The Following Table Gives Series of Tasks, The Times Taken To Complete Them and

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Tutorial 1

For Questions 1-3: (a) Draw a network diagram to represent the pro e!t" #a$el all the a!ti%ities and the e%ents on the diagram" ($) Per&orm &orward and $a!kward pass and la$el on the network diagram the earliest and the latest start time o& ea!h o& the e%ents (!) 'tate the !riti!al path and indi!ate it on the network diagram (d) Find the minimum pro e!t time re(uired" 1" The &ollowing ta$le gi%es series o& tasks) the times taken to !omplete them and the immediatel* pre!eding a!ti%ities" Task A + C D . F 0 2. Task A + C D . F 0 2 3 4 6 # Duration 3. (weeks) Task 3 1 A 3 + 1 C - D 3 . / F - 0 , 2 5 3 7 18 Pre!eding A!ti%it* Duration (weeks) - , - 7 - 18 A 7 +). 19 C C 11 D , D , 2)3 4 Pre!eding A!ti%it* A A + +)C C D). .)F 0)2 Duration (minutes) 3 , , , / 3 Pre!eding A!ti%it* A A + D). F)C

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