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Classroom Management Plan

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CJ Scholl Dec. 9th 2013 EDU- 310-05

Classroom Management Beliefs: Core Principals of my teaching philosophy: Teach my students in all four domains; psychomotor, affective, cognitive, and health related fitness. Students must have the ability to develop age appropriate skills, along with the knowledge and understanding of anatomical and physiological structures and functions. Physical education is also responsible for aiding in decision making and application of those decisions, developing the physical and mental capacity to succeed. Help students learn to evaluate, improve performance, and promote the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. Lay a foundation for students to build upon in relation to a healthy lifestyle. Using scope and sequence upon scaffolding to create meaningful lesson planning. Instilling confidence into each child, allow for them to gain their own individuality, aid in their communication skills, guide their interactive skills with peers, as well as increasing body and spatial awareness. Valuing physical education is very important as well, because it relates all academic aspects as they are an essential item to a meaningful curriculum. Attend to the needs of all groups including, multi cultural issues, students with special needs and the mainstream group of students. Development a personal sense of self being and overall wellness, in which can be used for a lifetime and can be show to my students. Understand reflective teaching, continually questions my assumptions, and beliefs not only about teaching but why I am doing what I am doing. Ideas from (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995) and (Hardin, 2012)

My philosophy of classroom management: Within the first week of school my expectations will be discussed and agreed upon with the students. i.e. social contracts

This is then monitored daily and reviewed each grading period. Lesson plans are designed to keep students engaged for continuous improvement. Trying hard to keep waiting or "down time" to a minimum. Praise and encouragement must be used frequently as a form of feedback Verbal and nonverbal cues and support, are used as needed to keep students engaged and learning. The use of positive rewards of appropriate behavior can also help with proactive management. Whenever possible, positive contact with home will be made prior to a negative call or disciplinary action. Ideas from (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995), (Brophy) and (Hardin, 2012)

My goals of classroom management: My goal of classroom management is to be an assertive teacher, with clear and firm expression of my need. Have positive attitudes and expectations of students and reflect this in my words and actions towards them. I also want to get to know my students, create a string relation with students and parents, and get involved with extracurriculars. All with the intention of forming close relationships with my students and their families. I will teach my students proper behaviors throughout the course of my class because it is the whats important. Stuff that teaches students what is appropriate and what is not; all helping not only in the classroom but in making life long choices. Ideas from lecture discussions. (ED 310 and ED 331, 2012)

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Organization of Physical Environment:

PE Cue Word Wall

White Board

Attendance board


Posters of motivation, rules, and consequence

Bulletin boards outside of the gym

Sample Visuals: PE cue word wall: As we learn different vocabulary and terminology in my classroom, we will put those words on to our PE cue word wall. Thus creating a place where students can visually see what it is step by spey they are supposed to be doing with specific skills. This will be a great way to help some of the other students on the spectrum of multiple intelligence. I will help me as well in the way that, if students have questions they can check the wall first. The cues will change as we change the units change. Lacrosse cues Punch the wall Tear it down Hand high Soft Accept the ball Both butts low Scoop To the head

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Motivational Posters:

Posters of classroom rules: CLASS ROOM RULE FOR MR. SCHOLL'S PE CLASS:

BE PREPARED ! ! -Wear the proper shoes -Wear the appropriate clothing -Change clothes! ! PLAY HARD! ! -Always participates with effort in all activities. -Demonstrate proper movement skills and concepts we are learning.

-Demonstrate proper concepts we are learning.! ! ! ! PLAY FAIR! -Follow to the rules/instructions of the activity -Always honest. -Everyone participates.! ! ! PLAY SAFE! -Avoid crashes. -Show spatial awareness -Personal space ! SHOW RESPECT! -Listen when teacher or peers are talking -Cooperate and show good sportsmanship. -Respect the equipment -Respect the gym and lockers rooms.

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Visuals of starting and stopping signals:

Clapping routine to get student attention

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The Look

Count down.

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Attendance Board:
All Student Magnets by number: All students will have an avatar and be giving and matching name space. when they get to class before they change they are to place their avatar in the present space. After every class the magnets will be returned their hour attendance board. In the GYM: As students enter the gym they are to move their magnet under the present category. This showing me that they are here, and then I can look through my attendance roster that will have matching avatars and see who is missing. Out of the Gym (using the bathroom, getting a drink or for ice): If they are leaving for a reason the students are to move their magnet if they are out of the gym. Meaning they are in the bathroom, office, locker room, or ice. Only two magnets are allowed at a time, and students will be able to go freely, as long as it is not a repeated thing leaving class, or if there are two magnets. Absent As the teacher I will move absent students magnets there once class begins; and their magnets are still located in their hours section of the gym the only way that magnets are to get moved from this section, is if I do so myself or verbally tell another student to do so..

