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Muhr Messages 847-398-4282

Fourth Grade Newsletter March 14, 2014

Our class finished up our study of electricity. We then spent some time reviewing general science concepts through a power point presentation, scavenger hunt, and ISAT practice packet. A resource each student has used in our classroom is a Sciencesaurus, a well-organized, ageappropriate handbook covering all science topics. Great pictures, diagrams, and descriptions help the children to understand many concepts. A classroom set of these books was purchased for OMS a couple years ago through PTA excess funds. Thanks, PTA! Starting next week, we will jump back into our History Alive curriculum as we begin our study of the early settlements and colonies. (Chapters 6 and 7) The final science unit for this year is called Earths Changing Surface. The study will include many hands-on activities. The concepts include geology, weathering, erosion, and deposition, glaciers, layers of the earth, mountains and volcanoes, and other natural landforms. Toward the end of May, the class will learn about slavery, (Chapter 8) which is a tough topic to study, but certainly part of our countrys history. The final week of school, the fourth grade teachers and other staff will be offering learning stations so that the children can experience Colonial Williamsburg (Chapter 9).

Please take some time this weekend to walk through the pages of your childs WEX binder with him/her. You will find a reflection sheet as the last page in the binder. Your child took some time to reflect on his/her progress this year and set goals for themselves. Please ask your child about their thoughts about their writing. I am so proud of the progress all of them have made! Your child also tabbed three writing samples to share with you. I hope you enjoy them. Our class is finishing up their essays about Shirley Temple Wong from our book In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson. We will be typing, revising, and editing those next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions about your childs report card. Normally, we could address these questions at conferences, but this year, feel free to email me. I will email or call you back. Also, feel free to send an email if you have specific ideas for your childs classroom placement for next year.

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