the end of the month. The 28-day visible lunar cycle was in fact talked about 2,000 years ago by the Jewish historian Philo of Alexandria, who was also from a priestly family. Here is an excerpt of what Philo said 31

The Pattern of Moshe!

The number 7 when compounded of numbers beginning with the unit, makes 28, a perfect number, and one equalized in its parts. And the number so produced, is calculated to reproduce the revolutions of the moon, bringing her back to the point from which she first began to increase in a manner perceptible by the external senses, and to which she returns by

The Pattern of Moshe!

waning. For she increases from her first crescent-shaped figure, to that of a half circle in 7 days; and in 7 more, she becomes a full orb; and then again she turns back, retracing the same path, like a runner of the double stadium race, receding from an orb full of light, to a half circle again in 7 days, and lastly, in an equal number she diminishes from a half circle to the form of a crescent; and thus33

The Pattern of Moshe!

the number before mentioned is completed. (Philo, On Creation, 1:101) So that inner curtain again, is mirroring the 28 day visible parts of the lunar month. But as Philo will also explain, on each side of those 28 days are dark periods at the beginning and at the end of each month, and yet he still counts it to 30 days, as he says here

The Pattern of Moshe!

And the expression "from," has a double sense. One, that by which the starting point from which it begins is included; the other that by which it is excluded. For when we say that from morning to evening there are twelve hours, or from the new moon to the end of the month there are 30 days, we are including in our enumeration both the first hour and the day of the new moon. And when any one says that such 35

The Pattern of Moshe!

and such a field is three or four furlongs distant from the city, he clearly means to leave the city itself out of that measurement, (Philo, On Dreams, 2:257) Here Philo is comparing the lunar month to the distance between a field and the outer edge of a cityleaving out the breadth of the city in the measurement. This is the measure from darkness to crescent.

The Pattern of Moshe!

Then the breadth of the city is clearly the 28 day visible portion of the lunar month, from new crescent to old crescent. When we cross the entire city, we then recycle back to the field, and that distance from the outer edge of the city to said field (or one of identical distance) is the period of darkness at the end of the month. And Philo names that period as 30 days, but this detail also matters:37

The Pattern of Moshe!

You shall make loops of blue on the edge of the outermost curtain in the first set, and likewise you shall make them on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in the second setThen you shall make curtains of goats' hair for a tent over the tabernacle; you shall make 11 curtains in all. The length of each curtain shall be 30 cubits, and the width of each curtain 4 cubits; the 11 curtains shall have the same measurements. You 38

The Pattern of Moshe!

shall join five curtains by themselves and the other six curtains by themselves, and you shall double over the sixth curtain at the front of the tent. (Exodus 26:4-9 NAU) This is what Philo meant. We see the outer curtain length is 30 cubits length by 4 cubits wide. Remember a cubit equals a day, and here we have an outer 30 cycle surrounding an inner 28 cyclethe 39 perfect metaphor for the lunar month!

The Pattern of Moshe!

But also notice another key detail: The 11th curtain of the outer set is folded over the front part of the Tabernacle. Since the curtain set up has been representative of the lunar cycle, the folded over curtain in essence is a code meaning, the moon will fold over/reset itself. The question is, what resets the moon? And of course, Torah has the answer as well


The Pattern of Moshe!

For the rear of the tabernacle, to the west, you shall make six boards. (Exodus 26:22 NAU) If the rear of the Tabernacle is to the west, then the front of the Tabernacle can only be facing east, towards the rising sun! So when the rising sun hits that folded over curtain, it reminds Israel: Reset the moon by the cycles of the sun!

The Pattern of Moshe! Inner 28 cubits

Entrance/folded over curtain faces sun

Outer 30 cubits
Ex. 26, Josephus and Philo agree Folded over curtain = Moon resets to sun

by 4 cubits 4 = foundation (winds, heavenly borders, Gospels) Jer. 49:36, x 10 = Ezek. 37:9 witness code


The Pattern of Moshe!

Much of what we just went through is recapping from the previous teaching, but it is necessary to have full understanding of this pattern so we can understand its next step. For the next while then, we are going to seemingly go away from the number 50 and deal with matters that seem completely differentbut I will tie it all 43 together later.

The Pattern of Moshe!