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Healthy Choices Chart: This is more for a health standard but keeping my students healthy is my main mission here. Each student can earn healthy stars each day if i caught them making healthy choices. Some may be drinking water instead of pop, choosing an apple for a snack, of over the weekend they post on our blog site about something active they did. Once student fill their star chart, they can get a free choice for fun day!


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Katelyn Jason Kyleah Bri Thomas Jaquan

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Room arrangement narrative: Although, my class will be set up much different than a traditional classroom, I think it is important to allow maximum teacher movement within my set up. As well as, allowing good physical proximity from student to student, and student to teacher vantage point. I also believe it is important that the set up of my gym is warm, welcoming and safe for my students, considering it is a much larger space than students are traditionally use to. Also the way, in which I set up my gym will help with the flow from activity to activity. This means smoother transitions, as well it will be a centerpiece of how well my classroom management will flow. (Hardin, 2012) I also believe that with the posters and visual items I will place on my walls, I am allowing for a more proactive and responsible student environment. For example, with visuals such as the PE cue word wall, this is a great way for student to look back, and see what they may need to continually work on to preform the skill. I believe that this will also foster, good student to student communication about different skills in which students, enjoyed, struggled with or dont remember learning. Not only do I think it is important to include examples like this, of a cue word wall, I also think that posting starting/stopping signals and classroom rules are key. By posting these rules and signals students, have no way to fight or question what the correct behavior or in the gym is. This will also help student responsibility and independence, because if they have a question about one of these topics, they will have a firsthand resource prior to asking myself a question. I truly believe that the room arrangement, and the visuals I present to my students, will be a great influence to their ability to be proactive and host a positive classroom environment. The way a classrooms is wet up says a lot about a teacher and mine will

say we are safe, welcoming, and a fun environment. I want all my student to feel right at home in my gym.(Hardin, 2012)

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Organization of Social Environment: Classroom rules: Key rules: BE PREPARED ! ! -Wear the proper shoes -Wear the appropriate clothing -Change clothes! ! PLAY HARD! ! -Always participates with effort in all activities. -Demonstrate proper movement skills and concepts we are learning. -Demonstrate proper concepts we are learning.! ! ! PLAY FAIR! ! -Follow to the rules/instructions of the activity -Always honest. -Everyone participates.! ! ! PLAY SAFE! -Avoid crashes. -Show spatial awareness -Personal space ! SHOW RESPECT! -Listen when teacher or peers are talking -Cooperate and show good sportsmanship. -Respect the equipment -Respect the gym and lockers rooms.

How will rules be determined? Rules will be determined by the school district focus, and their expectations. As well as the expectation I have myself within my gym. Also students will be allowed to give input towards procedures and workable rules they see necessary and fit. Also rules will be adequate and appropriate, emphasizing self responsibility and independence. We will be using social contracts in my gym so all or most students can agree on the rules. (Hardin, 2012) How will you communicated these rules to students, parents and administrators? With students: in communicating the rules, and procedures to the students, I will start by implementing and explaining the set rules the first day of class. Following the first day of class, I will continue to reiterate the importance of these rules, and procedures by practicing them daily with the students. I will also allow students to take a handout of these rules/expectations for themselves, along with a copy for their parents. on the second day will will create our social contracts. Finally these rules will be posted outside of the gymnasium, as well as inside the gymnasium. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995) With parents: to communicate the rules and procedures with parents and guardians, I will first host an open house prior to the first day of school, allowing for parents to visit the gym, and meet with me. As well as obtain pertinent information for their students. For example, the classroom rules for our gym. As well I will send out monthly newsletters keeping parents informed in rule changes, if any, and student updates, and community events. (Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T., 2009 ). With administrators: sharing rules and procedures with administrators will be very similar to how I will share this information with parents. First I will show the administration my set of rules, in the hopes that they agree and are ok with my thoughts. Once they show approval of these rules, I will then keep them in the loop by, inviting them to visit the gym, meet with me, or obtain pertinent information at their request. As well I will send out monthly newsletters keeping administrators informed in rule changes, if any, student updates, and community events. (Hardin, 2012)

Will you have them written down somewhere? These rules will be posted inside the gymnasium as well as in the locker rooms. In the locker rooms we will have the expectations of the how you are to act in the locker room. I will be sure after we have all the expected rules set we will send out the rules of each class out in the P.E. newsletter so the teacher parents relation can be

connected. The rules again will be decided by each class as well as myself. I will also encourage parents to contact me with any question vie email or at our open house.

