10 02 16 Bionersis Acquisition of Pji LFGC 149

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8|oners|s comp|etes acqu|s|t|on of II-LIGC (V|etnam)

arls, lebruary 16, 2010 - 8lonersls conflrmed Loday Lhe acqulslLlon of !l-LlCC (vleLnam) LLd, Lhe
consorLlum ln charge of blogas capLure and LreaLmenL ln nam Son landflll near Panol. lnlLlaLed ln
november 2009 (see press release daLed november 23, 2009), Lhls acqulslLlon was sub[ecL Lo cerLaln
precondlLlons whlch have now been fulfllled by Lhe parLles.
1he nam Son landflll covers an area of more Lhan 40 hecLares and recelves nearly 3,000 Lons of
domesLlc wasLe per day. 1hls ls one of Lhe largesL landflll gas pro[ecLs developed by 8lonersls wlLh
a LoLal lnvesLmenL esLlmaLed aL more Lhan Lu8 6 mllllon. lL should allow Lhe generaLlon of
greenhouse gas emlsslons reducLlons over 3 mllllon Lones CC2 equlvalenL ln Lhe flrsL Len years, and
over 4.3 mllllon Lones CC2 equlvalenL over Lhe enLlre llfeLlme of Lhe pro[ecL.
As parL of lLs reglsLraLlon by Lhe un, Lhe nam Son pro[ecL has already been approved by Lhe
vleLnamese auLhorlLles and a ro[ecL ueslgn uocumenL (uu) was publlshed by Lhe un on uecember
3, 2009. 8lna group, audlLor accredlLed by Lhe un, has been appolnLed by 8lonersls for valldaLlon and
CuM reglsLraLlon of Lhe pro[ecL. Commlsslonlng of Lhe flrsL phase of Lhe pro[ecL ls planned ln Lhe
Lhlrd quarLer 2010.

8|oners|s ls a global player of Lhe renewable energles secLor speclallzed ln landflll gas valorlzaLlon. 1he company generaLes
hlgh ouLpuL of carbon-credlLs (CL8s) by capLurlng and desLroylng landflll gas Lhrough lLs lnsLallaLlons. 8lonersls lnnovaLlve
buslness-model ls ldeally sulLed for counLrles ln LaLln Amerlca and ln Asla and conLrlbuLes dlrecLly Lo promoLe susLalnable
developmenL. Slnce 2007, 8lonersls ls a LuronexL arls llsLed company (ML88S). www.b|oners|s.com

Med|a Contact
l2d arls - nlcolas Courgues
1el +33 (0)1 42 28 28 30
Lmall: blonersls[l2d-parls.com

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