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GCSE Current flow

(using PHYSICS FOR YOU 2nd Edition)

Part 1
Write the heading Current flow in metals in !our "#ass $oo% &e#o' this heading( "o)! out the *o##o'ing( inserting the +issing 'ords( and then ans'er ,uestion 1 $e#o' .eta#s are the ////////// "ondu"tors o* e#e"tri"it!0 .eta#s "ondu"t e#e"tri"it! using *ree to +o1e e#e"trons0 Ea"h +eta# ato+ usua##! has on a1erage a$out one //////////// that is a$#e to +o1e *ro+ ato+ to ato+0 2or+a##!( at an! ti+e there are as +an! e#e"trons +o1ing one 'a! as in another0 When a $atter! or other )o'er su))#! is "onne"ted to a +eta# the /////////////// "harged *ree e#e"trons start to +o1e to'ards the )ositi1e ter+ina# o* the su))#!0 3his is the e#e"tri" "urrent0 4es)ite the e#e"trons +o1ing to'ards the )ositi1e ter+ina# 'e sti## "onsider e#e"tri" "urrent to +o1e *ro+ /////////// to //////////// around an e#e"tri" "ir"uit0

5uestion 1 (a) Use the e,uation charge = current x time to ans'er to "a#"u#ate ho' +u"h "harge +o1es )ast a )oint in 6 se"onds 'hen a "urrent o* 78 is *#o'ing0 ($) E#e"trons ea"h ha1e a "harge o* 9 10: ; 1<91= "ou#o+$0 Ho' +an! e#e"trons *#o'ed )ast the )oint in the ,uestion a$o1e>

Part 2
Write the heading Current flow in electrolytes Re*er to )age 2?? to ans'er the ,uestion $e#o'0 P#ease "o)! the ,uestion into !our e;er"ise $oo%0 5uestion 2- What is an e#e"tro#!te> 4ra' the to) diagra+ on )age 2?? into !our $oo% and #a$e# the #i,uid e#e"tro#!te e0g0 sodiu+ "h#oride so#ution 3hen "o)! the senten"es $e#o'( again inserting an! +issing 'ordsE#e"tro#!tes "an $e ////////// +eta#s e0g0 +er"ur! or +o#ten iron0 3he! "an a#so "onsist o* a"ids( $ases and sa#ts either in +o#ten *or+ or as so#utions in 'ater0 In a## these "ases $oth )ositi1e#! and //////////// "harged ions +o1e 'hen a "urrent *#o's0 3he negati1e ions +o1e to'ards the ////////// anode 'hi#e the )ositi1e ions +o1e to'ards the negati1e /////////////0 Charge +o1es in $oth dire"tions $ut the e#e"tri" "urrent is sti## "onsidered to *#o' *ro+ the )ositi1e ///////// to the //////////// "athode0 3he *#o' o* e#e"tri" "urrent "an "ause the e#e"tro#!te to $rea% do'n "he+i"a##!0 3his is "a##ed e#e"tro#!sis0

Part @
3r! the ,uestions on )age 2?=0 You 'i## need to re*er to )ages 2??92?=0

A3 .ar"h 16( 2<17

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