Classroom procedures: How will you structure activities and lessons? I will start structuring my lessons and activities, by creating a yearly block plan. Off from that block plan, I will then break it down into units. From the units I will create individual lesson plans that include a beginning, middle and end at the wend of all my units we all have an assessments bringing the whole unit together. Just because this is gym class does not mean we aren't learning. Some of the main components from my lesson plans are introduction, anticipatory set, fitness activity, warm up, guided practice, individual/group practice, applied activity, equipment clean up, review and closer. How will students turn in homework? Even though this is PE and historically we do not have home work in PE class. We will have all sorts of home to turn in. Students will have self assessments of their skills as well as work sheets on tactics and rules of games that we play in class. They will also have reflections on the benefits of different fitness activities that we have been doing. I will be collecting most all the home work by hand and then each hour will have their own file organizer where I will place the home work to keep it organized till I grade them and hand them back.

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How will you inform students of deadlines? Students will be informed of deadlines in advance prior to the given assignment, but reminders on the white board but I will remind them before and after class in their attendance lines. As well students will also be handed a syllabus the first day of class which will have all important dates and assignments listed on it.

How will students ask for help? Students in my class, can always ask for help, whether it be during class by raising their hands, after school, lunch, before school, or during my prep period. I want to have an open relationship with all of my students, and I want them to feel comfortable, coming to me and asking any question that they might need help with. Whether it be in a PE class or a health class students will have question, they need to be able to ask any question. I would like an office that is outside of the locker so that my office can be accessible by all students easily. How will you get the classes attention? There are a few ways in which I plan to get the attention of my students. The first will be my whistle. I have a very unique whistle that is very loud, when my students hear the whistle they will know that they need to stop what they are doing and pay attention. As well, I will use a clapping pattern to gain students attention. I will clap a pattern or a rhythm and expect students to respond, clapping the same pattern/rhythm until they entire class is quiet. Finally I will use the high 5 technique to get student to quiet down, I will raise my hand, and then slowly count down from five until I only have one finger left up. By that time students, should raise their hands and be quiet, until everyone else in the class is doing it. (COE, 2013 group seminar) How will you structure transition times? I will structure transition time by, planning lessons and how I group my students around our activities, so that we have smaller, smooth transitions. I need to think out where students will be in the gym, what activities can lead into other activities and what equipment is needed, prior to each lesson. So when transition times come, I can move students from one activity to another with ease and max participation time. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995)

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Rule and Procedures Narrative: There are several reasons as to why I have chosen these rules and procedures but within my teaching philosophy, I feel truly believe in sharing the control, sharing the thinking, balancing consequences with empathy and maintain self concepts as keys to success when dealing with important rules and procedures. When creating these rules and procedures, I truly want to instill independence and a shared responsibility with my students. (Hardin, 2012) By explaining and setting expectations high the very first day students walk into my gym, I am showing them the appropriate behaviors, and allowing them to take responsibility for themselves. (Brophy) Just as Love and Logic believes it is important to have three basic rules: use enforceable limits, provide choices within limits, and apply consequences with empathy. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995) I believe that most if not all of my rules follow all three of these basic rules. I hope to instill these rules, which allow enforceable limits, as to what are desired behaviors. As well I provide choices for students, forcing them to think about what they did wrong, what they wanted to achieve and how they are going to change it taking on responsibility on their own to change and understand their behaviors. As well, my rules provide choices within limits. Since most people have a need for control, by allowing students to take some of the control over what their choices are, I as a teacher am able to continue teaching while the student takes on the control for their actions. As well, I am wasting less time, arguing or creating power struggles with students and allow for

smooth transitions in between behavioral issues. This will also help students to see that I am a reasonable teacher. Only taking direct action when it is necessary and that my main goal is to help my students take responsibility and succeed. (Wisneski, 2000) Finally, I believe it is important to apply consequence with empathy because without empathy students will not understand or see results from consequences. First and foremost, students will listen and apply the consequence to its action with more understanding if we speak and show empathy. If we do not use empathy in our behavior we might cause a power struggle between ourselves and our students, allowing students to choose an angry approach to the situation rather than an understanding one. Consequence + Empathy= Learning. Overall I believe that by creating my own rules, yet still basing them on Fay and Funks three basic rules I am creating a strong and effective way to organize the social environment in my gym. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995)