This new piece of information starts simply enough, in a seemingly innocuous reference that is very easy to read past: Aaron the priest went up to Mount Hor at the command of the YHWH, and died there in the 40th year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the 1st day in the 5th month. Aaron was 123 years old when he died on Mount Hor. 44 (Numbers 33:37-39)

The Pattern of Moshe!

This statement sets our clock. Exodus 7:7 said that Aaron was 83 years old when Moshe spoke with Pharaoh, just before the plagues began. So by this time in Numbers 39 years have been completed, we have started year 40, and from there, we are now in that 40th years 5th month. With that time frame in mind, lets look at 45 this

The Pattern of Moshe!

From Kadesh-Barnea to the crossing of the Wadi Zered our wanderings had taken 38 years; as a result of which, the entire generation of those of age to bear arms had been eliminated, as Yahweh had sworn to them. Yahweh's hand had been against them, to eliminate them completely from the camp. (Deuteronomy 2:14-15 NJB)

The Pattern of Moshe!

The text is strongly suggesting that the generation counts from the time that the spies returned with a bad report, 38 years previously. From the Exodus until the punishment of 40 years of wandering was imposed, a little over 2 years had passed, so we are now in the start of year 3. The punishment is imposed forward 47 from that time, as we see here

The Pattern of Moshe!

The text is strongly suggesting that the generation counts from the time that the spies returned with a bad report, 38 years previously. From the Exodus until the punishment of 40 years of wandering was imposed, a little over 2 years had passed, so we are now in the start of year 3 (Numbers 9:1). The punishment is imposed 48 forward from that time, as we see here

The Pattern of Moshe!

Say to them, "As I live, Yahweh declares, I shall do to you what I have heard you saying. In this desert your dead bodies will fall, all you who were counted in the census, from the age of 20 years and over who have muttered against me. I swear none of you will enter the country where I swore most solemnly to settle you, except Caleb son of Jephunneh, and Joshua

The Pattern of Moshe!

son of Nun. Your children, who you said would be seized as booty, will be the ones whom I shall bring in so that they get to know the country you disdained, but, as for you, your dead bodies will fall in this desert and your children will be nomads in the desert for 40 years, bearing the consequences of your faithlessness, until the last one of you lies dead in the desert.

The Pattern of Moshe!

For 40 days you explored the country. Each day will count as a year: for 40 years you will bear the consequences of your guilt and learn what it means to reject me." (Numbers 14:28-34) Then, during the 38 year period from year 3 to 40 inclusive, we have another key phrase to look at here

The Pattern of Moshe!

So you remained in Kadesh many days ) , the (byamim ha-rabbim/ (same number) of days that you spent (everywhere else). (Deuteronomy 1:46 -Matara) This translation of mine is derived from a careful reading of the Hebrew and the widespread opinion of the rabbis as recorded in Talmud here at 52

The Pattern of Moshe!

(Saadia; Rashi). Some say that the Israelites were in Kadesh Barnea for 19 years (Seder Olam 8; Rashi; Lekach TovAccording to Rambam on 20:1; Chizzkuni. See note on Numbers 33:36. In other words, the majority opinion is it took 19 years to get to Kadesh Barnea and 19 more years to leave it, for a total of 38 years.

The Pattern of Moshe!

Therefore, what we see is a clear understanding that many days can relate to both a 19 year period and a 38 year period. In fact the 19/38 year pattern is the only one that repeats for this phrase; whereas in other places many days can refer to a wide variety of periods of time. Heres another possible example.

The Pattern of Moshe!

And it came about during this long period ) the (byamim ha-rabbim/ king of Egypt died. The Israelites, groaning in their slavery, cried out for help and from the depths of their slavery their cry came up to Elohim. Elohim heard their groaning; God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Elohim saw the Israelites and took note. (Exodus 2:23-25)

The Pattern of Moshe!

While the proof and math of what I am about to say is very long and can be made available to those who wish to see it, the headline here is very simple. A careful study of 1 Kings 6:1 and 2 Chronicles 3:1 proves 1447 BCE as the Biblical year of Exodus. This means Moshe is born 80 years earlier, on or near 1527 BCE.

The Pattern of Moshe!

Again, since Exodus 7:7 says Moshe just turned 80 before the plagues began, he has to die 40 years later, at age 120 (Deuteronomy 34:7). Moshe even says, I am 120 years old this day (Deuteronomy 31:2), which means the day of his death. In fact, all of Deuteronomy up to Moshes death is just a single day, the 1st day of the 11th 57 month of Shevat (Deuteronomy 1:3).

