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Indian Honour System

The Indian Honour System is primarily recognized by India Government. The Indian honour system is broadly classified in four types Leadership awards Gandhi Peace Prize Civilian Awards Bharat Ratna Padma Awards Padma Vibhushan Padma Bhushan Padma Sri Particular Awards National Sport Awards Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Arjuna Awards Dronacharya Award Dhyan Chand Award National Film Awards Police Medals National Bravery Awards Patriotic awards Wartime Gallantry Awards Param Vir Chakra Maha Vir Chakra Vir Chakra Peacetime Gallantry Awards Ashok Chakra Award Kirti Chakra Shaurya Chakra The International Gandhi Peace Prize Awarded annually by The Government of India First awarded in 1995 Given to individuals and institutions for their contributions towards social, economic and political transformation through non-violence and other Gandhian methods

The award carries Rs. 10 million in cash, convertible in any currency in the world, a plaque and a citation Open to all regardless of nationality, race, creed or sex The Jury: o Prime Minister of India o Leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha o The Chief Justice of India o Two other eminent persons First awardee: Julius Nyerere, First President of Tanzania (1995) Last awardee: Chandi Prasad Bhatt, India, Environmentalist, socialist and pioneer of Chipko movement(2013) In the year 2000, the award is given jointly to Nelson Mandela(South Africa) and Grameen Bank (Bangladesh)

Bharat Ratna A

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