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Classroom Incentives:
Classroom system for encouraging positive behavior: I believe that giving students jobs and a role in class is great way to encourage responsibility, positive behaviors, and cooperation among classmates. To ensure that students are supported and encouraged to behave in a positive ways are answered within the following questions. How will you support students individually and as a group? To be a support system for my students, I will first and foremost be available during and after classes, as well as after school for students to talk too. With students being able to bring up issues that they might have with what I am teaching, how I am teaching, issues with peers in class or just any issue they want someone to talk to. I want students to see me a trusting figure in which they can come to with any issues. As well I will tailor and adapted what I am a teaching to the needs of my students. I want all students to feel safe, and strive for their best. A great part about my class is teaching cooperating with each other is a standard. I will start my seaters with a team building unit every year so that I can form a environment where students feel comfortable with one another. So by supporting students in the way of modifications, differentiation and a variety of psychomotor, affective and cognitive activities I believe I will accomplish just that. (Hardin, 2012) By doing this, I am allowing each student to feel supported as individuals and as a group. Whether it is in the classroom or outside of the classroom. I also think by incorporating jobs that students are held accountable for such as, custodian, equipment managers, attendance board checkers, line leaders, captains, stretch leaders, excreta students will learn to support and respect each other and the benefits each student brings to the gym! (Musti-Rao, S., & Haydon, T., 2011) How will you ensure that your incentive system is fair to all students (of different learning styles; cultures; abilities, etc.)? To ensure that all students see my incentive system as fair, I believe it is important that students have a say in the type of incentives they see fit. (Hardin, 2012) I also believe that as a teacher even before I create an incentive system, I need to get to know my students. Setting up a basic incentive system at first I believe is ok, with things such as the star chat, as shown in my visuals for my gym. I will also allow for all students to have a part in the incentives process. As well by creating jobs for students to

participate in if they are exhibiting positive behavior, I believe allows for each student to feel valued and respected. I think by getting to know my students, I am allowing myself the ability to find out what incentives work for each individual. Here are some example incentives: (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995).

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Student Rewards
1. P.E. Give a ways 2. Student of the month award 3. P.E. All-Star Club 4. Health All-Star. 5. Team work All-star 6. Sportsmanship All-star (Massie,.2012).

How will you teach this system to your students:

Provide effective, enjoyable instructional programs of physical education, for all

! Offer programs that meet the needs of special populations. ! !

students during non-school hours and vacations

students based on a written curriculum consistent with national standards for physical education.

Provide teachers with in physical activity, promotion school wide competencies in P.E. Make sure indoor and outdoor facilities are adequate, clean, and safe and open to

! Incorporation of cross curricular programming. ! Develop and enforce policies that support physical education. ! Secure adequate funds to provide enough equipment for every student to participate. !
Create an environment that supports physical activity as part of a coordinated school

health program.

Involve families and communities in the promotion of physical activity.

! (Wooley, S. F.1998). ! ! ! ! !

What steps will you take to increase the likelihood that students, parents and administrators will partner with you for this system? I believe by keeping them involved and up to date, hosting observations, open houses and sending out newsletter, parents and administrators will up to date, and interested in partnering and participating in our PE program. I also think by, advocating for physical education classes and after-school programs that are attractive to all students will also be encouraging to administrators to support activities that promote lifelong physical fitness, for all community members.( Hardin, 2012) I want to not only be the person people go to in the school when it comes to a question about any physical activity, I want to be the person in the community. One way that I will make this happen is by starting an after school program for families to come in and be involved in some of the activities we are doing in class. I want my students to encourage their parents to become physically active as well.

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Does your system require certain items? Do these items cost money? How will you provide these items? My system requires small items, such as posters, newsletter, space to hold open houses and observations. As well I will need community, or PTO support to raise money to provide funds for these certain events, like field trips or nutrition days. There are so many government grants as well as individual corporations that give out grants. I feel applying for these grants is a great way to help fund for items we might want in our P.E. program. As well as, donations and sponsors to support my idea of childrens sports and recreation programs within the community.