The Pattern of Moshe!

That same last day of Moshes life can be precisely dated in our current Gregorian calendar. The 40th year after Exodus begins 1 Abib or Sunday, March 16th, 1407 BCE. Since the New Moon conjunction happened that day at 12:06 PM Israel time, sunset on that day began the month and the daylight portion was Monday, 58 March 17th.

The Pattern of Moshe!

Now count to the first day of Shevat and you come to Monday, January 5th 1406 BCE as the start of that month. The New Moon conjunction happens in this case at 6:27 AM Israel time, so the month begins that sunset, with the daylight portion when Moshe dies as Tuesday, January 6th, 1406 BCE. After giving 3 long speeches, Moshe will be dead before sunset.


The Pattern of Moshe!

But since the Torah is counting time in Hebrew months, this 1 Shevat death date must also be the date of his birth (1526 BCE), the date he turns 40 (39 complete years and 1 day) and flees to Midian (1487 BCE) and the date he confronts Pharaoh, 79 complete years and 1 day later (1447 BCE). So now we can run our astronomical cycles backwards and recover the following dates 60

The Pattern of Moshe!

1 Shevat in 1526 BCE (birthday) begins count from 1527 BCE 1 Abib (Wednesday, March 21st/NM 6:32 AM) Preliminary calculations: sunset Thursday, January 10th to sunset Friday, January 11th (NM on 1/10 at 11:04 PM pushes day from sunset January 11th to sunset January 12th, 1526 BCE. Next we go 39 completed 61 years and 1 day later

The Pattern of Moshe!

1 Shevat attached to 1487 BCE (leaves Egypt) begins count from 1488 1 Abib (Saturday, March 11th/NM 3/11 4:53 PM Israel time) Preliminary calculation: sunset Sunday, December 31st 1487 BCE to sunset Monday, January 1st, 1486 BCE. But NM on 12/31, 11:44 PM Israel time, moves 1 Abib to start sunset January 1st and end sunset January 2nd, 1486 BCE. 62

The Pattern of Moshe!

From this date, we can calculate our time exactly to when the Pharaoh who wanted Moshe dead finally passed. Thutmoses the Third dies on an exact date which we will see shortly in terms of both reckoning from his ascension day to death as well as from how those same days play out from one Egyptian new years day to the next.

The Pattern of Moshe!

The divergences of Egyptian chronology in this period (18th dynasty) hinge on when the timing of the star Sothis is recorded. Once every 1,461 years, the star Sothis rises just before dawn at the summer solstice, the time of their calendars beginning, when the Nile floods. Egyptian records say this was in the 9th year of Amenhotep I, but some think it was 64 sighted from Memphis and others Thebes.

The Pattern of Moshe!

The location matters because a Memphis sighting of Sothis will put the 9th year of Amenhotep I 20 years before a sighting from Thebes will. The High Chronology then assumes an earlier Memphis sighting, while the Low Chronology assumes a later sighting from Thebes. I picked the High Chronology because it 65 aligned best with Biblical dates.

The Pattern of Moshe!

By the High Chronology then, Egyptologists have recovered the exact time of Thutmoses the Thirds death, the same Pharaoh that Moshe left behind. The date in Egyptian terms is: Year 54 (of his reign), 3 Peret, Day 30. Basically the Egyptians divided the year into thirds: Akhet (inundation), Peret (growth) and Shemu (harvest).

The Pattern of Moshe!

These three divisions of the year had 4 30 day months each, so 3 Peret is the third month of four in the growth section. After the 12th 30 day monthday 360is completed, the Egyptians added 5 extra between the year days, for 365 days a year. However, each solar year is actually about 6 hours longer, or 365.2422 days.

The Pattern of Moshe!

In order to deal with the discrepancy between 365 whole days which the Egyptians tracked and the actual year length which had an extra 5 hours and 48 minutes, the Egyptians carefully watched the stars. They knew their main star Sothis drifted at a predictable rate from aligning with new years day and tracked that drift for 1,461 68 years.

The Pattern of Moshe!

They also tracked a 25 year solar cycle (24.98 years) that was very nearly equivalent to 9,125 days (9,124 days, 22 hours, 50 minutes and 52 seconds) and equaled exactly 309 lunar months. The combination of these extremely precise mathematical formulae, combined with careful observations of the stars, guaranteed they could find the exact 69 timing of the tropical year.

The Pattern of Moshe!

