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Advantages Of Group Counseling

The pupils are guided in dealing with psychological problems. Pupils are advised on how to cope with different situations in real life.

Time management

Learn how to live in harmony with themselves. Help to shape pupils behavior and discipline.

Learn to live in harmony with others.

One of the advatages of the group counseling is that the pupils are guided in dealing with psychological problems especially with the issues which might affect their studies. Through this, the pupils are able to develop problem solving skills which to an extend helps them to deal with particular issues in their surrounding.

Apart from that, through group counseling, the pupils are being taught on how to cope with different situations in real life. Pupils are young learners that is very vulnerable. They are still in the stage in which their egocentric is still high. Thus, coping with certain situation might be a little difficult for them if not being guided. Therefore, in group counseling they will be more aware of solutions that they can use to cope with different situations that they face in everyday lives. For instance, they will learn how o relate with their peers which also having the same problem similar to theirs. Furthermore, it also helps to shape the pupils behaviour and discipline in school as well as in their other surrounding. This is done by instill the awareness intrinsically through group counseling. If the group members are from the problematic pupils, then they will realize the effect of their behaviour when the they listen to what the others want to say. Sometimes, they do not understand why they are behaving in certain way, but when they listen and observe the others which have the similar issue like them, then they will realize the cause and effect from their behaviour. Therefore, the counselor or teachers are able to guide them in a right way.

Since the world is full of people and other living creatures, then we have to learn how to live together in harmony. Thus, in group counseling, the members are being exposed of ways to live in harmony with others in the school community. In so doing, they also learn how to appreciate the people around and come to harmony with their environment.

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