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Classroom incentive narrative: When dealing with classroom incentives and physical education, I believe it is hard to keep incentives consistent and relevant to students, when I only see them possible one or two days a week. I do not want my incentives to start looking like trophies. I worry that for some of the athletes will start to win the incentives more often. I will have to make sure that I am staying aware of who is winning and who may not be winning. I want all my students to feel that they can win those awards at any time. With that in mind, I still believe that the number one incentive to getting students to act positively and participate is by, giving student jobs. I think this is a great way to encourage responsibility, positive behaviors, and cooperation among classmates. I also believe that as a teacher, even before I create an incentive system, I need to get to know my students. Setting up a basic incentive system for me is the first step, things such as the Healthy Choice Chart, as shown in my visuals above. As well by creating certain jobs for students to participate in, if they exhibit positive behavior will also be a way to get to know students, see their work ethic, and provide incentives. I think by getting to know my students, I am allowing myself the ability to find out what incentives work for each individual. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995) I also think by incorporating behavior modification through incentives like these, I can and should be an effective part of the technique. This technique is one in which, deals with students that truly need the reinforcement help. Not only from me, but it can come from other students as we work through the semester. In choosing favored behaviors, rather than continuing

undesired behaviors i feel we can help a stunt who might be having issues in my classes. (Hardin, 2012) If these behavioral reinforcements are used throughout class, I will see an increase in the likelihood of desired behaviors, leaving the undesired behaviors to decrease. (Hardin, 2012) Reinforcements are one of the most powerful tools and can be used not only to teach new behaviors and change current behaviors but to also condition behaviors into your students. (Hardin, 2012)

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Responding to disruptive behavior

Define disruptive behavior: Disruptive behavior is when a students ability to learn, participate positively, or feel safe has been affected in a negative way under my instruction. Action steps for responding to disruptive behavior (list and explain the steps) Consider: How many warnings will a student get? Students will get a total of 1 warning, break check, and then finally referral to the office. (Fay and Funk.,1995). 1. The first time students will hear: What are you doing? Why are you doing this? How are we going to fix it?

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How will the student see your follow through? Student will see the follow through with this response to disruptive behavior, because I will keep these 4 responses consistent. I will also stay consistent with what I believe is truly a disruptive behavior. I want students to feel like I respond the same way too disruptive behaviors and that I stay consistent with what I believe is classified as a disruptive behavior. (Fay and Funk.,1995). How will you handle a situation with an individual student within a group? When dealing with a disruptive student in a group, I will first address the whole group with general feedback. Following the general feedback if that does not change the behavior of the disruptive student, I will pull the student aside after class or during a transition to ask about the behavior. I will allow them to change the behavior or come up with a way to change it before we look into disciplinary actions. By pulling the student aside I feel like I am not causing embarrassment for the student and by not disciplining right away, I am also allow for independence and trust between the student and I. (Hardin, 2012) (Musti-Rao, S and Haydon, T, 2011) How will you handle a problematic group situation? When dealing with a disruptive group of students, I will first address the whole class with general feedback. Telling the class that I have been disappointed in a certain behavior and see if that changes anything. Following the general feedback if that does not change the behavior of the disruptive group, I will pull the students aside after class or during a transition to ask about the behavior. I will allow them to change the behavior or come up with a way to change it before we look into disciplinary actions. By pulling them aside I feel like I am not causing embarrassment for the entire group and by not disciplining right away, I am also allow for independence and trust between the students and I. (Hardin, 2012) (Musti-Rao, S and Haydon, T, 2011) Do you involve the parents? If so, at what point? I believe that parents should always be involved. Whether it be in sharing positive behaviors from their students, as well as the negative aspect in student behavior. I believe that after the warning, and a time out related to dealing with the disruptive student, parents are the third step right before administrators. Maybe just a phone call home will change the behavior, or possibly a meeting with the parent, student and myself well help curve the behavior. I truly think parents are a vital role in how successful our students are. (Fay and Funk.,1995). Do you involve an administrator? If so, at what point? I believe that administrators are the very last step in dealing with behavioral or disruptive students. Once you have meet with parents and they are aware of the issue, if things do not change, this is when you involve that administrator. Whether it just is an observation of the student and their behavior to see what ideas the administrator has in regards to curving it, or an actual sit down meeting with them including myself and the student.

What are students rights? I believe students have the right to question me i a respectful manner as well as the what, and why, things are happening. As well as to create alternatives for themselves in the type of activity they participate in, as well as the way they choose to change and deal with behavioral issues. We as a class will discuss what they feel there rights are. Because once a students feels his or her rights have been taken away the intended request from the students will be hard to come by. (Fay, J., & Funk, D., 1995) I also believe that these are students rights:

Always try to do their best work. Be kind and helpful to classmates. Show respect for themselves, their school, and other people. Obey classroom, school, and bus rules.