As a result, the 12 month, 30 days per month system was perfectly calibrated to the actual solar year. This also means the days of the Egyptian months can be exactly converted into our modern Gregorian calendar. Other references give Thutmoses the Thirds reign as exactly 53 years, 10 months and 26 days.


The Pattern of Moshe!

And so we have a certain death date for this key Pharaoh Moshe grew up with 3 Peret (Month name Pamenot), day 30 = February 13th, 1450 BCE. Lets compare this date to when Moshe turned 40, the same approximate time he fled to Midian, January 1-2, 1486 BCE. In terms of SOLAR timing, this period get us close to 38 years!

The Pattern of Moshe!

This NM comes extremely close to midnight on December 31st11:44 PM. Hebrew rules dictate that a 30th day must be added, starting the first month on January 1 at sunset. However, we are counting in SOLAR time now first because the Egyptians did and second because we are measuring two Metonic cycles, or 38 solar years. Lets 72 check this out

The Pattern of Moshe!

December 31 in 1487 BCE is the start 1) 1486, 2) 1485, 3) 1484, 4) 1483, 5) 1482, 6) 1481, 7) 1480, 8) 1479, 9) 1478, 10) 1477, 11) 1476, 12) 1475, 13) 1474, 14) 1473, 15) 1472, 16) 1471, 17) 1470, 18) 1469, 19) 1468, 20) 1467, 21) 1466, 22) 1465, 23) 1464, 24) 1463, 25) 1462, 26) 1461, 27) 1460, 28) 1459, 29) 1458, 30) 1457, 31) 1456, 32) 1455, 33) 1454, 34) 73 1453, 35) 1452, 36) December 31, 1451

The Pattern of Moshe!

So 36 years completes on December 31st, 1451 BCE. By solar terms we have entered the 37th year, starting January 1, 1450 BCE. It is at this point then that we do the final conversion, into Hebrew terms. Again, 1 Shevat in 1487 BCE starts the clock

The Pattern of Moshe!

The clock then ends on 3 Adar (February 13th) in 1450 BCE, or 37 completed years, 1 month and 3 days from when we started. We have reached our 38th year in this example, in Hebrew terms! Whereas our other example was exactly 38 years in solar terms, forming a critical double witness no matter how one counts the time! Now however, one 75 more date remains

The Pattern of Moshe!

1 Shevat in 1447 BCE (confronts Pharaoh) begins count from 1448 1 Abib (Sunday, March 18th/ NM 3/18 5:56 PM Israel time, just before sunset)sunset of Tuesday, January 8th to sunset of Wednesday, January 9th. This last date doesnt prove the 38 year cycle, but it does something else just as important: It gives us the exact timing of 76 the plagues!

The Pattern of Moshe!

Since Moshe confronts Pharaoh on the morning of January 9th (happy 80th birthday!), we now know the plagues had to happen over a period of exactly 64 days (23 in January, 28 in February, to first born Egyptians killed in early hours of March 23rd.) So now we can reveal this exact timetable for the first time since the Exodus 77 happened (a project for later)!

The Pattern of Moshe!

Meanwhile we now journey more than 500 years into the future from Exodus, to see another proof of the 38 year cycle during the time of King Solomon! After that, we will go on to the strongest example of them all, coming straight out of the Gospel of John. Join me then for Part 3Solomons 50 Code!


Solomons 50 Code!


Solomons 50 Code!
In part 1, the Introduction, we saw how the priests and Levites were harvested or retired at the age of 50. As we also saw this is because the 50th year, according to Scripture, is when a man becomes an elder, not necessarily old and feeble, but mature and experienced. This same code, 50 = elder, is what will 81 reveal our next 38 year pattern.

Solomons 50 Code!
King Solomon reigned a total of 40 years (2 Chronicles 9:30). However, when he becomes king he gives a great clue about how old he is at that moment, and it is very young indeed. Now, Yahweh my Elohim, you have made your servant king in succession to David my father. But I am a very young man, unskilled in leadership. (1 Kings 3:7)

Solomons 50 Code!
According to the Torah, a male officially becomes a grown man or anash when he reaches his 20th birthday, and this also marks the time he registers in the Temple and is eligible for military service (Exodus 30:14-16; Numbers 1:3). Prior to turning 20, young men are called naar. Although sometimes this is meant metaphorically, such as calling Joshua Moshes assistant, most times its literal. 83

Solomons 50 Code!
Ishmael for example is called a naar well after the time he is circumcised at age 13 (compare Genesis 17:23-24 to Genesis 21:20). At the time of Genesis 21:20, Ishmael would actually be closer to 18 years old, getting more mature but still a naar. Isaac is also called a naar when he is nearly sacrificed, putting him also in his 84 teenage years.

