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Confucius and the Buddha

Activity A:
Directions: Below are several quotes attributed to Confucius and Buddha.
Answer the questions that follow each quote in complete sentences, and
then re-write the quote in your own words.
1. Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is
perilous. Confucius
Perilous= full of danger or risk
a. Why would it be dangerous to have thought without learning?
b. Is learning useful if we do not think about the new things we
c. Rewrite the quote in your own words.
History Nugget!: Buddha and Confucius
both lived at the same time in history,
from about 550-480 BC.

2. We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.

a. How would you explain the meaning

of We are what we think?
b. Rewrite the quote in your own words.
3. The superior men are sparing in their words and profuse in their deeds.

Sparing = moderate, careful

Profuse = plentiful, abundant

a. What is an example of a good deed?

b. Rewrite the quote in your own words.

4. Ruin in the world is caused by ignorance;

friendships are broken off by envy and selfishness;
the most violent fever is hatred;
the best physician is the Buddha; Buddha
a. Have you ever lost a friend over an argument? What was the
cause of that argument? Was it worth losing that friend over?
b. What does the Buddha mean when he says that he is the best
c. Rewrite the quote in your own words.

Crime and Punishment

Another important philosophy that emerged in Ancient China was
Legalism. Legalists believed that having clear laws and harsh punishments
for breaking the law was the key to creating a strong society. Legalism also
valued meritocracy, the idea that everyone should be judged and rewarded
based on their own ability and successes. This philosophy was most
influential during the reign of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of the
Qin Dynasty.
Remember: Qin Shi Huangdi is known for starting what major building
project? : ____________________________
Legalism did not value individual identity. Complete devotion to the
law and the emperor was expected of all citizens. Those who broke the law
or disobeyed the emperor would be strongly punished, if not killed. No
one learned this lesson more harshly than Shang Yang, an important
Legalist philosopher during the Qin Dynasty. Shang was accused of
breaking a law that he had written, and was executed by having his body
tied to and pulled apart by five chariots.

After the fall of

the Qin Dynasty,
Confucianism became
the primary
philosophy that
influenced Chinese
society. The strict punishments and value of meritocracy established under
Legalist leaders would remain as a lasting part of Chinese society.

Review: What were two lasting influences of Legalism on Chinese society?

List them below.
Activity C:
Directions: Say whether each phrase below matches the ideas of
Confucianism, Buddhism, or Legalism.
1. It is important to respect your elders. :___________________________
2. The Emperor should be followed without question. :_______________
3. We can only be happy when we lose our desires. :_________________
4. Strict laws are the only way to have order in society. :______________
5. If people have shame, then there is no need for laws. :______________
6. We should never seek to do harm to others. :______________________
Activity D:
The three philosophies we have discussed so far are.
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
Imagine you are the emperor of China. You have taken over the country
after years of war and instability. Many of
your people live in great poverty and are
unsure if you are the right person to make
things better.

Oh help us Emperor _________________!!!!

You must choose one of the philosophies above to unite your people under
and dictate how you will run the country. Once you have chosen a
philosophy, use the space that follows to explain why you think this
philosophy is the best for your empire. Respond using the entire space
Stretch it!: No one philosophy is perfect. For an extra challenge, use ideas
from more than one philosophy to help run your country. Explain why you
have chosen these ideas and why.


Extension Activity:
Lets take another look at quotes 1 and 2 from Activity A.
1. Learning without thought is

2. We are what we think. All that

labor lost; thought without

we are arises with our thoughts.

learning is perilous.

With our thoughts we make the


world. Buddha

Directions: Use both quotes to respond to the prompt below.

Confucius is saying that to think before we bother learning about
something is dangerous. Buddha is saying that the world is however we
choose to think about it. With both of these perspectives in mind, why is
learning important to how we see and even create the world around us?
Respond using 4-5 complete sentences.

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