Show respect for property and equipment. Come to school prepared with homework and supplies. Believe that they can and will learn. Talk with their parents each day about my school activities."

What are teachers rights?

As teachers we also have the right to question the, what and why, whether it be when teaching, asking about student behavior and even questions our own philosophies and teaching strategies. I want my students to have a say in what they think my rights are in a classroom. I also think that teachers have the right and must:

Show respect for each child and for his or her family. Make efficient use of learning time. Provide a safe and comfortable environment that's conducive to learning. Help each child grow to his or her fullest potential. Provide necessary assistance to parents so they can help with assignments.

Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently. Supply students and parents with clear evaluations of progress and achievement. Use special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable. Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude.

(Starr, 2010)"

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Disruptive behavior response narrative: The reason that I have chosen the steps, which I have in dealing with disruptive behavior, fall heavily on Fay and Funks believes. As well as, personal experience in which I have found to be successful in dealing with disruptive behavior. The biggest thing that I have continually struggled with and noticed, when I have had to deal with issues such as behavior, is in creating a power struggle. Most of the techniques and strategies I used give students a lot of choice in changing their behavior, or at least taking time to think about the situation.Rather than arguing and fighting with the student, thus creating the power struggle. I first believe that students should be clearly informed at the beginning of the year, class or semester of rules and expectations. (Hardin, 2012) Going along with this I think that once students create an infraction of these rules, it should be immediately brought to the students attention. A consequence or punishment for me is not the answer right way, but the infraction must be brought to the students attention so they have time to think about their actions. According to our book Love and Logic, one should make the consequences as close to the time and place of the infraction as possible. (Faye and Funk, 1995) This gives the child opportunity to be involved in a solution to the problem through decision making. Its important to include students in their disciplinary actions, allowing them to feel empowered. Students learn to resolve their problems and feel positive about their choices. Not only do I think students should be addressed for their disruptive behaviors,

I also think students need to be praised for good behavior. I truly believe that giving praise to students, who have a history of disruptive behavior, will help encourage the wanted positive behavior. By praising students it will also help to reinforce positive behaviors instead of focusing on the unwanted behaviors. Using praise to improve student behavior can be particularly effective in working to improve the behavior outcomes of all students. I believe that all students have the right to understand the why in actions, and consequence we as teacher are giving to them. With these steps for dealing with behavior disruptions in which I have created, I hope that students will more clearly understand that why and take actions for changing their behavior into their own hands.

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Building community What will community mean in your classroom? For me having a community in my gym with my students means, I create a positive climate for all individuals. This will be a place where teachers and students feel respected. (Fay and Funk.,1995). (Hardin, 2010) As well students ability and efforts will be praised and recognized, creating a place where every students feels, important and belongs. I want to be an open place for the community, family members and friends to come, visit and be a part of my classroom. The word RESPECT will put up on the wall of my gym representing the meaning of community to my class. ( ED. 331) This poster will be placed in varies places in my the gym as well as locker rooms.

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and HAVE FUN while in class

How will you foster a sense of community in your classroom? I think the best way to foster a sense of community into my classroom; will be to build trust and relationships between myself and my students. As well as with their parents, but not only do I want to have these relationships among students and their parents, I also want to enable students to have these relationships between themselves and their peers, as well we their parents. To do this, I think it is appropriate that students share needs, wants and concerns, not only with my but each other. I feel that it is important that parents are also involved in this process by coming to visit, reading news letter and helping with community sponsored events. As well, connecting in other ways, such as a phone calls, letters or notes sent home. (Fay and Funk.,1995). (Hardin, 2010) I will also try to get an email addresses or phone number for more immediate communication. I think that while in creating a sense of community within my class, there are steps that need to occur. I think students need to build community through first understand themselves, their background and their beliefs. (Rimmer, 1989) Following this I think students need to build community with others around them with familiar backgrounds, beliefs and goals. Finally, I think it important to build community through trust. By having a trust based relationship, all students, whether they are from the same background with similar beliefs or are from completely different backgrounds can grow together and support each other through community. What role will the students and perhaps parents have in nurturing this sense of community? First and most importantly, students will play the biggest role in making sure that community is fostered within the gym. Students need to make sure that like stated above they are showing RESPECT. R- being responsible for themselves and their choices, E- giving there best effort, S- safety for self and others, P- Being prepared for class, E- showing enthusiasm when participating in all activities, C- challenging themselves in my classes, T- being a team player. I believe that if students push these traits, there will be a sense of community within my classes. As for parents they need to be supportive to their students outside of the classroom, whether it is at home or at community wide events. I understand that i some communities parents involvement can be very hard, but i feel pushing the need for a strong community will facilitate in the building of a strong community feel. As well it is important that they show their support within the classroom, helping student with assignments, coming to field days, helping out in the gym, or just coming to observe. With support from the parents, students will understand and hopefully be able to use their parents as role models in participating in nurturing this sense of community in their own classes. (Fay and Funk.,1995). (Hardin, 2010). ( ED. 331).