Solomons 50 Code!
But Moses as an infant is also called naar when he is only 3 months old (Exodus 2:6) so that is the full range: Infancy to under 20 years old = naar; after 20 you become anash. As a result, Solomon must also be under 20 years old when he comes to the throne or he wouldnt use this term to describe himself.

Solomons 50 Code!
But exactly how old is Solomon when he becomes king? To start with, he is listed as the fourth of eleven sons of David born in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 5:14-16). However, he is also the second son born to David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12;24). David doesnt conquer Jerusalem though until he has reigned in Hebron 7 years 86 (2 Samuel 5:5).

Solomons 50 Code!
At the same time, Solomon is born after David and Bathshebas first son dies because they were not married when he was conceived. So if we can find the year David and Bathsheba had their affair, that will bring us to within a year of Solomons birth. The city of Jerusalem is captured in the middle of his 8th year, or 1003 BCE.


Solomons 50 Code!
After this time David has many children through several wives and concubines, including Solomon (2 Samuel 5:13-16). He then brings the Ark of the Covenant to Zion, which takes 3 months (2 Samuel 6:111). Working out how many wives David had at that time (less Michal who never conceived), there are 6 wives and 11 88 children.

Solomons 50 Code!
From these wives, 6 children are born to David during the 7 year period he is ruling from Hebron (2 Samuel 3:1-5). After he takes over Jerusalem, 13 more children are born to him with these same 6 wives (1 Chronicles 14:1-4), of which Solomon was the 2nd child he had with Bathsheba, 4th son overall. But the fact that Solomon is well under 20 89 when David dies also is important.

Solomons 50 Code!
David dies 40 years and 6 months after ascending the throne at age 30. That means that Solomon cannot be born until David has reigned at least 22 years, or is about 52 years old. This is confirmed when David says to Solomon just before he dies, Rise and be man, indicating that Solomon has not reached manhood age (2 Kings 2:1-2).

Solomons 50 Code!
The reason for this long period between sons from after Hebron to settling in Jerusalem is clear: David has been at war almost constantly for nearly two decades! However, it is not until Solomons 4th year that he is actually called an aish or a man in his own right (2 Chronicles 6:16). Like anash, the minimum age of an aish is also 20 (Leviticus 27:1-3).

Solomons 50 Code!
Like anash, the minimum age of an aish is also 20 (Leviticus 27:1-3). So if Solomon only is called a man in his 4th year, then he had to be 16 years old when he ascended the throne! The next bookend has to do with another description of Solomon towards the end of his reign

Solomons 50 Code!
When Solomon grew old (leth zaqnat/ )his wives swayed his heart to other gods; and his heart was not wholly with Yahweh his God as his father David's had been. (1 Kings 11:1-4 NJB) The word zaqnat is related to the word zaqen, or elder. Again the definition of elder is one who is 50 years old or greater, or they dont have authority (John 93 8:57).

Solomons 50 Code!
So when Solomon has reigned 34 years and turns 50 years old, his heart goes astray, prompting this comment many years later regarding King Asa, after he had reigned 10 years (2 Chronicles 14:1) Now the Spirit of Elohim came on Azariah the son of Oded, and he went out to meet Asa and said to him, "Listen to me, Asa, and

Solomons 50 Code!
all Judah and Benjamin: Yahweh is with you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. "For many days Israel was without the true God and without a teaching priest and without Torah. (2 Chronicles 15:1-3 NAU) So heres the phrase we have been tracking all alongmany days or yamim 95 rabiimand it has a specific date.

Solomons 50 Code!
Solomons 50th year of life, coinciding with start of his 34th year of a 40 year rule, brings us to exactly 938 BCE. To find Asas 10th year though, we need to count: 7 years left in Solomons time, plus 17 years for Rehoboam (2 Chronicles 12:13), 3 years for Abijah (2 Chronicles 13:1-2) and 10 years for Asa = 37 years.

