Research Projects Selection Proforma 2014

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School of Chemical Engineering

Research Projects

Research Project Selection Proforma Please: 1. identify in the table below your five (5) most preferred research projects from those on offer this year; print off a P ! version of this completed form (use http:"""home.asp if you do not have a P ! file $enerator on your machine); and return this P ! to the &ourse &oordinator d#uy.n$uyen' asap and no later than 4.30 PM, Friday 7 March 2014.



Provided your form is received on or before this date( every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes( althou$h we cannot $uarantee that you will be allocated one of your preferences.

Student Name: Student !: !e"ree Pro"ram:

Parth Para$ )hah 1*+,-,2 .achelor of &hemical /n$ineerin$".achelor of !inance

Pre#erence 0ost preferred of the 5 2 % 3east preferred of the 5

Pro$ect No 4 3% &7 7 22

Pro$ect title evelopment of a novel world ris1 atlas of steel pittin$ at sea surface temperature and salinity .iotechnolo$ical wastewater hydro$en production form industrial

2mprovin$ the performance and life of positive plates in &ollins &lass submarines Pyrolysis of a$ricultural wastes usin$ waste heat from internal combustion en$ine 4echno5economic evaluation of solar hybridised $asification poly$eneration plants

Please provide any comments that may be useful to the project allocation process:

School of Chemical Engineering

Research Projects 2 would li1e to be provided with an opportunity to e6tend my 1nowled$e in corrosion process. 2 believe the 1nowled$e $ained durin$ the 0aterials )cience 7 /n$ineerin$ course last year( alon$ with the research project( would set me up for a future in the oil and $as industry.

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