Community communication: o Attached is an example of a letter that could be sent home to parents during the first week of school, as well as a parental consent form that parents must sign and return home. BELOW


Perry Middle
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Physical Education

Parent/Guardian Information Packet 2013

! ! ! ! ! ! Dear Parent/ Guardian: !

Welcome to an exciting new school year at Perry Middle and to the Physical Education program. Physical Education is an integral and essential component of the education of youth today. Springfield prides itself on an extensive Physical Education program that offers a variety of activities for Kindergarten through 5th grade students. Our program meets and exceeds all the National Standards established for Physical Education (NASPE). As well as the content standards set by our state of Michigan Department of Education.

Our goal is to promote lifelong physical activity by equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead health enhancing lifestyles. The students will participate in a multitude of physical activities including sports, dance, fitness activities, outdoor adventure, and recreational games. They will learn these and other activities in and through three different domains. They are the psychomotor (movement) domain, the cognitive (rules, guidelines, information) domain, and the affective (personal and social behavior/responsibility) domain. These three domains together compile the necessary aspects of developing a well-rounded, physically active individual.

We are looking forward to an exciting year full of physical activity, personal challenges and accomplishments, and the opportunity of learning for every student enrolled in each of our physical education classes. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns that may arise during the course of the year. We look forward to a great year and an opportunity to work with your child.

! Sincerely, ! CJ Scholl ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !



Student Name _______________________________________________ Date of Birth ________/________/____________ Home Address Street:_____________________________________________________Apt #_________ City:_________________________________State:_________________Zip:__________ Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # Cell Phone # (_______) _______ - ______________ (_______) _______ - ______________

Work Phone # (_______) _______ - ______________ Alt. Phone # (_______) _______ - ______________

In Case of an emergency, contact: _______________________________________________________________________ His/Her Relationship to you: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # Alt. Phone # (_______) _______ - ______________ (_______) _______ - ______________

Medical History: check all that apply Asthma Diabetes Dizziness Headaches Depression/Anxiety Lung Problems Balance Problems Shortness of Breath Kidney/Bladder Problems Heart Disease Fatigue Frequent Nausea/Vomiting

Allergies Please list _______________________________________________ Current Medications ________________________________________________ Past injuries to be concerned about:________________________________________ Special Concerns: ____________________________________________________________________

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Athletic Informed Consent Form

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Perry Middle provides students with the opportunity to participate in physical education classes and extra-curricular athletic teams. These courses and sports require students to be in good physical shape and condition. Students are expected to participate in strenuous activities that demand physical strength and endurance. While participating in a class activity or extra-curricular sport, the risk of injury is high, and students injuries could result in broken bones, partial or total paralysis, or even death. Because of the possibility of serious or catastrophic injury or death and the risks involved, students must have a parent or guardian consent to their participation in a physical education class and/or extra-curricular athletic team. By signing below, students and parents/guardians release Springfield Elementary employees, the Springfield Executive School Council, and the Governing Board of Springfield Educational Services from any claim of negligence and from any liability arising from claims for damages for injury to our son/daughter and any claims for loss of or damage to his/her property which may arise out of his/her participation in a physical education class and/or extra-curricular athletic team.

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Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______

Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______

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! Expectations for Success !

Physical Education Expectations and Policies

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Students will: Dress appropriately for activities active wear and tennis shoes Participate in skills/games every day. Medical circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis. Respect self and during physical activity settings. Work together and interact with each other during partner and group activities. Use equipment properly and behave in a manner that is appropriate for specific activities while using the gymnasium facility. This behavior should also be exhibited when using the locker rooms. Make goals at the beginning of the year and work toward achieving those goals throughout the year. Apply what they have learned by completing skill and written tests. Have fun and take away the knowledge and skills they have obtained and apply them to their daily lives!