Solomons 50 Code!
However, based on the research of E.R. Thiele, when we factor in the way the Kingdom of Judah counted time we need to realize they counted from fall to fall and also counted the fragment of the year a king ascended as year 1 rather than year 0. Both of those considerations will once again have many days equal 38 97 years! But next up we have this

Next in Part 4 The Gospel Truth



The Gospel Truth


The Gospel Truth

Our final example is also the most straight-forward and powerful However we needed the earlier examples to lay the proper foundation pieces in place, from the number 50 as sign for an elder, to Solomons failure in his 50th year and we just saw how Yshuas claims were not believed because he was not 50 years old.

The Gospel Truth

But now theres one more critical detail about a phrase we saw before So you remained in Kadesh many days ) , the (byamim ha-rabbim/ (same number) of days that you spent (everywhere else). (Deuteronomy 1:46 -Matara) And this Scripture clarified how long those many days were

The Gospel Truth

From Kadesh-Barnea to the crossing of the Wadi Zered our wanderings had taken 38 years; as a result of which, the entire generation of those of age to bear arms had been eliminated, as Yahweh had sworn to them. Yahweh's hand had been against them, to eliminate them completely from the camp. (Deuteronomy 2:14-15 NJB) So 38 years = a generation = many days

The Gospel Truth

But when Deuteronomy 1:46 was translated into the Aramaic Tanakh, this is how it came out So you remained in Kadesh many days (yomita sagiya/ ) , the (same number) of days that you spent (everywhere else). (Deuteronomy 1:46 Matara) Sagiya is Aramaic for many and that 104 phrase appears here

The Gospel Truth

Now there was a certain place of immersion there in Urishlim, which is called BethKhisda, and there were five porches in it. And in these were laying many people who were sick, and the blind and the lame and crippled and they were anticipating the stirring of the waters. For from time to time a Messenger would descend to it, to the place of immersion and would stir them the

The Gospel Truth

waters, and whoever would first descend after the movement of the waters would be healed of every pain which he had. And there was a certain man who was in sickness 38 years. Y'shua saw this man who was lying there, and he knew that he had this disease for a long time (zavna ), and he said to him, sagiya/ "Do you desire to be made whole? 106 (Yochanan 5:2-6-AENT)

The Gospel Truth

The only difference then between the Aramaic OT translation and the phrase Yshua utters in the NT, is that days morphed into time (zavna) and its adjective (sagiya = many) literally read many (a) time which better reads in English as a long time. Therefore a long time = many days = 38 years!

The Gospel Truth

The reason why 38 years has so captured my attention is because it is exactly equal to 2 Metonic Cycles. As we saw before, the practice of adding leap months in 7 years of a 19 year cycle is a very late one and could not have been known to Moshes time. However, evidence at Stonehenge proved the ancients knew about a more primitive 108 form of this system in 3000 BCE.

The Gospel Truth

I call this more primitive form the Metonic Ratio. The MR has nothing do with scheduling leap months. Rather, it is only concerned with making the statement that 235 lunar months = 19 solar years, as the two figures are within 2 hours of one another. The math easily proves this idea

The Gospel Truth

235 x 29.530588 solar days = 6,939.68818 days. 19 x 365.242374 = 6939.605106 days. Difference between 235 lunar months and 19 solar years is that the 235 lunar months are only 0.083074 days (1 hour, 59 minutes and 38 seconds) longer than that 19 solar years, or just under 2 hours! This was a dead on accurate 110 average for the ancients!

The Gospel Truth

To me then, it could not be a coincidence that the Scripture called a 20 year old male a man (anash, aish) and that linked the boys maturity to having lived through a full Metonic Ratio of 19 years, entering then his 20th year! Then when that same man completes another Metonic Ratio, he has now lived to a generation of 38 years, 111 which matches the Scripture!.

The Gospel Truth

What this does I believe is explain why the Rabbis would have been willing to adopt a method of timekeeping developed in its final form by a pagan Greek astronomer living in Babylon. Meton, as it turned out, only built on the work before him, and that work was known to the Rabbis from the math in the Torah itself! The Torah knew the 112 Metonic Ratio before Meton lived!

The Gospel Truth

However, while the 19 year ratio is encoded in the Torah, luni-solar balancing also ties in to 50 year cycles that are the foundation of every other calendar mechanism! And what is even more interesting with this connection is: It is more than twice as accurate as the 19 year/235 lunar month estimate!