Classroom Policies/Procedures

As students enter the gym they will immediately begin their warm-up which will be located on the white board. Gum, candy, or food of any kind is not permitted in the gym during class. Water bottles may be used, but students will have opportunities to use the drinking fountains. Management Procedures o Whistle- students will stop and listen for the next set of directions o When I say go- students will wait for the go signal before beginning any activity Behavioral Issues o The student handbook will be followed when determining consequences for misbehavior.


Students will be assessed in all three domains of learning; psychomotor, cognitive, and affective. The class will weigh heavily on the psychomotor which

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will represent 50% of the grade, the cognitive learning will make up 40%, and the affective will make up the remaining 10%. Students will be assessed on the performance of various skills learned in class using skill specific rubrics. Assessment will not focus on how well they can perform the skill, but if they properly adhere to the appropriate cues as learned in class. There will be various methods used to assess student knowledge and performance of a specific sport and/or activity. Methods include, but not limited to; written evaluations and performance evaluations. All performance assessments will be based off of specific criterion related to the sport being learned. Rubrics will be used for this purpose. This will be discussed more in depth at the appropriate time. Lastly, although participation is an important part of learning, it will be worth the smallest amount of points in regards to total criteria assessed.

Building community narrative: Building community is one of the biggest and most important aspects. I really feel with a strong community comes strong individuals. The power of professional development and building community is crucial because, powerful professional development can transform schools and your gymnasium into places in which all adults and students are, deeply engaged in learning, and making lifelong decisions. Many P.E. programs get very little respect in the schools let alone the community. it will be very hard to change the view of P.E. class in general but starting by getting parents involved will help the greatest. This will require me to be constantly improving myself with a variety of professional development opportunities as well as community involvement opportunities. By knowing and staying active in the community and with other physical educators you are giving my students the skills, knowledge and an attitude to strive to become the best they can be. (Hardin, 2012) (Fay and Funk, 1995) There are many different professional development opportunities out there, I need to make sure i keep the passion and fire to stay involved, I am a life long learner. With all of this is mind, students are really the ones being affected by professional development. If you can keep them motivated, active and understand how they learn, you are going to create highly educated and skills students. As well by building community, you as a teacher are able to evaluate interactions with students and parents, evaluate the curriculum, change to be a better problem solver, and create a classroom where students value each other and work hard together. (Hardin, 2012) You are also, forming positive relationship with students, parents, co-works and many others, in which foster respect, care, and understanding for what you are trying to teach and accomplish. By doing this, you are creating higher motivational levels, strong commitment from students and parents, a better understanding of your subject area, and finally you are instilling support for what you are all about. (Hardin, 2012) Without community and the support for physical education, in hopes to better our childrens life long goals and health needs, I honestly do not believe that physical education would be as well understood or appreciated.

Work Cited Page Bear, G. G. (1998). School Discipline in the United States: Prevention, Correction and LongTerm Social Development. The School Psychology Review, 27(1), 1-20. Brophy, J. Classroom Management as Socializing Students into Clearly Articulated Roles. Journal of Classroom Interaction,33(1), 41-45. COE Classes, fall 2013. Grand valley State University Fay, J., & Funk, D. (1995). Teaching with Love & Logic Taking Control of the Classroom. Golden, CO: Love and Logic Press. Hardin, C. J. (2012). Effective Classroom Management (Third ed.). Boston, MA: Person Education. Massie, . (2012). "Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships: Educational Excellence for Every Child, Every Day!". In Charles City Elementary School . Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Musti-Rao, S., & Haydon, T. (2011, July 29). Strategies to Increase Behavior-Specific teacher Praise in an Inclusive Environment. In Intervention In School and Clinic. Retrieved October 27, 2012, from Rimmer, J. H. (1989, May). Confrontation In The Gym. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 60(5), 63-65. Starr, L. (2010, July 20). Creating A Climate for Learning. In Education World . Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Sullivan, . (2012). Physical Education Department Rules and Expectations. In Paxton Central High . Retrieved November 26, 2012 Wisneski, D. B. (2000). Hatching Butterflies and Other Mysteries: A Story of a Teacher Learning to "Let Go" (pp. 29-33). Austin, TX: Human Sciences Press. Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009 ). First days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K Wong Publications Wooley, S. F. (1998). Action Steps for Implementing Physical Education . In Concept to Action . Retrieved November 26, 2012, from concept/actions_physed.asp

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