The Gospel Truth

I mentioned a piece of the puzzle earlier: That the ancient Egyptians knew that 309 lunar months is extremely close to 25 solar years (24.98 years to be exact). Therefore twice that, 618 lunar months is also extremely close to 50 solar years! Lets prove it through the math! 618 x 29.530588 = 18,249.90338 solar days divided by 365.242187 = 114 49.96658117 solar years or

The Gospel Truth

49 years, 353 days, 6 hours, 4 minutes, 9 seconds. That remainder of 353+ days is within 27 hours of a complete lunar year after the 49th solar year has completed. That means whatever lunar phase was in the sky at the start of year 50, must repeat again, 12-13 days before that 50th solar year ends. For example

The Gospel Truth

If you are tracking a 50 year cycle and note the phase of a full moon when you start You will know when it gets halfway through it will be in that phase again, because we will see the 25 year pattern is extremely accurate. That same FM will be there at the start of the 50th solar year and 12-13 days before next year March 21styielding a precise date! 116

The Gospel Truth

Therefore if you find 1 Pesach full moon at the start of your 50 year solar count, you can easily predict the very day of the final Pesach FM at the end of year 50 with perfect accuracy! But while that ties in well with the Jubilee and other 50 counts, the half of that figure25 years is even more accurate.

The Gospel Truth

Heres that math: 309 x 29.53058 = 9.124.951692 solar days divided by 365.242187 = 24.98329059 solar years = 24 years, 359 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes, 27.2 seconds. This remainder (after 24 years) brings us into the 360th day, From there the 360 day-year clock, which is in Daniel and Revelation, can also predict Pesach FMs 118 decades in advance!

The Gospel Truth

The 360 day year system consists of 12 months of 30 days each. Then in a 40 year perioda generationyou add 30 day leap months at the end of the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th, 36th and 39th years, resulting in an extremely accurate average tropical year. But 360 has a problem in that it is not a 119 practical harvest calendar

The Gospel Truth

This is because it will take 4,000 years to balance before a leap month is added, meaning you could be 2 weeks off from when you should plant, and that throws off harvest. Then you have to wait 2,000 more years for the calendar to balance! Fortunately this cumulative issue does not apply to individual 40 year blocks of time, which is all we are looking at.

The Gospel Truth

So what we need to do is divide the full number of days in a 25 year solar cycle (9,124.95162 days) by 30 (the number of days in every 360 systems month, whether part of the year or a leap month. The result is exactly 304.1650540 30 day months, or 304 months, 4 days, 22 hours, 50 minutes, 19.97 (call it 20) 121 seconds.

The Gospel Truth

Since that figure is extremely close to 304 30 day months plus 5 whole days in the next month (#305), those whole days can bring us exactly to a perfect mathematical prediction of when the next Pesach FM happens in 360 time, but from 25 years in advance! So once again we see the number 50 intimately connected at all levels to calendar mathand thats the point! 122

The Gospel Truth

But there is one more pattern we need to look at, and it begins in Genesis Noah was 600 years old when the flood came, the waters over the earth. (Genesis 7:6 NJB) It was in the 601st year of Noah's life, in the 1st month and on the 1st of the month, that the waters began drying out on earth. (Genesis 8:13 NJB)

The Gospel Truth

This is more than just recording Noahs age at the floodthe flood itself is literally tracked from his birthday rather than a calendar! And the 600th year that started it all appears to be a key cyclical marker, but if so, why? I believe that Jewish historian Josephus reveals the secret to the 600 year code

The Gospel Truth

For those ancients were beloved of God, and [lately] made by God himself; and because their food was then fitter for the prolongation of life, might well live so great a number of years; and besides, God afforded them a longer time of life on account of their virtue, and the good use they made of it in astronomical and geometric discoveries, which would not

The Gospel Truth

have afforded the time of foretelling [the periods of the stars] unless they had lived 600 years; for the Great Year is completed in that interval. (Antiquities, 1:106) The Great Year refers to a 5,000 year old math ratio first discoveredwe thinkin India. Called the Neros Cycle, it showed that 600 solar years was very close in 126 duration to 7,421 lunar months!

The Gospel Truth

In other words, the 600 year cycle did the same thing as the smaller 19 year Metonic Cycle, but normally 19 and 600 do not relate to each other mathematically speaking. The only reason they are related in this case is because the astronomical cycles were not whole numbers, but numbers with fractional remainders which averaged 127 out to other numbers over time.

The Gospel Truth

In Scripture math though 600 has another key usage. As we saw before, 50 is the Jubilee number or the number for dwelling on the earth and 12 is the number of divine government, referring to the tribes of Israel multiply 50 x 12 and you get 600, a 128 Jubilee for each tribe!

The Gospel Truth

The Jubilee in turn is a cycle for resetting the order of things. Slaves are set free and the land reverts to its original owner. And during the Flood the earths original OwnerYHWH Himselftook the entire planet back from man! As a result we see a clear linkage between 600 in terms of the cycles of the stars, the sun, the moon and events on the earth!

The Gospel Truth

However, I must point out right now that, at my current level of understanding, the Noah situation is the only 600 year cycle found thus far that links this pattern to the very day of that period of time. There are though other pairings of events in Scripture that, while not being linked to the exact day are roughly 600 130 years apart, give or take a year.

The Gospel Truth

For example, because the Flood lasts more than a year, it makes sense to begin the next 600 year count in the following year, which in my chronology is 2243 BCE. 600 years later, or 1643 BCE, is when Joseph turns 45 years old, and either just as the 7th year of famine in Egypt ends or the year after.

The Gospel Truth

600 years after that, in 1043 BCE, is about as precise as we can be for the approximate time of the birth of King David. We know thanks to Scripture and modern scholarship that David reigns 40 years and 6 months and dies in our year 971 BCE (2 Samuel 5:5). We do not however know the month in either Davids 132 birth or death year.

The Gospel Truth

It also is possible that there is a remainder of months attached to Davids 33 years in Jerusalem, but there is no way to check this, so we will just keep the 70 year/6 month figure as the best range. Since we also know Davids grandson Rehoboam counted the fragment of a year that he became king as year 1 and from the fall, that was most likely 133 Davids system too.

The Gospel Truth

Therefore, and this is an educated guess, David could have been born in the fall of 943 BCE and have 70 years and 6 months touch the very beginning of 971 BCE when he dies. Even if this did not happen though, it brings us to within a year of when he could have been born, and that seems close enough to warrant some attention with 134 regards to this 600 year cycle!

The Gospel Truth

The final 600th anniversary that happens within the Biblical period then would be in 443 BCE, when Scripture tells us this happened In the month of Nisan, in the 20th year of King Artaxerxes, since I was in charge of the wine, I took the wine and offered it to the king. Now, he had never seen me looking depressed before. So the king said to me,

The Gospel Truth

'Why are you looking depressed? You are not sick! This must be a sadness of the heart.' Thoroughly alarmed by this, I said to the king, 'May the king live for ever! How can I not look depressed when the city where the tombs of my ancestors are lies in ruins and its gates have been burnt down?' (Nehemiah 2:1-3 NJB) 20th year of Artaxerxes = 444 BCE.

The Gospel Truth

By the first day of the 7th month in that year, Ezra publically read the Torah to all of Israel, from morning to noon (Nehemiah 8:2). Then an extensive period of public repentance began 24 days later (Nehemiah 9:1), and this repentance carried over into the following year 443 BCEwhen the nation gave up 137 their foreign wives (Ezra 10:16-19)!

The Gospel Truth

And so as we close, I admit that there is a lot more research that needs to be done to get the full picture of details. However, what we have seen even at this early stage I believe is enough to show a direct linkage between the Metonic Ratio, the length of generations or many days and a 600 year cycle that appears to consistently show periods of judgment and 138 the resetting of time.

The Gospel Truth

If then the moon is, as Psalm 89:37 states, a faithful witness in the sky, perhaps it isnt then so surprising that its cycles bound up in the numbers 19 and 600 also help re-set Biblical ages from Noah, to Joseph to David and finally to Nehemiah and the restoration of Jerusalem. Then for our times also, His judgment to end this age may literally be only a matter of time. 139

The Gospel Truth

In the final analysis then, all this math I believe serves to explain this prophecy from Jeremiah Thus says Yahweh, Who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar; Yahweh of Hosts is His name: "If this fixed order departs From before Me," declares

The Gospel Truth

Yahweh, "Then the offspring of Israel also will cease From being a nation before Me forever. Thus says Yahweh, "If the heavens above can be measured And the foundations of the earth searched out below, Then I will also cast off all the offspring of Israel for all that they have done," declares Yahweh. (Jeremiah 31:35-37 Matara) 141 Blessed be His Mighty Name!

Todah Rabbah

abr hdwt

Peace and blessings

Andrew Gabriel Roth


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